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Re: Oceanside Livestream and Race Day Posts (6 April) [B_Doughtie]
Do you think that they're aren't showing the mess of men in those huge groups in order to not get criticism about the size of the men's field? or is it just logistics?

I'm surprised that the coverage hasn't improved all that much in terms of the camera focusing on the same butt for a long time. We don't know what's going on with such big fields other than the person on the screen and rarely panning up or back so we can see what's happening. Perhaps it's just the nature of being out on a single loop course where there's limiters for filming?

Frustrating not to be able to watch the battles in real time that were hyped up :(

Oceanside is such a staple race and they've been broadcasting from Oceansid for quite a few years. Wondering why Ironman hasn't figured this out?

Was looking forward to the Race Ranger impact, too. Good on them for seeing the firmware issue and not rolling out before it was ready. But, dang, it would be really interesting to see the data with these massive fields
Last edited by: triproftri: Apr 6, 24 8:06

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  • Post edited by triproftri (Big Pines) on Apr 6, 24 8:04
  • Post edited by triproftri (Big Pines) on Apr 6, 24 8:06