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Re: T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024) [monty]
monty wrote:
"great money from the new ironman series, literally as much as the PTO one" Well no.//
Not sure why you cherry picked certain places to make an argument against me, my statement was an overall $$ one. Think if you look at the winner of the ironman series, it will stack up pretty nice in the grand scheme of top earners this year.

And if what you say is true(will stipulate to your math and research, thanks), then that just means more folks will make some money vs just the top taking most in the PTO series. I see that complaint a lot, and in this thread even, so there is that.
Sorry @Monty your line is dead right. I was using your "literally as much as" comparison to share the difference between the earnings available. Last year, one or a few top twenty athletes swept in and scooped the podium winnings (Long, Sanders and fellow US travellers for example) on 70.3s. This year the top twenty will be all in on T100 and the next few on IM Series, and thus there'll be shedloads of races where the #40+ ranked athletes can travel, race, take wins, make podia, and make money.
Win; win; win.
Cherry picking: "look at the winner of the ironman series" If an athlete can win the IMWC, the 70.3WC and 3 more Series races and thus win the IM Series they might win $455k (we're talking Ryf at the top of her game (?2017)). Second in everything wins $277k;
Third in everything wins $184k.

If a T100 athlete won her 6 races she would win $455.
So as you say "literally the same" for the winner (on those unlikely performance/results assumptions). However T100 2nd in all 6 and series: $336k, 3rd = $262k.
I suggest there's going to be some doubling up for the IM capable and aspirational athletes. Managing the load will be a serious challenge: I just hope their bodies can take it so that they're racing come the T100 Grand Final and TaupĹŤ.

Last edited by: Ajax Bay: Feb 5, 24 9:26

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  • Post edited by Ajax Bay (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 5, 24 9:26