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Re: T100 Singapore [B_Doughtie]
B_Doughtie wrote:
It’s interesting all of these dynamics. You take a look at Wtcs. For the most part all the top athletes race most of the races. Sure every race in the top 20 will skip and they even build it into the rules to allow athletes to skip. Maybe it’s because the depth is so deep that it really doesn’t matter who skips, it’s always a stacked field.

T100 is paying athletes better money than federation stipends and you are seeing a portion of the pros basically showcase a rather interesting race schedule, Pto tells Wtcs athletes to focus on Paris and then they are racing other LC events before Paris. That’s some interesting drama imo.

So to point that t100 can’t bump up to 30 starters, they’ll just tighten the requirements to race next year. Wtcs and slt don’t fight for athletes, they for the most part work together and slt is more or less the “postseason all star” tour. But here IM and T100 are going to butt heads a ton and so I’ll be curious to see they pivot next year from t100. At some point the kids gloves will have to come off and force athleres to choose imo.

But at the same time if athletes racing all races end up with poor t100 scores, they’ll basically be filtered out next year anyways for likely athletes who are happy to go all in on t100 series (Wtcs athletes “graduating” out and/or 2 year non qualification Olympic period gives you some major flexibility).

"T100 is paying athletes better money than federation stipends and you are seeing a portion of the pros basically showcase a rather interesting race schedule,"WPRO:
After these first two T100 races (which had ?23 total 'misses', Miami 'cos early and Singapore 'cos unhealthy and distant) the average number of wildcards offered for the next 5 will average <4. Three of those 4 for SF and London will be the Olympians (crossing fingers for Spivey being picked and Duffy being fit enough btw). We should see all but one of the 17 other (contracted) there.
"PTO tells Wtcs athletes to focus on Paris and then they are racing other LC events before Paris. That’s some interesting drama imo." PTO "tell" 4 (of 40) athletes no such thing. They recognise the importance of the Olympics (on a number of levels) and construct a contract which enables top short course athletes to take part in the series. Blummenfelt refused ('cos Kona). Assume Iden too. Surprised they couldn't attract one of the French to take it. PTO have gone out of their way to avoid the 'our road or the high road'. Because it's not in their interests (they can have their cake and make sure the athletes can choose bread AND cake). So PTO can see the need for eg Knibb to validate: zero drama.

". . . t100 can’t bump up to 30 starters, they’ll just tighten the requirements to race next year." Not sure what you mean. Next year contracts will be offered to the athletes finishing top T100 ten; the next 6 ranked in the PTO rankings and 4 'hotshots' picked by PTO, at their sole discretion (no TRI direct involvement).

". . . IM and T100 are going to butt heads a ton . . . At some point the kids gloves will have to come off and force athletes to choose imo." Don't think they'll take that antagonistic approach.

Current contracted athletes will "be filtered out next year anyways for . . . WTCS athletes “graduating” out and/or 2 year non qualification Olympic period gives you some major flexibility)." The only way WTCS athletes are getting into T100 (contract) in 2025 is by racing draft illegal races in later 2024 to score excellent PTO Ranking points (so T100 wildcards or Taupo) to get into top 20 OR by being chosen by PTO as a 2025 'hotshot'.
Which current athletes who are top 30 WTCS might be in that frame? Spivey, Knibb and van Riel are contracted and I can see them being T100 top 10 to earn a contract. I can see both Norwegians being given 'hotshot' slots for 2025.

Any women?
Zaferes is strong enough on the bike but will she want to? GTB? Potter even? Go and look at the WPro WTCS rankings.
Candidates need to be bona fide cyclists (not wheel suckers) and have a decent run. Few make successful transition to middle/long distance top 15 (one a year, maybe). And they probably need to be aged 30 plus because otherwise they'll stay focused on short course and LA28.
Remarkably few who've had WTCS success in short course make the transition to success in middle/long distance top 15 (one a year, maybe; stats available (NB women))

Last edited by: Ajax Bay: Apr 10, 24 4:00

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