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Re: Tri-Vets} You've been there, done that, and now __________ [Hydrosloth]
Hydrosloth wrote:

What are 3 things you no longer do as a triathlete?

There's probably lots, but the first that comes to mind:
  • Shave my legs.

  • Plan very far ahead. Once, there was always races I wanted to do. I always used to have numerous triathlons on my race calendar, peaking at 20 tris one year.

  • Cycle year round. In days of yore, I'd think nothing of resuming my weekly long ride a week after IM. Usually 160km to 200km followed by a run. The last couple of years, I'd reassemble my bike that had been boxed for 10 months, take it for a spin on a Friday evening before doing a ODTri on the Sunday, then roll up to IM about 6 weeks later.

TL:DR. For much of my life these days, when it comes to triathlon, IDGAF.
Last edited by: satanellus: Feb 26, 24 23:13

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  • Post edited by satanellus (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 26, 24 23:13