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Re: Aging: day after a hard day... [vonschnapps]
vonschnapps wrote:
LOL, you kids are something else….when I was your age….

I’ve found that nutrition, recovery, and consistency, are the key to feeling good during a workout. To that end my Garmin watch surprisingly provides great information on my recovery and training readiness. Nutrition is a little bit trickier, especially now since I’m trying to get down to an aggressive race weight for next season (plus taking in more protein). Of all the things, for me when I forget extra protein, the next days workout is really flat.

thanks? But, I don't know how that helps with the question I'm asking. I'm not complaining about an inability to recover, nor was I asking for nutrition advise. If anything, quite the opposite, but in ways that are different than when I was younger.

What I'm asking about a delay in the onset of fatigue after a long/hard workout (2-3 hour long run, or a 90-120min interval session, etc) of 24-48 hours, such that I "could" complete a second workout of some type in that 24-ish hr window.

for example, my current schedule looks something like this (I'm a pure runner these days):

Mon: 6 mi easy
Tue: 12 mi with 8 miles of 5% grade hill repeats @ 10km pace
Wed: 6 mi easy
Thu: 12-14 mi sometimes with about 6 miles of 1-2 mile repeats (3x2mi or 6x1mi or 2x3mi @ 10km pace)
Fri: 6 mi easy
Sat: 15-20 mile easy
Sun: various (could be off, could be 2-4 mi recovery, could be 10-12 mi easy)

Normally, Sunday would be 100% off...its filler for the 100/100s...right now.

What I'm experiencing is that Wed/Fri/Sun I often feel much better than I expect to based on the workout the previous day. So, I'm wondering if there is some way to "stack" things to make use of that "next day window". Perhaps?

Mon: 6 mi easy
Tue: 12 mi with 8 miles of 5% grade hill repeats @ 10km pace
Wed: 10 mi easy (maybe with 2x3mi @ HM pace?)
Thu: 6 mi easy
Fri: 12 mi sometimes with about 6 miles of 1-2 mile repeats (3x2mi or 6x1mi or 2x3mi @ 10km pace)
Sat: 15-20 mile easy
Sun: various (could be off, could be 2-4 mi recovery)

I'm sure that would need some tweaking, I mostly just rearranged the first week above. Wed might need to just be all easy, or something.

I mean I guess I can just try it, and see. I was just curious if others had experienced similar...and, had already tried to make some use of it?

FWIW: I find Garmin metrics to be absolute SHIT. I mean honestly, it gives me recovery times of 4 days, and never things I should even do a workout (constant suggestion to rest). Just trash for me, worthless.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Feb 13, 24 6:59

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 13, 24 6:51
  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 13, 24 6:59