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Re: Full IM Training Plan [Bumblebeetuna96]
Bumblebeetuna96 wrote:
Sorry to piggy back this. Has anyone found a more engaging training plan out there? I'm starting my 5th season and am looking for some fresh workouts. I've used 80/20 mostly. Last year I tried scientific triathlons semi coaching option. I've looked at some on trainingpeaks and nothing is jumping out at me. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, just gotten bored with the workouts in 80/20. Can't really afford coaching at the moment.

I am currently training for a spint tri using a plan from Mikael at Scietific Triathon and have been blow away with the plan, this is for experienced athletes and I cant recommend his plan enough, what did you not like about the plans?
Last edited by: pokey: Mar 6, 24 10:26

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  • Post edited by pokey (Lightning Ridge) on Mar 6, 24 10:26