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Re: T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024) [Engner66]
I don't think I agree with much of that. I think when you put 60 of the fastest athletes in the world and within 20s 48 of them are all coming out of the water together, you can't wag your finger at athletes and tell them to "make sure you aren't drafting". Hell I'm actually of the complete opposite viewpoint- I've always thought pro racing should shorten the rule book entirely and make all rpo racing "draft legal". But that's just my take on it when you have what we have now; we don't have "non draft" racing; we have legalized draft non-draft. So if we are only sorta going to go half in/half out on the actual "non draft", fuck it....just take out all the rules you can and make it draft legal. That imo makes far greater logical sense than this idea of giving penalties in situation when we dont even know if the athlete is or isn't in the damn draft zone. We are "eye balling it", lol? Thank god for race ranger as that seemingly is now the fix to that, atleast allows the athletes to better self-govern themselves.

I'm also suggesting draft legal because we are a very poorly officiated sport (no duh, we have a handful of officials on miles of real estate; shocking athletes cheat when not in front of an official....SHOCKING revelation). We want athletes to behave like golf where it's self monitored, but we truly only call fouls when it's done by the ref. When's the last pro that knew they cheated, seld called a foul on themselves? Yet that's essentially the protocol, but of course we don't because unless the ref calls it, you got away with it. So again makes no sense to have this complicated rulebook when you can't follow the rules.

So if your telling me ITU needs to go from draft legal to non-draft, hell to the no. Not in the current climate of miles of real estate and only handful of officials. Nah that ain't a better solution, hell no that aint. PTO's lack of officiating is already the one constant on just about any of the triathlon feeds right now. And I get it, less officiating controversy the better, but if your going to blantanly ignore calls, that's just as bad too.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Mar 2, 24 12:06

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 2, 24 12:06