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Re: January fish thread [Tom_hampton]
12 mi run, 475 yd swim. (No minimum swim distance in my totals - if I set one, I probably wouldn't bother with these little short swims, and I honestly think they help. More is more!)

very tired after traveling from 8:15 am to 9:30 pm yesterday, did not actually want to work out at all, but the marathon training plan had a 12 mile run on it so off I went figuring "I will run for at least half an hour for the 100/100".

3 x [100 swim + 50 kick]
25 kick c/d

Jan. swims = 6
runs/total days/swims = 29/30/16

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Jan 13, 19 16:59

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  • Post edited by Dr. Tigerchik (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 13, 19 16:59