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Re: Ari On That Triathlon Hour [pk]
i would also think if javier would race badly and thought this was the best he had ,he would not finish the series and let somebody else race .


Would PTO let him not race though? Like it's what 3-5 races he's going to do, even if they are all "bad" does it really matter? Vs what they can kinda gain from having his name as part of the series build up. I mean we aren't talking about a Gomez actually keeping a real contender out are we? I mean by default being on 20 athletes in the races, your keeping some really really top talent. But if the top talent already gave a hard pass to the series- at some point PTO's kinda covering their own needs as well to fill out the race rosters.

(I didn’t take much offense he basically corrected himself when they referenced the “delusional” 2 mins after when they summarized he’s had a HoF career and now he’s 41 and sorta his career is long past dominating)

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Apr 9, 24 15:03

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 9, 24 15:03