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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [windywave]
The reason he may lose is the perception of several issues. Reality is not very relevant in voting and the Democrats have long had a problem moving people.

This is an issue decades in the making. There is not a sudden invasion. We have a shortage of low wage workers then refuse to create a workable solution for those who want to do those jobs.

Crime....it's up.
It's not. But people feel like it is. If we returned to the crime rates from the early 90's people would freak out. Presidents don't really do crime though. But they get the blame for it. https://counciloncj.org/...d-2023-crime-trends/

This is a giant fucking non-issue that is just the latest ginned up wedge issue. And it works. It is a sad commentary that people are so easily manipulated but here we are yet again. BTW - there are family changing rooms in an awful lot of situations where a 6 year old would be changing with an adult. Of course these same people would freak the hell out if a transgender man went to enter the women's locker room. People who focus on this should be smacked with a shovel. We are going to need a lot of shovels.

The world shot trillions and trillions of dollars into the air over several years. This is the least shocking bout of inflation in history. And we didn't experience an absolute crash when millions of people stopped working all at once so the cost seems pretty much worth it. But yeah, now we have to pay the piper.

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn't like this before him.
This statement ignores reality and pretends things are suddenly worse when they aren't. Like I said, people think some of these things are issues and reality does not matter, so it isn't like you are unique in your views.

You left off the biggest one. The dude is old. If he suddenly looked as vigorous as RFK Jr. it would be a walk.

I'm beginning to think that we are much more fucked than I thought.
Last edited by: j p o: Mar 22, 24 7:12

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  • Post edited by j p o (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 22, 24 7:12