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Re: Accountability thread: week of March 25 [Chowders]
Well done for being proactive with your rehab - you are doing what you can do. Hope the MRI is good news … but even if you find something that prolongs your recovery at least you can then take the best steps in light of new knowledge. Obviously it all feels a bit sh*t just now so hoping for better times ahead for you!

Thanks. I don't think I'll find out anything that prolongs the recovery. I'm fairly sure the worst case scenario is a tear. It'll be good to know, bc I've been in pain since late December. I'm hoping it's NOT torn - I have had that happen before, and I don't think the pain level was the same here. So I'm hopeful. But I'll be crushed if it is. Anyway I got the MRI scheduled for 4/5 and a follow up for 4/9 so at least it's on the calendar.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Mar 25, 24 13:59

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  • Post edited by Dr. Tigerchik (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 25, 24 13:59