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ThisIsIt wrote:
Biden in the throes of full blown dementia would be a better choice than a cognitively intact Trump.

This. Biden rambles on about utterly inconsequential stuff. Uncle Bosie or whatever. Truck driving. His smartest son EVAR.

Trump lies about the the American election system.

This is not a close call in a horse race between just those two.

Sure, the Biden stuff is concerning and could become more so. I'll take it all day over someone undermining America's most treasured institutions for purely personal gain.

As an aside while making fun of Biden for "Bosie" is fine, actual 2d Lt Ambrose J. Finnegan should get some more respect than he's been getting. He is a very real WII veteran, body never recovered.
Last edited by: trail: Apr 24, 24 13:53

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  • Post edited by trail (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 24, 24 13:53