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Re: T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024) [erbrown]
erbrown wrote:
I just pulled the trigger on that package for Las Vegas. You concerns are all valid and I'm definitely skeptical about how it will all come together, but I wanted a race around that timeline and it's a short flight from PDX.

The package really wasn't bad (for me), to stay close most hotels were more expensive than the package and I've had too many bad experience with Airbnb (and no group to warrant a full house for a few days). Fingers crossed it isn't a total cluster.

I doubt it will be a total cluster, although always possible. I'm just thinking thinking it will be closer to a local Olympic distance level of organization compared to Ironman. Volunteers will be stretched thin as they havent spent anytime lining them up yet.

Then I'm worried they are likely to rely on a ton of laps in that neighborhood to make up the course as I have seen no indication of work on longer distance road closures.

So ya, I'm thinking best case it's like local Olmypic. The fanfare with the pros will be fun, I hope.
Last edited by: Lurker4: May 7, 24 10:32

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  • Post edited by Lurker4 (Dawson Saddle) on May 7, 24 10:32