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The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun
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Alright folks. It's time.

2023-2024 100/100 Sign Ups are Available. For more details on this year's challenge, and to sign up, read the front page article here: https://www.slowtwitch.com/...is_Upon_Us_8848.html

2023-2024 100/100 will begin on December 1st.

Top level stuff:
--20 minute / 2 mile minimum
--New this year: two runs per day max, please (I can't actually limit it, so it's honor code, please)
--Random prizes awarded to runners who log at some point during the challenge on RSU.

How to Log on RunSignUp:
Easiest method.
  1. Go to https://runsignup.com/...ch100100RunChallenge
  2. Click on Results
  3. Click on Submit Virtual Results

Sign ups will remain active for a week after we start running.

And away we go.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
Last edited by: rrheisler: Dec 4, 23 4:05
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Got it. Heavy handed corporate takeover of grassroots event. How very.... Ironman.

I'm out.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Pulling out so early?

I'm waiting for the details before I decide.

There might be an opportunity for another finisher's medal or a towel.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [satanellus] [ In reply to ]
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satanellus wrote:
Pulling out so early?

I'm waiting for the details before I decide.

There might be an opportunity for another finisher's medal or a towel.
Go all in and get a Slowtwitch 100 Tattoo..
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [satanellus] [ In reply to ]
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These are the details that matter to me. I doubt they are going to change.


If ST leadership cares why, they are welcome to ask. I doubt they will.

I have a lot of personal, emotional investment in the challenge formerly known as the st 100/100 as implemented in the EJ log.

As the product offered by this entity, I can only vote with my clicks (or the lack thereof). So, that's what I will do.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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If Ryan and Eric Wynne want us to post about 100/100 on this thread that is fine.

So perhaps I can explain how we got here.

In 2006-07, I hosted a virtual camp with a number of friends around the world and posted about it here on ST. because Dan Empfield like the concept of virtual camps . I had friend around the world that we were training "together with" via email and an ST thread.

From that camp, during which I ran every day, I just kept running a minimum of 30 min per day to end of Jan. At that point I was at 42 days of running and figured I may as well do the first 50 day running streak of my life.

The problem is on the 50th day I had a 50km XC ski race in Lake Placid, so I jogged 30 min as a warmup before my ski race (because I knew I would be toast afterwards) and then proceeded to do the race (oh to be young and only 41 years old...I think I finished 12th overall in that race....)....got up the next day and just rolled out of bed and ran for the 51st day...and from there, 52, at which point I figured may as well take it to 100 days. I tracked it in a google spreasheet

That spring I went to Wildflower half IM and had a crazy kick ass early season race (went sub 5 on that course) and went on to an IM PB at Lake Placid...even passed on a kona rolldown (how stupid is that ???)

So running 100 days in a row MUST BE AWESOME, and I invited friends from my local community, from around the world and from ST to join me in 2007-08.

I got around 250 joining and we ran it on a google spreadsheet with communication on local and international emails, a local tri forum and an ST Thread. By 2008-09 Herbert Krabel contacted me and asked me if he was developing a log if I wanted to move the entire thing to ST so rather than "recruiting runners" via emails, facebook messages, facebook posts, local tri forums and the ST Forum, we would reach out of all these diverse groups, point them to the ST thread and get everyone to use an ST log rather than a convoluted google sheet that I had to manually manage and create a larger global community affect.

Since that time Eric Jensen took inputs from myself, other users, Herbert/Jordan/Dan and implemented upgrades so as to support desired challenge oriented features.

Soooo all this to say, the challenge started fairly organically with one athlete getting the challenge going and recruiting athletes from various sources all around the world and then in collaboration with ST we decided everyone can win centering it all here with the forum, and associated automation on the log.

Now if ST wants to use another system to log, that's ST's choice and if others want to just join a parallel challenge on the old training log (now run independently on Eric Jenson's platform) that is fine.

When we brought the 100/100 IN HOUSE to ST, we had a number of other parallel 100/100s on the internet because some people just don't want to be here. The internet is big and the world is bigger and the concept can co exist in multiple places at exactly the same time.

So there is a challenge going on at this link:


There will be a parallel challenge on ST

....and if anyone wants to go back to 2007, it is a free world and any of you can put together a simple google sheet, put the names down in one column, and put 100 rows beside each name and enter time of each run .

Mainly get out there and run. And if anyone needs the encouragement right now it is me !!!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
If Ryan and Eric want us to post about 100/100 on this thread that is fine.

So perhaps I can explain how we got here.

In 2006-07, I hosted a virtual camp with a number of friends around the world and posted about it here on ST. because Dan Empfield like the concept of virtual camps . I had friend around the world that we were training "together with" via email and an ST thread.

From that camp, during which I ran every day, I just kept running a minimum of 30 min per day to end of Jan. At that point I was at 42 days of running and figured I may as well do the first 50 day running streak of my life.

The problem is on the 50th day I had a 50km XC ski race in Lake Placid, so I jogged 30 min as a warmup before my ski race (because I knew I would be toast afterwards) and then proceeded to do the race (oh to be young and only 41 years old...I think I finished 12th overall in that race....)....got up the next day and just rolled out of bed and ran for the 51st day...and from there, 52, at which point I figured may as well take it to 100 days. I tracked it in a google spreasheet

That spring I went to Wildflower half IM and had a crazy kick ass early season race (went sub 5 on that course) and went on to an IM PB at Lake Placid...even passed on a kona rolldown (how stupid is that ???)

So running 100 days in a row MUST BE AWESOME, and I invited friends from my local community, from around the world and from ST to join me in 2007-08.

I got around 250 joining and we ran it on a google spreadsheet with communication on local and international emails, a local tri forum and an ST Thread. By 2008-09 Herbert Krabel contacted me and asked me if he was developing a log if I wanted to move the entire thing to ST so rather than "recruiting runners" via emails, facebook messages, facebook posts, local tri forums and the ST Forum, we would reach out of all these diverse groups, point them to the ST thread and get everyone to use an ST log rather than a convoluted google sheet that I had to manually manage and create a larger global community affect.

Since that time Eric Jensen took inputs from myself, other users, Herbert/Jordan/Dan and implemented upgrades so as to support desired challenge oriented features.

Soooo all this to say, the challenge started fairly organically with one athlete getting the challenge going and recruiting athletes from various sources all around the world and then in collaboration with ST we decided everyone can win centering it all here with the forum, and associated automation on the log.

Now if ST wants to use another system to log, that's ST's choice and if others want to just join a parallel challenge on the old training log (now run independently on Eric Jenson's platform) that is fine.

When we brought the 100/100 IN HOUSE to ST, we had a number of other parallel 100/100s on the internet because some people just don't want to be here. The internet is big and the world is bigger and the concept can co exist in multiple places at exactly the same time.

So there is a challenge going on at this link:


There will be a parallel challenge on ST

....and if anyone wants to go back to 2007, it is a free world and any of you can put together a simple google sheet, put the names down in one column, and put 100 rows beside each name and enter time of each run .

Mainly get out there and run. And if anyone needs the encouragement right now it is me !!!

Thank for all that info.

This is the first year I want to give this a shot so I can get back into consistent running.

Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.
Last edited by: E_DUB: Oct 31, 23 23:00
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Not really, I would say more like keeping the grass roots event where it has been for the last 10 years. Within this community.

Chief Janitor @Slowtwitch
Life is short. Dont be mad all the time.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Chief Janitor @Slowtwitch
Life is short. Dont be mad all the time.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [E_DUB] [ In reply to ]
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E_DUB wrote:
Not really, I would say more like keeping the grass roots event where it has been for the last 10 years. Within this community.

Not really. I would say more like you deleted Eric's "Annual 100 / 100" post, WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, locked my thread enquiring what happened when it took a direction you didn't like, and replaced it with your "Official" thread with zero details and an obvious total lack of planning.



Your single word enquiry couldn't possible show less effort (except to not bother to ask at all). It smacks as insincere. If you truly want to engage, perhaps acknowledging some of the prior content from either myself or Dev would have been a good way to start. regardless....

To be clear:

1. Does Slowtitch, Incorporated own the Intellectual Property Rights to the thing known as the "Annual 100 / 100"? <<<--- Leaving out the legal entity name, intentionally.
2. Are all community challenges here on ST required to be Ryan/EDub approved and endorsed (even if the title excludes the use of the Legal entity name)
3. Are all community challenges required to use whatever ST training log function gets implemented?

When I first noticed that EJ's thread had been "moved" to an unavailable location...I assumed that ST was creating a challenges "room" or something and that the link had just been messed up. I PM'd EJ to ask what happened, and he didn't know.

So, you elected to delete the thread, without either informing anyone of any kind of plan (neither the author of the thread, nor the rest of the community)...who had already begun using the thread as we always do.

Thus, I posted my enquiry on the forum. I received a cryptic reply from ryan. when I pushed the issue and more directly asked what was the ST plan...ryan was again evasive, but clearly indicated that ST would be altering the rules and format "in some way", and would NOT be associated with EJ's log. That thread quickly got locked when Dev engaged, and questioned the motives...and pointed out that the 100 / 100 has a long history that predates any ST involvement.

I don't like the implied ethics of the entire situation. I don't like the Ryan Heisler approach to "its the ST-way or no-way, and I'm not engaging in discussions that make me uncomfortable or cast ST, Inc in a bad light." And I don't like the lack of transparency.

So, if you don't care about any of that, then I don't either...and, I'll show myself the door.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 1, 23 8:02
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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The only reason I locked that thread about where the discussion went was to move discussion to a single thread about 100/100.

That's a problem of forum architecture and not being able to merge them together -- that's what I would have done in an alternative format.

I'm sorry for that. I can understand you might feel like it's a lack of transparency. Not my intent.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Well written! I've also noticed a change in the editorial environment since Dan left, but what can we expect? These new guys aren't Dan. Nothing lasts forever. I miss the training log's location on the site. I used to visit it at least once a day when it was an easy click. I haven't used the new site very much. No good reason other than it just doesn't feel the same as it used to.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you, as always, for the historic perspective.

I almost asked you to start this thread, to be honest. Probably what I would have done in retrospect, once we'd finalized a couple details.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [TulkasTri] [ In reply to ]
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TulkasTri wrote:
Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don't stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev's idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen's training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it's like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don't blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don't know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don't think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would've been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i'm not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else's property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w's decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Last edited by: Slowman: Nov 1, 23 8:45
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Sometimes I think this challenge should be renamed 100 complaints/100 days.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
TulkasTri wrote:
Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don't stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev's idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen's training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it's like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don't blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don't know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don't think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would've been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i'm not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else's property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w's decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

I am not claiming that ST stole anybody's property or idea, what I am claiming is that ST had absolutely no plan (or forgot about it), and once they saw EJ's post they scrambled.

Tom said it best:

Not really. I would say more like you deleted Eric's "Annual 100 / 100" post, WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, locked my thread enquiring what happened when it took a direction you didn't like, and replaced it with your "Official" thread with zero details and an obvious total lack of planning.

Listen, I enjoy this place, and I usually side with ST but it is pretty obvious that there were no plans, and there's probably some poor chap right now trying to put something together quickly so that ST can host this challenge, instead of just blending it with EJ's, and then be ready for it next year.

What I am calling "horrible form" is closing that other thread, making an announcement with absolutely no details or plans.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [TulkasTri] [ In reply to ]
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TulkasTri wrote:
Slowman wrote:
TulkasTri wrote:
Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don't stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev's idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen's training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it's like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don't blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don't know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don't think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would've been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i'm not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else's property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w's decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

I am not claiming that ST stole anybody's property or idea, what I am claiming is that ST had absolutely no plan (or forgot about it), and once they saw EJ's post they scrambled.

Tom said it best:

Not really. I would say more like you deleted Eric's "Annual 100 / 100" post, WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, locked my thread enquiring what happened when it took a direction you didn't like, and replaced it with your "Official" thread with zero details and an obvious total lack of planning.

Listen, I enjoy this place, and I usually side with ST but it is pretty obvious that there were no plans, and there's probably some poor chap right now trying to put something together quickly so that ST can host this challenge, instead of just blending it with EJ's, and then be ready for it next year.

What I am calling "horrible form" is closing that other thread, making an announcement with absolutely no details or plans.

i don't stipulate to that either. in fact, on the very day that eric j's thread was posted i'd reached out to ryan and eric c to find out where we're hosting the 100/100. on monday i did my first run to get myself ready for it ;-)

eric j chose to use a property belonging to eric w to advertise his version of the challenge. i think that's rather cheeky, don't you? i think both erics might've handled this in a slicker way. but to the point of my answer to you, when you wrote that slowtwitch is *taking over* a challenge, it sure seemed to me you meant that it was absconding with a property to which it had no right or title. if that's not what you meant, i stand corrected.

in my view, the challenge belongs to the community here, and the community has the right to join whatever challenge it wants. the community built this challenge. but i greased the joints and oiled the links, goddammit, so let's just remember history correctly. there are some folks out of the country at the moment, so where this challenge will eventually be hosted i don't know yet. i am at everyone's disposal if anybody wants me help or advice, otherwise i'm confident we'll all find out where the (slowtwitch version) of the thing will be hosted and we have plenty of time if we're starting on november 15th. as you might recall, every year i ask you all when you want to start, and i generally ask that right around the 1st of november.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [vonschnapps] [ In reply to ]
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vonschnapps wrote:
Sometimes I think this challenge should be renamed 100 complaints/100 days.

The Airing of the Grievances has always been an integral part of the 100/100.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
eric j chose to use a property belonging to eric w to advertise his version of the challenge. i think that's rather cheeky, don't you? i think both erics might've handled this in a slicker way. but to the point of my answer to you, when you wrote that slowtwitch is *taking over* a challenge, it sure seemed to me you meant that it was absconding with a property to which it had no right or title. if that's not what you meant, i stand corrected.

This is a totally fair summation by Dan here.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you for the transperancy dan. It would be nice to have the historical data kept some how, including the Big Kahuna challenge which is even older than 100/100
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Perhaps that's an article we could update / maintain in some form or fashion in re: Top 10 performances in each challenge, historically, through the years.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
i don't stipulate to that either. in fact, on the very day that eric j's thread was posted i'd reached out to ryan and eric c to find out where we're hosting the 100/100. on monday i did my first run to get myself ready for it ;-)

eric j chose to use a property belonging to eric w to advertise his version of the challenge. i think that's rather cheeky, don't you? i think both erics might've handled this in a slicker way. but to the point of my answer to you, when you wrote that slowtwitch is *taking over* a challenge, it sure seemed to me you meant that it was absconding with a property to which it had no right or title. if that's not what you meant, i stand corrected.

in my view, the challenge belongs to the community here, and the community has the right to join whatever challenge it wants. the community built this challenge. but i greased the joints and oiled the links, goddammit, so let's just remember history correctly. there are some folks out of the country at the moment, so where this challenge will eventually be hosted i don't know yet. i am at everyone's disposal if anybody wants me help or advice, otherwise i'm confident we'll all find out where the (slowtwitch version) of the thing will be hosted and we have plenty of time if we're starting on november 15th. as you might recall, every year i ask you all when you want to start, and i generally ask that right around the 1st of november.

you didn't ask me...but I was quoted above.

I don't know whether its cheeky or not...without being privy to more of the business relationship and divorce that occurred. I presume EJ didn't think it was cheeky. I did clearly note that EJ did not title the thread "the official Slowtwitch 100 runs in 100 days," rather "Annual 100/100" (explicitly omitting "the official slowtwitch"). I would possibly find it cheeky if EJ was charging money for the training log...but, so far he hasn't asked me for any money. So, on the surface from the outside, it doesn't smell cheeky (as in backside).
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
The only reason I locked that thread about where the discussion went was to move discussion to a single thread about 100/100.

That's a problem of forum architecture and not being able to merge them together -- that's what I would have done in an alternative format.

I'm sorry for that. I can understand you might feel like it's a lack of transparency. Not my intent.

Ok. Historically (granted under prior ownership), threads have only been locked for egregious offenses...it has always been an action of last resort. Otherwise, they are left for the audience to learn and slowely adapt to the new home when one is created.

The lack of transparency was not precipited by the locking of that thread alone, but in conjunction with the other events in the sequence, and the words you used in your posts. As "Editor in Chief" I kind of expect you to be aware of the possible perceptions of your actions, and any such action (particularly statements) are deliberate. I'm in a similar role in my real job...and hold myself and my employees to that exact standard.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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So, that's not entirely accurate -- we've definitely locked duplicative threads in the past, when I worked in this role for Dan, and even before that (I've held various jobs at Slowtwitch since 2016).

But we'll all try to be better going forward.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
So, that's not entirely accurate -- we've definitely locked duplicative threads in the past, when I worked in this role for Dan, and even before that (I've held various jobs at Slowtwitch since 2016).

Maybe that's true. However, my perception is as I stated. I'm not an infrequent poster. But, I don't visit every thread...or any that have the word Leonel in the title.

But we'll all try to be better going forward.

Thanks. That is all I can ask.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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slowman showed that if we all "use our words" everything will be better

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
TulkasTri wrote:
Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don't stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev's idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen's training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it's like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don't blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don't know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don't think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would've been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i'm not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else's property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w's decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

Dan, I liked the spirit of your virtual challenges.

As a team sport athlete and track athlete growing up, every workout was LIVE with other people.
But you enter adult life and you just get shit done whenever....the luxury of group training evaporates around adult life with kids and corporate stuff.
So you train solo and then tell friend, "hey, I am doing a timed 5000m at my track, go to yours tonight in Tokyo and London and Toronto and let's roll up the results"
Or, I am doing 25x400m @10K pace with 100 m jogging in between, or I am doing a 8x200IM at the pool
And then your friends go and jump in

So yes 100/100 literally started with 11/11 then 25/25 then 50/50, then 100/100. As it turns out there were actually two other people (Ewen Hardy and Jana who did it the first year in mutual misery).

The point being, we're all wired a bit weird. In our work worlds or our families we are largely misfit oddballs. Here, there are crazy people wired the same way....we get together and do crazy stuff and there is fun in the mutual misery.

So in terms of 100/100, I support one going on here, one going at Eric J's log, one going on at any facebook group any of us create and LET'S ROLL and get as many people as possible aroudn the world running on whatevver platforms and just feed off each other.

I need a motivation kick in the ass...still fighting my lumbar spine challenges, but slow frequent jogging is OK, but I actually don't find what I do in terms of jogging super motivating. I run so slow, it does not feel like I am doing "SPORT". It feels like some weird denizen of the track glorified shuffle hobble. I just came back from the pool and did this continuous set (25 fly-25 dolphin-50fly-25 dolphin, 75 fly-25 dolphin-100 fly-25 dolphin-75fly-25dolphin-50fly-25dolphin-25 fly-25 dolphin....total 400 fly, 175 dolphin). It was motivating and I felt like an athlete. Felt like when I used to go to the track and do 100-100-200-100-300-100-400-100-300-100-200-100 (where the 100m in above set is jogging and the others are at 1 mile race pace and you end up with 1600m at mile pace)

Anyway, let's get running (and I will try)
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I don't like mom and dad getting divorced. I secretly want to (or not so secretly) get them back together. Maybe if we dress up like runners, and trick them into joining each others' challenges they won't notice until its too late.

I don't know what kind of motivational kick in the ass you need. But, this old heart surgery patient has been running and biking since August. I'm up to 40 mpw, 6 days a week....and just came off a 8 day streak....feeling pretty smug. I'm 55 this year.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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My lower back hurts just looking at that swim set, Dev.

Yet I can run OK.

Bodies are dumb.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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in my view, the challenge belongs to the community here, and the community has the right to join whatever challenge it wants. the community built this challenge. but i greased the joints and oiled the links, goddammit, so let's just remember history correctly. there are some folks out of the country at the moment, so where this challenge will eventually be hosted i don't know yet. i am at everyone's disposal if anybody wants me help or advice, otherwise i'm confident we'll all find out where the (slowtwitch version) of the thing will be hosted and we have plenty of time if we're starting on november 15th. as you might recall, every year i ask you all when you want to start, and i generally ask that right around the 1st of november.

I don't disagree with that.

I just wish that a conversation had happened (private or public) instead of just nuking the other thread and planting the "ST 100/100" flag over the rubble.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [TulkasTri] [ In reply to ]
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TulkasTri wrote:
in my view, the challenge belongs to the community here, and the community has the right to join whatever challenge it wants. the community built this challenge. but i greased the joints and oiled the links, goddammit, so let's just remember history correctly. there are some folks out of the country at the moment, so where this challenge will eventually be hosted i don't know yet. i am at everyone's disposal if anybody wants me help or advice, otherwise i'm confident we'll all find out where the (slowtwitch version) of the thing will be hosted and we have plenty of time if we're starting on november 15th. as you might recall, every year i ask you all when you want to start, and i generally ask that right around the 1st of november.

I don't disagree with that.

I just wish that a conversation had happened (private or public) instead of just nuking the other thread and planting the "ST 100/100" flag over the rubble.

yes. and i don't disagree with that, either. we're in violent agreement with each other! i just would say that i don't think ryan had foreknowledge of the thread he locked. either way, i think this is a one-off. there will be a home for challenge data and archiving - i have no idea where - and that's be made known soon. if we indeed start on november 15th - which i'm not sure but i think that's a pretty typical start day - we have time for the get-ready messaging, sign-ups, and the airing of the grievances. in fact, we should probably have that thread up in the next couple of days since we obviously have grievances to air ;-/

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
TulkasTri wrote:
in my view, the challenge belongs to the community here, and the community has the right to join whatever challenge it wants. the community built this challenge. but i greased the joints and oiled the links, goddammit, so let's just remember history correctly. there are some folks out of the country at the moment, so where this challenge will eventually be hosted i don't know yet. i am at everyone's disposal if anybody wants me help or advice, otherwise i'm confident we'll all find out where the (slowtwitch version) of the thing will be hosted and we have plenty of time if we're starting on november 15th. as you might recall, every year i ask you all when you want to start, and i generally ask that right around the 1st of november.

I don't disagree with that.

I just wish that a conversation had happened (private or public) instead of just nuking the other thread and planting the "ST 100/100" flag over the rubble.

yes. and i don't disagree with that, either. we're in violent agreement with each other! i just would say that i don't think ryan had foreknowledge of the thread he locked. either way, i think this is a one-off. there will be a home for challenge data and archiving - i have no idea where - and that's be made known soon. if we indeed start on november 15th - which i'm not sure but i think that's a pretty typical start day - we have time for the get-ready messaging, sign-ups, and the airing of the grievances. in fact, we should probably have that thread up in the next couple of days since we obviously have grievances to air ;-/

Thanks for the talk, Dan. It's good to see you again and I still remember when we met at that Canyon event a few years ago. You are cool dude. Maybe I can join both challenges ;)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [TulkasTri] [ In reply to ]
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TulkasTri wrote:
Maybe I can join both challenges ;)

the way the training log under eric j was set up is that what posts up to STRAVA syncs back down to the log. so, let's say (and i don't know, but for the sake of argument) the slowtwitch 100/100 challenge is hosted on STRAVA. you need do nothing other than, every now and then, sync down from STRAVA to your training log (assuming that your efforts are recorded on a device, like a GPS watch, and sync up to STRAVA). so, if you join both challenges, you need do little more to be on both challenges. your effort is recorded on a device, it syncs to STRAVA (and appends to the slowtwitch challenge leaderboard); and then flows down to eric's training log. Boom!

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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For the record -- I only locked the "what happened to the 100/100 thread" thread in order to consolidate THAT talk here.

The other one, I believe, was Eric W (or another mod that I don't know of ).

Multiple lessons:
1.) Never attribute to malice what can best be attributed to incompetence (read: I could've explained myself better), and
2.) We should've had a few details buttoned up sooner than we had them, which comes down to a combination of late Kona, team launch, and not enough hours in the day, and
3.) This is one hell of an Airing of the Grievances thread start, IMO.

Oh, and last thing -- the ST-run one will start December 1, with sign-ups on the challenge scheduled to start November 15. So a whole month of grievance airing! It's a Festivus miracle!

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:

Multiple lessons:
1.) Never attribute to malice what can best be attributed to incompetence (read: I could've explained myself better), and



2.) We should've had a few details buttoned up sooner than we had them, which comes down to a combination of late Kona, team launch, and not enough hours in the day, and
3.) This is one hell of an Airing of the Grievances thread start, IMO.

Go big, or go home. If there's one thing we are good at on ST....


Oh, and last thing -- the ST-run one will start December 1, with sign-ups on the challenge scheduled to start November 15. So a whole month of grievance airing! It's a Festivus miracle!

I'm still not happy about having to spend thanksgiving at Mom's and Christmas at Dad's house. I may need therapy.

So, someone participating in "both" ... will have a 115 / 115.

ETA: it would be great if y'all could talk, and maybe workout some terms in the divorce degree (who gets the dog, the car, custody, what the kids visitation looks like, etc). Are we allowed to discuss "the other" here or there? Are y'all gonna say bad things about each other, and put the kids in the middle?

Its a dark-humor metaphor for EJ v ST, but it's meant in all seriousness. That seems like a reasonable request.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 1, 23 15:57
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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ironclm wrote:
Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

I hate that song.

Can we not, and say we didn't? else, I might have more greviences.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 1, 23 15:59
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

I hate that song.

Can we not, and say we didn't? else, I might have more greviences.

i'm with you. let's all sing don't fear the reaper. with a lot of cowbell.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

I hate that song.

Can we not, and say we didn't? else, I might have more greviences.

i'm with you. let's all sing don't fear the reaper. with a lot of cowbell.

:-) now i have my music song seed for the treadmill tonight. we will see where youtube music takes it from there.
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
Slowman wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

I hate that song.

Can we not, and say we didn't? else, I might have more greviences.

i'm with you. let's all sing don't fear the reaper. with a lot of cowbell.

:-) now i have my music song seed for the treadmill tonight. we will see where youtube music takes it from there.

i just need to speed that song up from 71bpm to 90bpm and it's a great one for your cycling playlist.

on the cowbell thing, tho, the next time i'm spectating a race and they hand out cowbells i'm just going to break out in that song while banging that cowbell. i wonder how many will get it, and band their cowbells along with me.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
For the record -- I only locked the "what happened to the 100/100 thread" thread in order to consolidate THAT talk here.

The other one, I believe, was Eric W (or another mod that I don't know of ).

Multiple lessons:
1.) Never attribute to malice what can best be attributed to incompetence (read: I could've explained myself better), and
2.) We should've had a few details buttoned up sooner than we had them, which comes down to a combination of late Kona, team launch, and not enough hours in the day, and
3.) This is one hell of an Airing of the Grievances thread start, IMO.

Oh, and last thing -- the ST-run one will start December 1, with sign-ups on the challenge scheduled to start November 15. So a whole month of grievance airing! It's a Festivus miracle!

I think Nov 15 was set recently to get people going and into a routine before US Thanksgiving. Back in the day (2007), I set Dec 15th to break the Jan 1 resolution death spiral. What do I mean by that? Dec 15- Dec 31 is the death zone for the endurance athlete. This is when you nail your coffin shut on your performance in July, by both backing off on training and gaining 15 lbs from sugar and alcohol and then spending Jan 1 to Mar 31 try to lose all that weight and getting sick because you're try to train and lose weight. Gaining that 15 lbs from Dec 15 to Dec 31, you may as well just say you are starting training on April 1.

A rider who is not to be named who won 7 Tours de France and hosts an annual podcast where in invites Jan Ullrich, knows that while Jan was gaining his 20 lbs of black forest cake, bratwurst and beers, the Tour de France for that summer was being won the streets outside Austin, by bearly gaining a few pounds.

Soooooooo.....I figured if most of the world does like Jan, my community service should be to get them running on Dec 15th and avoid the Jan Ullrich program. Now we could all be heros in July by not copying Jan in Dec. The Dec 15 start of 100/100 vs Jan 1, would be my secret evil weapon to put everyone I knew on the "non Ullrich plan"

Later it was moved from Dec 15 to Dec 1 (seems even better) and I think that some people who realized that the Jan Ullrich effect starts in mid Nov in America decided that 100/100 had to start to get all the athletes on the track.

So here we are.

My suggestion to EricJ is he defers start date to Dec 1 to get everything aligned on top of each other so we're not doing 115/115.

Wadda ya all say?

The danger of the 115/115 program is knowing who we are, too many of us go on the 200/200 program when we need to get more time in the pool and bike as we get closer to tris!!!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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What's a tri? /pink sorta
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Starting Dec1 seems like going backwards. You explained the logic for a Nov 15 start, which has been true for many years if I am not mistaken. Instead of asking EJ to match the Dec 1 start date, I'd rather lobby for a Nov 15 start for both efforts. The Slowtwitch team is very talented, I am sure they can figure out the logistics needed for a Nov 15 start!
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

I hate that song.

Can we not, and say we didn't? else, I might have more greviences.

i'm with you. let's all sing don't fear the reaper. with a lot of cowbell.

Oh yes! That song was in my head many a long ride circa 2004-2005. There's a line in the song that is still very special to me.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I have a couple of questions

1) For the past few summers - 9 of them, in fact - I have held my own Endless Summer 100 Runs / 100 Days Challenge between Memorial Day and Labor Day (just about 100 days, anyway; if you know the song "There's 204 days of Summer Vacation ..."), with the same stipulations, e.g., 5K/30-minute minimum

Am I in violation of STs IP? I mean, you guys invented it, I just borrowed it for my own entertainment porpoises

2) would it be OK to conduct my own 100/100 without showing any allegiance to either side, and not engaging in any particular tracker? To go rogue, or event bandit the 100/100s?

I do enjoy the Winter Challenge; it really pushes you to maintain fitness and consistency during "The Dark Days.*" It's (almost) easy to get up for a run at Dawn in August. To do it in February is a whole other thing

* "Dark" not just meteorologically, but mentally and emotionally as well, for some

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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1.) No. As long as you're not calling it the Slowtwitch whatever thing it is.
2.) Just f'n run the 100/100. Log it wherever you choose. But the one for standings / prizes (if we get 'em) / participation shit will be in one place.
3.) 20 min / 2 mile mins for the 'official' one. And then we might even limit it to only two runs max per day for chaos purposes.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I actually brand my Summer one under "Screaming Tortise Athletic Club" LOL


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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i have chosen to remove a post painful for me to read. neither ryan nor i host this community but we will curate it. tom, you of course are a fully vested member not only here, but specifically in the 100/100. you put your whole heart into it ;-/

let us get back to business.

ryan, dev, do we start a new airing of the grievances thread? or are we just throwing it all into this one?

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Throw it all in here, I'll update the title that we're in Airing of the Grievances season.

Just think: 28 more days of Grievance airing. IT'S FESTIVUS, BABY!

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
Throw it all in here, I'll update the title that we're in Airing of the Grievances season.

Just think: 28 more days of Grievance airing. IT'S FESTIVUS, BABY!

OK my grievance is that it is easier for me to swim 2.4 miles than run 2.4 miles !!!

Hopefully I can fix that before the end of 100/100. Tom I will do a 3.8km swim + 3.8km run brick today and report back.

Ryan and EricW and slowman and EricJ, thanks to all of you for putting up with all of us today and over time.

As in most cases in life, the people who care the most are the ones who seemingly complain the most (at least this is what I have learned in my professional and personal life and it took me three decades to realize that the complainers who come with constructive inputs are gold. The people who say nothing are disengaged, the people who complain without solutions need a whip in the behind).

So free free to whip us when we complain without solutions.....and as with the case of anything in life, time marches on and things change, and we should all deal with things changing. Life is like water flowing down a river. The only certainty is it keeps moving....we can swim with the current, tread water in place or try to go against the current, but eventually the river of life is too powerful to keep swimming against, so you adapt and figure out how to work with it.
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
i have chosen to remove a post painful for me to read. neither ryan nor i host this community but we will curate it.
Noted. Moving on....

tom, you of course are a fully vested member not only here, but specifically in the 100/100. you put your whole heart into it ;-/

let us get back to business.

ryan, dev, do we start a new airing of the grievances thread? or are we just throwing it all into this one?

I'm 58 / 62 (ish) since 1 September. So, I'm in for whatever. I've registered for EJ's log, since he's been kind enough to keep my special trophy.
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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slowman wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
Slowman wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
i[/font wrote:
ronclm]Maybe we can all sing Kumbaya now?

I hate that song.

Can we not, and say we didn't? else, I might have more greviences.

i'm with you. let's all sing don't fear the reaper. with a lot of cowbell.

:-) now i have my music song seed for the treadmill tonight. we will see where youtube music takes it from there.

i just need to speed that song up from 71bpm to 90bpm and it's a great one for your cycling playlist.

on the cowbell thing, tho, the next time i'm spectating a race and they hand out cowbells i'm just going to break out in that song while banging that cowbell. i wonder how many will get it, and band their cowbells along with me.

I did start my TM run last night with that song, the playlist took a weird turn after that. I may need to turn down the "exploration sliders" a bit in the youtube-genius mode (i'm probably crossing some serious streams with that term).

Granted I didn't get on the TM until after 11pm. Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do to get a run in, though. I'll consider it practice for full-on 100/100 mode.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 2, 23 11:10
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
i have chosen to remove a post painful for me to read. neither ryan nor i host this community but we will curate it. tom, you of course are a fully vested member not only here, but specifically in the 100/100. you put your whole heart into it ;-/

let us get back to business.

ryan, dev, do we start a new airing of the grievances thread? or are we just throwing it all into this one?

Well since my post was caught up in the removed group, I will have to again extend an invitation to the bourbon/whisky contingent of ST. I have enough of it to open my own shop.

And my grievance - I can't run! Though I am starting a walk/slowly shuffle program that I will not tell the knee replacement doc about.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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My grievance is this: every year this thing falls smack in the middle of my off-season. As much as consistent running is a recipe for success, I believe so is having a dedicated off-season where you purposefully de-load is just as critical in the long term. I realize that the challenge isn't for everyone so keep at it. Plus my run is still by far my strongest discipline so whatever I'm doing (consistent running, really) seems to be working.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Will participating in this challenge earn me a spot to pay more to participate in another world championship only 100/100 challenge? Will there be roll downs if the top qualifiers don't accept? Will there be an equal number of roll downs for each gender, creating concerns of a watered down 100/100 championship?

And finally, will you sell me overpriced swag?

So many questions!
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
Will participating in this challenge earn me a spot to pay more to participate in another world championship only 100/100 challenge? Will there be roll downs if the top qualifiers don't accept? Will there be an equal number of roll downs for each gender, creating concerns of a watered down 100/100 championship?

And finally, will you sell me overpriced swag?

So many questions!

all that stuff. what you said.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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ironclm wrote:
Well since my post was caught up in the removed group, I will have to again extend an invitation to the bourbon/whisky contingent of ST. I have enough of it to open my own shop.

And my grievance - I can't run! Though I am starting a walk/slowly shuffle program that I will not tell the knee replacement doc about.

Man....that would be great. I used to do a lot of business in NSH. My company has a division there, and used to frequent their site. But, its been a few years since I had need to go there.

Funny thing....on one of those trips we had time to head out to the Loveless Cafe. I was unaware of the Parthenon replica. On our way out to the cafe, we drove by it. We stopped there on our way back from breakfast. Pretty cool thing to go see.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I would like again this year to push for only 1 run per day counting towards the 100 total to complete. No gaming the system with 3 runs a day to make your 3 miles per session look better than someone's single 12 mile run. Yet I would prefer a personal effort based reward on the leaderboard (runs count if they at with in 25% of your best 5k pace)... or some other way to sort leaders this year.. perhaps elevation?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

Doubles are a normal part of run training, so I would have an issue with limiting to 1x. I like the 3x limit. I think 3x is a reasonable to allow someone to catch up a bit, but I wouldn't care much if it were dropped to 2x.

I agreed with the limit, as I thought things got a little out of hand with the Bluestacks type efforts-----impressive as they were, it wasn't really the intent.

But, doubling is normal. And a reasonable amount of it, is an excellent way to improve run fitness, and resilience.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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synthetic wrote:
I would like again this year to push for only 1 run per day counting towards the 100 total to complete. No gaming the system with 3 runs a day to make your 3 miles per session look better than someone's single 12 mile run. Yet I would prefer a personal effort based reward on the leaderboard (runs count if they at with in 25% of your best 5k pace)... or some other way to sort leaders this year.. perhaps elevation?

in my opinion, stipulating that i'm not the (only) decision maker, no way should we limit this to 1 a day. 2-a-days is a thing. it's not an outrageous game of the system. but a limit of 2, i think that's reasonable.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

Doubles are a normal part of run training, so I would have an issue with limiting to 1x. I like the 3x limit. I think 3x is a reasonable to allow someone to catch up a bit, but I wouldn't care much if it were dropped to 2x.

I agreed with the limit, as I thought things got a little out of hand with the Bluestacks type efforts-----impressive as they were, it wasn't really the intent.

But, doubling is normal. And a reasonable amount of it, is an excellent way to improve run fitness, and resilience.

yeah, what he said...doubles on occasion are good and actually a very good way to get additional mileage in-especially when ramping up volume

rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

and doubles done on a more consistent basis would allow for some make up to attain the realistic goal of 100/100

Perhaps the leader board can be maxed at some certain % of doubles like 125 max out of 100--just a thought...
Last edited by: dtoce: Nov 2, 23 15:02
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Ya, have to agree that at "least" 2 a day should be the standard. And then maybe for folks like Bluestacks, there could be a high mileage type award too. Or even fastest pace for a given mileage too?? I mean if we are going to take away his 9 runs a day, got to throw him some kind of bone... (-;
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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A few personal bullet points

* I see too much focus on The Fucking Leaderboard; maybe competition is the only thing that gets people into shit like this?

Me? I take the name as it is written and call it "Challenge" not "Competition"

#MakeRunningWeirdAgain #MakeRunnersWeirdAgain

* My past Summer 100:100s, I've hit the 90+ range
Winter/ST 100/100, I usually come in high-70s/lo-80s
As I said, without a TM at home, my options are either Run Outside or get to the Gym; Gym bring the backup, which requires ... time-management; which I suck at

* Most mornings, D'Wife will say some flavor of "Good Morning" followed by "Did you run today?"

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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I think the real challenge is running every day for a 100 days not just getting 100 runs in that amount of time. I completed 100 runs in a 100 days one of the years (not sure which) and I can recall there are days when you flat out don’t want to or can’t run due to work , family, your body, weather, etc. It’s those days when you power through and get â€er done that gives you the satisfaction that we all crave when pursuing fitness goals and running every day no matter how far or fast for 100 days is what it’s all about IMO.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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An open invitation anytime. Seriously. Mick Jagger is also a big fan of the Parthenon. He went there when they were here for their concert.

This is the overflow group.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [dtoce] [ In reply to ]
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dtoce wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

Doubles are a normal part of run training, so I would have an issue with limiting to 1x. I like the 3x limit. I think 3x is a reasonable to allow someone to catch up a bit, but I wouldn't care much if it were dropped to 2x.

I agreed with the limit, as I thought things got a little out of hand with the Bluestacks type efforts-----impressive as they were, it wasn't really the intent.

But, doubling is normal. And a reasonable amount of it, is an excellent way to improve run fitness, and resilience.

yeah, what he said...doubles on occasion are good and actually a very good way to get additional mileage in-especially when ramping up volume

rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

and doubles done on a more consistent basis would allow for some make up to attain the realistic goal of 100/100

Perhaps the leader board can be maxed at some certain % of doubles like 125 max out of 100--just a thought...

I don't know what the current wisdom is for single sport runners, but when I was just a runner, I literally had morning and evening runs Tue - Thu. Sat day off or single, Sunday long run, Mon Recovery run. If you add that up, this is 10 runs a week, so that would get you to 140/100.

A few years ago, went to a swim camp in Cancun with my masters squad, and we were on 2x per day every day to get to a >40,000m week.

I did the first year as "purist" 100 days in a row, but then thought that doubles are just part of normal single sport training and this would allow people to get introduced to the value of doubles that all single sport people do as part of their routine.

I thinking capping things at 2x per day is fine, and maybe even capping it so that there are on 3-4 doubles allowed per week is good.

Back to the airing of the grievances, I got home from a biz dinner at 11:20 pm and had to not yet run, so hit the treadmill at 11:30, did 23 min of jogging, and 100 pushups and some planks and was done the "exercise" by midnight and in bed 10 min later. I figure 100/100 is coming and needed to stop my excuse making. I barely covered my target 3.8km "Ironman swim distance run" that I promised above but it was better than nothing
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

Doubles are a normal part of run training, so I would have an issue with limiting to 1x. I like the 3x limit. I think 3x is a reasonable to allow someone to catch up a bit, but I wouldn't care much if it were dropped to 2x.

I agreed with the limit, as I thought things got a little out of hand with the Bluestacks type efforts-----impressive as they were, it wasn't really the intent.

But, doubling is normal. And a reasonable amount of it, is an excellent way to improve run fitness, and resilience.

There are successful top runners who do not do doubles. A double can count to make up a run. So that is fair. All I'm asking for is no rewarding of those who get to 100 first and/or total number of runs. The leaderboard sort used to be by volume
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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What I liked about the challenge leaderboard from last year (my first time doing the 100/100) was that you could organize the the list however you wanted. You could pick fastest, most runs completed, or most mileage.

At the end of the day though, it was entertaining trivia, the challenge part was my individual effort. Nobody knows but me what it took to get out the door everyday, and that’s okay.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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synthetic wrote:
Tom_hampton wrote:
rrheisler wrote:
The only problem with one run per day is that it doesn’t allow for “make ups.”

But I might be convinced that that’s the point—reward blunt force consistency versus trying to “make it up” and rewarding that behavior.

Doubles are a normal part of run training, so I would have an issue with limiting to 1x. I like the 3x limit. I think 3x is a reasonable to allow someone to catch up a bit, but I wouldn't care much if it were dropped to 2x.

I agreed with the limit, as I thought things got a little out of hand with the Bluestacks type efforts-----impressive as they were, it wasn't really the intent.

But, doubling is normal. And a reasonable amount of it, is an excellent way to improve run fitness, and resilience.

There are successful top runners who do not do doubles. A double can count to make up a run. So that is fair.

There are successful runner who also double. What's your point? Its not a "makeup run" its a "run", plain and simple.

All I'm asking for is no rewarding of those who get to 100 first and/or total number of runs. The leaderboard sort used to be by volume

Why do you care?

As Randmart pointed out....This is challenge, NOT A COMPETITION. Do you own thing, stop trying to compete with someone.

The rules get tweaked every year to encourage better running habits, not to make synthetic's competition "more fair". Again, this is not a race. The rules should enable and encourage newer runners to run more often, and reward them for accomplishing the spirit of the challenge. The rules should also accommodate more advanced runners so that those of us who can run once a day without issue, also have a way to challenge ourselves, too.

Doubling more often (if done right) can be very beneficial. So, if I want my personal challenge to be "double 3x per week" while running 6 days (for 9 total runs), there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe I run 9 miles in the morning, and 4 miles in the evening---that's a perfectly valid training plan, and worthy goal with real benefits. I'm not "gaming" the challenge to try and "beat" someone. I'm stretching MY limits, and using the framework of the challenge, and the camaraderie of the group dynamic to do so, and stay on target.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Not replying to you specifically…just a general comment.

I find it annoying that you can get double credit just running the minimum mileage but a person running, let’s say, 6+ miles only gets credit for a single run.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [JoelO] [ In reply to ]
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JoelO wrote:
Not replying to you specifically…just a general comment.

I find it annoying that you can get double credit just running the minimum mileage but a person running, let’s say, 6+ miles only gets credit for a single run.

that is my point. and even tom hampton can go to the threads of past and see the praise all the multi single day runners got doing this challenge. It indeed became a competition. No I am not seeking praise for myself by asking for the rule change. Better yet, how about no ordered sort, just your name appears on the 'leaderboard' page when you complete 100 (and not seeing any other stats)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
As Randmart pointed out....This is challenge, NOT A COMPETITION. Do you own thing, stop trying to compete with someone.

Thanks, Tom

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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I don't have to go back. I was there, too.

Yes, they received recognition for the feat. Deservedly so. They were amazing!

But, they weren't really the real point of the challenge and it did sorta get out of hand. So, the rules were changed to limit multiples to 3x per day. Which I still think is just fine.

We also dropped the minimum run from 3miles /30min to 2/20. I didn't really like this one at first. Ryan and I argued about that one. But, it's grown on me and I see the value in a lower but still challenging bar to enable more participants to get up to running every, damn, day.

It leaves room for a normal single sport runner to do their thing... And maybe just a little extra. And it accommodates the new runner by giving them an attainable bar that is still challenging.

And yes, I like chasing the guy or gal in front of me... Just for good natured bragging rights.... Not the money, fame, or glory. (well maybe some glory)

ETA: Ya know.... If you started doing your deliveries on foot instead of bike... You could probably get 300/100 (or 345/115) and get all the money, fame, and glory. đź¬
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 3, 23 13:17
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Having to deliver 4 coffees 3 miles in 10-15 minutes... Don't think so
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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synthetic wrote:
Having to deliver 4 coffees 3 miles in 10-15 minutes... Don't think so

Lol. Sounds like a challenge. You could repeat your 5k per day. đź‚đź
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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My grievance is that I fell of the damn treadmill last night and sanded half the skin off my knees, and bruised my left kneecap. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Have you ever read "Hurricane" Bob Mina's story about crashing a stationary bike in Spin Class?

I re-posted it around here someplace

It's a George Costanza situation, certainly

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Hahahaha.... I found it online.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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To be honest, with my job change in April, and some other things going on, I find myself in what Jules Winfield would call "a transitional period"

I'm looking at things that "I always do this" and weighing them against "you're doing this, again? Why?"

There is a thing called Inktober, which could be considered a 100/100 for artists like mysel ( but it's only 31 days; through the month of October)

I first heard of it in 2019, when I think I did 16 illustrations on my first attempt , before completing the challenge in 2020 and 2021. I fell short last year, only submitting 11 pieces, and this year - although I had a great plan, and really good prelim work - barely made 50% of the prompts

I was so wound up for the past weeks, trying catch up, my work - although good enough to check the "DONE" box - was complete shit

If it had been a race, I should've stepped off to the sidewalk & taken off my bib/chip

All that being said: am I gonna do another 100/100? Am I gonna have to answer "are you doing that thing, again?"

If I don't, am I gonna be following the threads/posts with excruciating FOMO?

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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I've missed your Inktober drawings, Randy, for what it's worth - I really enjoy your art!

The rest of all this? Yowza.

Not enough dynamite in the world to make me join Strava, or to keep me from taking a day off each week. I like throwing some doubles in over the winter, though with working ridiculous hours and now playing hockey a lot as well, I think I'll keep it around my same level as last year: end with 101, just for giggles.

If I can ever get caught up (didn't have time to record stuff except a note in my phone since August), I'll use the log I'm accustomed to. I'll assuredly post a bunch of stupid photos on insta tagged with #100in100. I'll do whatever training and racing I was planning to through the winter, and add a second run on some days. It doesn't have to be complicated.

Have fun y'all!

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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Yay! Mistressk is back!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still on the fence on whether or not I'm joining this year's challenge. I miss the Dec 15th start because it motivated me to keep going longer in the spring, thus closer to race season. However, I'm of strong opinion that I might be more successful in the 100 bourbons in 100 days challenge. The Wife might have issues with that attempt, though.

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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mistressk wrote:
I've missed your Inktober drawings, Randy, for what it's worth - I really enjoy your art!!

I'm following your hockey career on IG, as well

I have a Manon Rhéaume/ Tampa Bay rookie card around here someplace

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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thank you, I haven't been able to log in any miles. I can't find where my training log went. ?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
mistressk wrote:
I've missed your Inktober drawings, Randy, for what it's worth - I really enjoy your art!!

I'm following your hockey career on IG, as well

I have a Manon Rhéaume/ Tampa Bay rookie card around here someplace

If you're bored, I do also have a half-arsed youtube channel with sort-of-weekly videos of me floundering around in the net >^.^<

League games every Sunday evening are definitely going to make it more challenging to get any doubles in on Sunday - actually playing twice this coming Sunday (we're checking out a pickup game in the afternoon before the league game) but will definitely run twice on Saturday at a little fun run thing in Dundas Valley

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Day 1 and run #1 are in the books for me.

Thanks for the invite on this, and good luck to everyone!

Oh, and so far as grievances, I have nothing to add other than I have yet been able to sort the recording software part of the challenge.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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I ran today, just trust me on that

I'm either 1/1 for the 11/15 start date, or I'm two weeks early for 12/1

I don't know, anymore

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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In for 2/1. Let's do this!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Well the 100/100 has been up and running since yesterday on Eric's page
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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I know! I'm on it.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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boy o boy i see some doing their 3 a days already, how disappointed will they be that it is not the official challenge...
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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synthetic wrote:
boy o boy i see some doing their 3 a days already, how disappointed will they be that it is not the official challenge...

What would anyone be disappointed about? The EJ rules explicitly allow the 3x per day. Other than your opinion, I haven't heard any suggestion that the ST version will not include a similar 3x rule.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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synthetic wrote:
boy o boy i see some doing their 3 a days already, how disappointed will they be that it is not the official challenge...

How is one more "official" than the other?

If you're using one tracker, you're in - officially
If you're using another, you're in that one - officially

I'm in neither, so I'm doing my own - officially (gotta come up with a bib, still, though)

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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2 down, 98 to go!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
How is one more "official" than the other?

If you're using one tracker, you're in - officially
If you're using another, you're in that one - officially

I'm in neither, so I'm doing my own - officially (gotta come up with a bib, still, though)

Just what I need in my life, more polarization. I could go with the group that has no control over their daily runs, recklessly running up the totals or I could join the training log deniers' group. What to do :)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not sure if I'm in this one, or the other one, or whether it is official or whatnot, but either way I'm 3 for 3.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Is there a place to log
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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TJ56 wrote:
RandMart wrote:
How is one more "official" than the other?

If you're using one tracker, you're in - officially
If you're using another, you're in that one - officially

I'm in neither, so I'm doing my own - officially (gotta come up with a bib, still, though)

Just what I need in my life, more polarization. I could go with the group that has no control over their daily runs, recklessly running up the totals or I could join the training log deniers' group. What to do :)

"It's your run ... do what you want with it"

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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For when it starts, yes. Finalizing details.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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2023-2024 100/100 will launch sign-ups on November 15th. 2023-2024 100/100 will begin on December 1st

Ah I see oh well started early
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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There are two 100/100 going. Eric Jensen has the old log that we used in previous years going on his site, and it started on 15 November.

The official st 100 /100 starts on 1 Dec as you noted. Those of us who started "early" are aldlso doing Eric's challenge. I will be logging in both places...
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 18, 23 15:37
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Ok in on the old log, starting only one day late. Will do it on the new log too, so suppose that's about 116 runs in 116 day. I started a month and a half late last year and got it done some how.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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Nice run (and weather!) with a local trail group here in Tennessee today. That's 4 in the books!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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501chorusecho wrote:
Nice run (and weather!) with a local trail group here in Tennessee today. That's 4 in the books!

Yep. Weather was likewise nice here in Texas (Dallas), today. Starting a mini-taper for a Turkey Trot 5k. Probably don't really need to, but wanted to try some things to see how it works.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Just hope that your "mini-taper" doesn't become a "micro-quit"


I did NOT do the Philly Marathon this morning, and I never have. My daughter was prescient enough to be born the weekend before Thanksgiving, so we always celebrate her birthday the same day that the marathon is run

So it goes LOL

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Just hope that your "mini-taper" doesn't become a "micro-quit"


I did NOT do the Philly Marathon this morning, and I never have. My daughter was prescient enough to be born the weekend before Thanksgiving, so we always celebrate her birthday the same day that the marathon is run

So it goes LOL

you dont have to do the marathon. there is an 8k and 21k. the finish line philly pretzels are worth it
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I started on the 15th and have fallen into a nice pattern. Swim 4 days a week, and do runs every other day, starting with a hilly and sandy 5k run on trails, then a break to do chores, then a 2 mile on the treadmill for my 2nd run. SO far ratcheting down the times, but that 5k is really on slow turf and at altitude, as is the treadmill of course. Hit 28 minutes today and then sub 9's on the treadmill.

Will see how long I can keep this up, as my swimming is the focus at the moment. But loving the feeling you get when your run legs start to come back, wish there was a swim/run race in the next couple months around here...
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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No grievances, but here is my update...

When I participated in my first 100/100 in 2019, my marathon PR was 3:53:18 (34 years old). I was peaking my marathon build at about 35 miles per week.

A few years of 100/100 helped me go from a 25 mpw runner to 75 mpw.

Last week I ran a 2:52:39 PR. I was able to peak my training at 100 mpw for a few weeks. I can run 100s very comfortably now. My goal for next year is to peak there again but start speed sessions earlier and make them longer.

Regardless of the yearly leaderboard complaints, this challenge has been good to me. It taught me to get up and run. Not to overthink it, not to procrastinate, just run.

"If it costs you 30 minutes at Maryland so what" -dwreal
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Hey now. You have 7 runs in 6 days. How'd that happen? I thought you eschewed doubles for this challenge?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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As of yesterday, I'm 6 for 6. I hate to miss a day in the first week, but it's going to be tough with the Thanksgiving travel that begins for me today. That's probably why they're not starting the other one until after Thanksgiving...smart.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Y'know, it's OK to miss a day or two

95/100 is completely respectable

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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The start date has historically been chosen BEFORE the holidays specifically to encourage people to run during the breaks. It used to be 15 December with the focus on the end of the year. A few years ago we switched to 15 Nov in order to end the challenge a month earlier because the late march end date was encroaching on early season race plans.

This year with the split between Eric Jensen and Slowtwitch.... Slowtwitch needed more time to find and alternate solution.

However, as randy said.... Off days are a good thing. If you are still aiming for 100 runs... It's better to do a double somewhere in the week and take a full off day, than to run 100 days straight. You will need the recovery.

I run 6x all year long. I can easily run 30 days in a row. But, somewhere along the way the lack of recovery begins to catch up with you. You get tired, you start to develop niggles, maybe sore.... And slow. Take a break every week or so.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Don't forget, your immunity system takes a beating, too, and that leaves you more vulnerable than usual

When you're around a lot of strangers during this time, don't be surprised if you pick up something that sets you back

When I did my summer 100/100, I had a streak of 113 days doing a 5K minimum (I'd started the streak before Memorial Day). Then, my niece had a birthday party for her 2 year-old, and I picked up something from someone in the crowd which took me down for a week #gameover

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Good points from you and Tom. It's not likely I will run doubles to try and "make up" a run. Whenever I miss a day, I just miss that day and forge ahead from there and never look back. I guess you call that macro-quitting, to use the parlance of that magazine story ;)

And I did wind up getting a short run in today after all, so 7 for 7!

I think I should make it through to the other side of the holiday weekend here with at least 10, and maybe 11, out of 12.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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501chorusecho wrote:
Good points from you and Tom. It's not likely I will run doubles to try and "make up" a run. Whenever I miss a day, I just miss that day and forge ahead from there and never look back. I guess you call that macro-quitting, to use the parlance of that magazine story ;)

And I did wind up getting a short run in today after all, so 7 for 7!

I think I should make it through to the other side of the holiday weekend here with at least 10, and maybe 11, out of 12.

Fair enough....but, I would point out there are good TRAINING reasons to do doubles 1-2 times a week. My normal run-training program includes such doubles, regardless of any 100/100 challenge.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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I reluctantly joined knowing I have a 50K on Saturday. Sunday will be a beetch :(
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think I participated last year, but was wanting to jump back in for the Dec 1 start date.

How do I sign up?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Turkey trot done and dusted. 5km


Overall: 138 / 4630
M55-59: 2nd / 133

Happy with that given where I am in training right now. Dead on what my training suggested.

Time for too much turkey! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! How you all have a great day!
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 23, 23 9:52
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I don't do Turkey Trots of any shape, size, or distance, but I may have PR'd today with 4.4 miles in 37 minutes & change (running time of "Alice's Restaurant" - 18:34 - x2)

Still at 100% for this Challenge; I've lost track of how long my 5K/Day Running Streak is now --- it started before we moved the clocks, I know that; I definitely ran on my birthday (Halloween)

I might've taken that Monday off, but I now recall that I ran on the TM at the gym, then picked up candy on the way home

Running every day is so automatic, it's a bigger deal that I don't than when I do

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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They don't do a turkey trot here either, but they did have a Run For The Pie or something like that this morning, which was basically just a 5k where they serve up a shit ton of pie at the end to the runners. It was free, no t-shirts to deal with, and it was at 7am...so I just did that. 8 for 8! Tomorrow is a travel day, so I might lose one...we'll see.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Grimmace1] [ In reply to ]
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Grimmace1 wrote:
I don't think I participated last year, but was wanting to jump back in for the Dec 1 start date.

How do I sign up?

X2. How do we sign up? We used to go through the Training Log but I don't even see that anymore. What the hay needles?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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I ran my 50K yesterday. It’s a private event held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The rub is you don’t know how or where you’re going to run until it’s announced the Friday before.

This year the format was three 15Ks every three hours folllowed by a 5 K race to determine the overall podium. The runs were in a conservation area in a remote location so the trick was how to stay warm and loose between events with the first starting at noon and the 5K at 9pm.

We had beautiful weather and a full moon. I was the oldest of 35 so I knew I wasn’t going to contend at the 5K but still came in top 10. Pretty happy overall with how I trained for and ran the 31 miles yesterday. One thing I’ve finally learned is you don’t need to run long training runs. I don’t believe I had a training day longer than 8 miles leading up to yesterday.

That’s probably it for running for a while. I’ll do the minimum 2 mile daily runs with the dog for frequency but now it’s on to training for a 10K swim in December.
Last edited by: TJ56: Nov 26, 23 10:20
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [BT_DreamChaser] [ In reply to ]
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There isn't a Slowtwitch affiliated Training Log anymore.

I am finalizing the "official" sign up process for 2023-2024, and should have that posted in this thread (and on the front-page) at some point today. Apologies for the delays.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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With 4.4 miles/7K done Thursday ("Alice's Restaurant Massacree") + 4x5K Friday ("Black Friday 20K Solo Relay"), I completed the "Holiday Half-Ass 25K" in near-record time; which also puts me at +3 Runs

I did 8K yesterday morning (5 miles), and again today but I don't think that I have it in me to get the other 9K done to complete the "Full Fat-Ass 50K" --- it DOES have a sweet bib, however LOL

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Replying to you, because I finally got this done.

1.) Sign ups are here. https://runsignup.com/...ch100100RunChallenge. It's free. Hooray!
2.) Logging - unfortunately, it's manual. I'm sorry. You don't have to log in multiple times to submit results, though. IDEALLY: no more than two runs per day, people. 2 mile / 20 minute minimums.
3.) The table sorting should be able to show you completion of runs, not just total distance.
4.) We will have random giveaways. To be eligible for them, you need to hit a minimum number of runs during the 100/100. How many is that? We haven't decided yet. But it will be under the goal of 100 runs in 100 days.

I'll be writing up the front page story on this shortly which should answer any additional questions.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I went an sigend up, but don't see where I enter runs!

I had my first week running daily and managed to lose a few pounds after gaining 10 lbs since Finland 70.3 WC
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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You won't until we hit December 1st.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Put this in the first post of the thread, but figure it's worth repeating here.

2023-2024 100/100 Sign Ups are Available. For more details on this year's challenge, and to sign up, read the front page article here: https://www.slowtwitch.com/...is_Upon_Us_8848.html

2023-2024 100/100 will begin on December 1st.

Top level stuff:
--20 minute / 2 mile minimum
--New this year: two runs per day max, please (I can't actually limit it, so it's honor code, please)
--Random prizes awarded to runners who log at some point during the challenge on RSU.

Sign ups will remain active for a week after we start running.

And away we go.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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How do we log on rsu? I didn't see any instructions.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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i approve these rules :)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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I did wind up missing a day on travel, so I am at 11 for 12 right now. Also, I think I have the Strava thing figured out...sort of. I was able to synch to the training log, and my runs appear to have ported over there and are listed under "Activities", but I am still showing up as 0 runs in the Challenge, which I appear to be signed up for. There is probably some other thing I have to do, or maybe it just takes a day to roll over.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Problem solved. It turns out that everything in Strava was considered a "Workout" (not sure why), and when they got ported over to the Challenge they were all listed as "Other activity". Changing "Workout" to "Run" in Strava and then re-synchronizing to the Challenge fixed everything!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I think I'll do 100 days of at least 3 miles. Remains to be seen if I'll log them in the new tracker - it's completely manual? No link to Strava?

I was also thinking of using this as motivation to train for Dev's 50 pull ups and 100 push ups in 10 minutes. As a scrawny 40yr old cyclist I need that more than consistent run mileage.

Dev, any training suggestions? Do 50 pull ups and 100 push ups every day and hope by March I can do it in 10 min? Or do a 10 min block every day and try to build up to 50/100? I'll do a 10 min baseline test this week - it will be pathetic and amusing.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [scenicRoute] [ In reply to ]
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"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [scenicRoute] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah. Sorry. It's manual.

The price we pay for free.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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You just KNOW, Ryan, there are going to be people who are will say "But ... If it's not sync'd to Strava, people are going to cheat!!!"

To which I say "Look pal!!! I've been doing this Challenge - and remember, it's a CHALLENGE, not a Competition - for years, and not only have I never sync'd my results to Strava, no one has ever called me a Cheater. So fuck off!!!"

Of course, I don't have double letters in my name, either, so I'm beyond suspicion LOL

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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If I get really cranky I can audit some of the results.

But seriously, folks, let's just have some fun and keep running.

Oh, and make sure you put in a real address when you register, in the event you get selected for one of the giveaways. Please make it easier to give stuff away...

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:

Perfect, thanks!

Over the last 100 days looks like I ran 244 miles in 63 runs, all at least 3 miles, avg of just under 4 miles/run.

Goal for this challenge will be to go over 300 miles in 100 runs. Weather will be much worse so will definitely be looking to this forum for motivation!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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How much for not manual? I’ll gladly pay.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Sbernardi] [ In reply to ]
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That's not how it works ... you can't pay your way out of it

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Sbernardi] [ In reply to ]
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It's not a matter of cost for you all (which is still free). More like our side of the house, where we want stuff to live, while also not wanting to be in the business of processing health data ourselves.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Still only missed one day, so I'm at 13 out of 14. I have not found the Strava thing (after I figured it out!) to be a barrier to participating in the 100/100, and I can't imagine what sort of health data they could be processing on me anyway...that I went running today, and yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, etc.?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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That's not entirely true.

On your profile page on runsignup.com there is an "upcoming events" section that should list this challenge. Within that listing is a "submit virtual results" link, which takes you to a very simple dialog to center a duration, or alternativly to upload a gpx file.

There is a big red banner at the top that says it's not active yet (since it doesn't start until Dec 1st), but it is there.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe I missed seeing this - 100/100 - for old, decrepit, past competition runners - 20 minutes or 2 miles- this year, does walking count?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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No. In the past we have said that the run time of any run/walk counted cumulatively. So... You could do: 10x {2min run / xx min walk} to get to 20 total minutes of running.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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It's running in some form or fashion.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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We need nicknames or something. I have no idea who is who.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you could put your real names as your usernames / in signatures here...

Just throwing ideas at a wall here...

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Well.... I already do that. So that works for me.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I'm gonna be 0 for 1. Strong start here.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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You still got 3:15 remaining in the day. Headlamp or TM! 🤣đźŹđź™„
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
I'm gonna be 0 for 1. Strong start here.

I’m going to be 0 for 4 to start. I’m out of town the first four days and don’t have my running gear.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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Is there a Target/Walmart nearby? That could take care of shirts/shorts/socks at least for $30 or so - shoes would be the deal-breaker

Otherwise, plenty of time to catch up

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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I am not doing the 100/100 this year. The last time I did it, the fact that people were running 6 times a day on a treadmill and just training like idiots to chase a spreadsheet annoyed me too much ... I know, "you do you", "it is not a competition" and all that but my brain is competitive and with 45 years of competition under my belt and 30 years of coaching running, seeing silly training seemed to be a trigger :)

In 2008-2009 when I did it there were 2 of us at the top of the spreadsheet focusing on Boston and it was fun ... I think I ended up just behind for total distance and back then we had to record the data manually which wasn't hard to do but apparently is unthinkable now from some of the posts that I've read! If I recall correctly the folks at the top of the "leaderboard" were doing 2 or 3 doubles each week which is pretty normal for good marathon focused totals.

Apparently this year there are arguments about who "owns" the 100/100 ... I would say that if you could actually own a run streak then Dev would be the one who coined that phrase but a crazy run streak of 52 years was started by Ron Hill (google him if you don't know about this incredible feat) quite a few decades before. In 1982-1983 when I was a 16 year old in high school I ran every day from November 10th-ish until Easter in April and averaged a little over 60 miles a week so doing crazy streaks seems like the norm for OCD endurance athletes and arguing over who owns a "run streak" seems absurd. My local run group does a December run streak so I will just be running that one this year.

...anyways....... Those of you doing the 100/100 (whether you started Friday or 2 weeks ago ... again SMH), I hope you have fun with it and stay smart and safe with your training and that the "winter miles bring spring and summer smiles" come race season.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Allan] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for stopping by?

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Long time ST member, rarely posted or visited after I stopped doing tris years ago.

Getting back into running a bit nowadays, and also bike commuting in to work. Got in 70 or runs for the 100/100 last year, and ended up doing a Trail Ultra (50K).

Now I'm considering trying to qualify for Boston -- as I get older the times seem almost achievable. I'm trying to qualify this year to run in 2025, as my son is in college in Boston and that will be his senior year, so now's the time (or wait until I'm in an even older age group...).

Re. the virtual log at RunSignUp--- is there any way we can have it show how many runs we've all done on the main (Detailed View) page? I know I'm not fast and I'm intentionally not going to be trying to run far for a while, but I do like to see who's getting the runs in. It seems more meaningful and in the spirit of the challenge to have the leaderboard be based on number of runs rather than total distance.

If it's not possible, no biggie. But if it is, that would be my preference.

And what's up with the "progress" stat???

Last edited by: Tom Fort: Dec 2, 23 17:05
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone know who Franklin falcon is? Posted 100 miles in 12 hours on day 1. Nothing since...
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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OK I know I am 4/4 since Dec 1. I arrived in Dubai for some biz and the weather has been hot and awesome. I used the "other 100/100" to get something like 12 runs in 15 days hoping to get enough run legs to do 70.3 Bahrain next weekend, but it sold out (probably good that I did not enter), so I just running for the sake of running.

But I have no clue where I go log things? Can you just open a sticky thread with "100/100 registration and daily logging instructions". Make the thread sticky at the top and lock it with no comments so it sits under this thread and we don't need to fish into this thread for the interface stuff?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I updated the first post in this thread with logging instructions. But it's pretty much -- go to website, click results, click submit virtual results, follow instructions.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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THAT link, asks to look me up...even though I'm already logged into RSU.

What works more efficiently for me is to go to the link on my profile page, scroll down to the Events section:

And click the submit virtual results. THIS link goes straight to entering miles/time for my registration. Also, THIS link can be bookmarked because its keyed by registrationID and EventID:


Saves a step for entering data every day.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Dec 4, 23 8:13
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Can anyone see the column with the number of runs and days?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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stevie g wrote:
Can anyone see the column with the number of runs and days?

No, I can't.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, thought it was just me, thank you
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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Still working on being able to configure that view for public consumption.

*I* can see it on the admin side, though.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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im a bit late on this idea i know, but would have not been easier to create a ST run strava group?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Not a dumb question, and one we were actively pursuing. Ultimately not something we could have gotten through for 2023/2024's challenge.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Well I have run every day but one as it is hot where I am in Dubai at the moment. Makes it easy to get out there by a beach. It will be much harder when I get home next week and there is snow everywhere. Still have not logged but will figure out how to go in and catch up. Almost 60 km in the first week. I think that was my max running volume week all year!!!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't updated in a few days, but i am still just one day behind at 21...a fifth of the way through!

There were some comments last week about not being able to run when out of town and not having "running gear". One thing that works for me during these run-every-day type of challenges is an attitude that it is OK (even if unusual) to just run in whatever you are wearing in wherever you are. I mean it certainly helps to always keep running clothes handy and have a plan of when and where to run on any given day, but at the same time the unavailability of "running gear" does not necessarily need to prevent you from running. Sometimes I have just gone running at some random parking lot while waiting on something and a couple of times just jogged in place in a hotel room for ~20 minutes. I have even used a treadmill once as a last resort.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Lulz I think someone has mistaken the input fields in RunSignUp as Min:Sec:Fraction instead of Hours:Minutes:Seconds

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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501chorusecho wrote:
Sometimes I have just gone running at some random parking lot

A multi-level parking garage can make an excellent substitute for hill-work if you find yourself someplace flat (like Florida or Iowa)

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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I don't see a field anywhere in the logging showing how may runs I did. It does not look like there is a way to sort this so I have to manually keep track in my head how many days I missed (so far one).
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Correct. See post 168. Ryan said he's working on it.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Came to run in Colorado for ski trip. Unexpected snow with black ice under, had to jog slow. 24* not so bad with no wind at 7am

Last edited by: synthetic: Dec 9, 23 8:20
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
501chorusecho wrote:
Sometimes I have just gone running at some random parking lot

A multi-level parking garage can make an excellent substitute for hill-work if you find yourself someplace flat (like Florida or Iowa)

I have done laps around hotel parking lot way too many times for my liking....I'll literally map out a 400m "track" in the hotel lot and then just use it as a virtual track and do intervals, but often it is actually better than going off into the wild, on questionable streets for personal safety, or just getting lost in an unknown place when I am on a timeline. I never run with a phone, so when I get lost I really have gotten lost by a lot....generally, I do out and back, but when you return to a traffic circle with 6 options to exit from sometimes, you end up taking one too early!!!! So the hotel parking lot "track" in the dark is often a nicer option than a hotel treadmill. Just this week, I ventured out in the dark in Dubai, and then I thought being a brown guy running on random streets in the UAE is probably not the brightest idea....reverted to hotel parking lot but was literally too small for a reasonable loop so just broke down and used treadmill.

Back home one of my friends worked in a complex next door to an Ikea with multi level shopping parking so on snow storm days he just ran there because the footing was good.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Cool. Nice pic of the two you
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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At altitude now. Slow pace cause roads are slippery in darkness. Good to see you are still participating coyote peloton

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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A fourth of the way through! ! I'm still only one day in the hole at 25.

devashish_paul wrote:
I don't see a field anywhere in the logging showing how may runs I did. It does not look like there is a way to sort this so I have to manually keep track in my head how many days I missed (so far one).

If you are talking about the Run Signup one, it was hard to find, but go to the bottom of the page where you submit results and see if you have something like this indicating your total number of runs. This is what it says for me...

Run: 10 entries (last on Sunday December 10 2023) — 24.788 miles — 0ft (0.0 m) — Time 3:39:00
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Assuming it's OK to double-dip on the runs, I'm doing both versions of the challenge now!

I've got 27 in for the Eric Jensen version and 12 on the Run Signup version.

Since I have to port my GPS files over to Strava anyway, it's not much extra work to just submit the files to both challenges.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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501chorusecho wrote:
Assuming it's OK to double-dip on the runs, I'm doing both versions of the challenge now!

I see a poll:

"100/100 Challenges - Are You In?"

* Doing ST's
* Doing Eric's
* Doing Both
* Going Rogue & Doing My Own (neither ST nor Eric's)
* 100/100s are fucking stupid

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I really don't want to post this but in the spirit of transparency I'll confess to getting an overuse injury this week and having to stop running :( It sucks because I've been on one of my longest "pain free" stretches of running.

I did a 50K about three weeks ago and it went really well. So well, that I entered a trail run this past weekend, one of the hardest in the area. I did reasonably well, chasing 3rd place in my AG most of the run but following about 40 sec short. I ran really hard (for me).

I was super sore on Sunday but managed an easy 3 mile recovery run. Monday, I swam, and wanted to keep my run streak going so went out after the swim and then BAM, after about a mile my left heel started hurting, so much that I had to stop.

Unfortunately, it's a very familiar pain: insertional AT. I struggled with it for years before finally getting over it and now it seems like it wants to return. Fortunately, today I'm no longer limping when walking and it feels pretty "normal" except when I get out of bed. Maybe only a piece of the tendon tore.

I'm going to give it plenty of time to heal (heal the heel) before starting another run streak. Hope sharing this may make someone rethink prioritizing the challenge over recovering.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
501chorusecho wrote:
Assuming it's OK to double-dip on the runs, I'm doing both versions of the challenge now!

I see a poll:

"100/100 Challenges - Are You In?"

* Doing ST's
* Doing Eric's
* Doing Both
* Going Rogue & Doing My Own (neither ST nor Eric's)
* 100/100s are fucking stupid

Those are not mutually exclusive... So, poll should be "select all that apply"... Especially for option E.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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That's why I don't do - nor trust - polls

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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10yrs on 12/30
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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What’s going on with Coyote Pelon and the 100/100 this year? 1st, one knee replacement a year ago. The new ——walking , not running. 2nd, story below. Bottom line, do it when you can (what ever that may be).

I always say , “pictures or it didn’t happen “. Unfortunately, at the time of my incident, everyone was very busy and I don’t have any action pictures. This is a post, 5 days later, incident “recreation” pic in a much better setting, instead of the middle of the street.

On the morning of Sunday, December 3, 2023, at Ironman 70.4, Indian Wells ( near Palm Spring), just as I rolled up on my bike to check into Aid Station 1 to be a volunteer, I keeled over from a heart attack of my Left Ascending Artery. Fortunately, I did this in front of at least 3 very capable and experienced nurses who gave me CPR for about 10 minutes. They would not give up. Soon thereafter, more or less, a motorcycle sheriff person came on the scene with a defibrillator with him. After zapping me twice and restarting my heart, I was transported to nearby Eisenhower Medical Center. Two days and one heart stent later I checked out of the hospital. In many many ways I am very very fortunate.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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Holy crap!

Glad professionals were there to save you.

Apparently this 100/100 thing is dangerous.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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Wow!!!! That is an incredible story. What are the odds of needing immediate medical attention and getting it!

It certainly offers one explanation on why the swim can be so deadly.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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TJ56 wrote:
Wow!!!! That is an incredible story. What are the odds of needing immediate medical attention and getting it!

You'd think.... But, the exact same thing happened to gregtay back I Feb 2021. Iirc gregtay was a 100% block of the LAD (aka the widomaker).

He posted about it in my heart surgery thread. I think he also had a thread of his own, but I couldn't find it quickly.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Dec 16, 23 18:33
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Right! I remember that now. Two lucky guys! Maybe Coyote will elaborate more on the Coronary Calcium thread or the Cholesterol discussion as they certainly seem related.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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Somehow I missed the coronary calcium score threads. I am totally unaware. I, also , was always the “fittest” person in the room. Wow. I see Dr. Next week. Thanks for the ST heads up everyone.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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coyote pelon wrote:
Somehow I missed the coronary calcium score threads. I am totally unaware. I, also , was always the “fittest” person in the room. Wow. I see Dr. Next week. Thanks for the ST heads up everyone.

There are a lot of us that fit that bill, and yet...fit doesn't mean arterial blockage free. I exited the 2020 100/100 for a quintuple bypass, after taking third OA in a local 10Km 6 weeks prior.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Dec 17, 23 10:35
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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And here I was, about to whine about missing a day because I got my son's cold...
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Still at 100% for this Challenge; I've lost track of how long my 5K/Day Running Streak is now --- it started before we moved the clocks, I know that; I definitely ran on my birthday (Halloween)

I might've taken that Monday off, but I now recall that I ran on the TM at the gym, then picked up candy on the way home

Running every day is so automatic, it's a bigger deal that I don't than when I do

I finally took a minute and looked it up

I was thinking I started October 11th for some reason, then I looked at my calendar and saw that was when we were in OCMD, and I did no running while we were away. So, my start date would be Saturday the 14th, making my streak 66 (5K minimum) with today's run still pending

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [coyote pelon] [ In reply to ]
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Do it when you can do it and how you can do it for sure! Some day that was!!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [Tami21] [ In reply to ]
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Like most, I have also been behind in uploading my run files due to holiday/travel/etc, but I’m still only one in the hole at 39!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Ryan and team is there a way we will be able to see how many runs we are at (ie how many days missed). That is the main objective of the challenge as originally designed was to get out the door consistently as the most important goal, versus pure mileage. The idea is to get to mileage through consitency (meaning to get out the door). Right now, I have no way of knowing exactly how many times, I have been out the door other than scrolling through my uploads. What I see is I have missed three days out of 24 so far (just about to head out on the 25th). Merry Christmas to all. Happy running injury free.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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If you go to the bottom of the page (on Run Signup.com) it gives you the total number of runs…also total miles, and total time.

Merry Christmas! I will probably run later today…after dinner, before drinks :)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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I assume you mean to go to the bottom of the page with my own results, but I am not seeing anything at bottom of that page (perhaps there is a something I have to set to see the number of runs appear on this page):

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Not that page. You first have to be logged in (to RunSugnup.com) then click on the button to submit results. At the bottom of that page it shows the total number of runs (and other stats) like this…

Run: 10 entries (last on Sunday December 10 2023) — 24.788 miles — 0ft (0.0 m) — Time 3:39:00
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
... my start date would be Saturday the 14th, making my streak 66 (5K minimum) with today's run still pending

Well that didn't happen

I had fully planned to go to the gym after a quick stop at our Team Holiday Happy Hour (I had nothing to drink in anticipation) but lingered a bit long just the same, which snapped my streak

Thursday (12/21) I felt absolutely horrible for some reason and spent most of that day in bed

I forget when I took a COVID test (Thursday or Friday?) but it came up positive, and I've been testing positive ever since; as have both of D'Girls. This is my very first time having COVID, after nearly 4 years that it's been here, and I've gotten every vax, except the most recent

Needless to say - no running for me, lately

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Dec 28, 23 6:16
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry about the new covid diagnosis, I'm out for awhile too. Got the old mans mad calf disease last week. Felt it coming on and just stopped and walked home over 2 miles, and tried it out a couple days ago. But still there so at least another week before I test it again. And really no big reason to have popped it, just some slow miles on the flat. But perhaps the ramp up in mileage was the culprit, a whole 18 miles one week!!!

Good luck all, hope to rejoin when things feel right again. Got into a nice groove of running a hilly dirt 5k in the morning, then waiting a couple hours and doing a 2 mile treadmill every other day. Felt like I was gaining ground and fitness, so will hope to hop back on that schedule later on..
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Monty, on the bad calf, if you have a football field or soccer field near your place, just go walk around and jog really really slowly barefoot (may need to wear vibrams). It may be excruciatingly slow, but if get your arches and toes in the game it will eventually help. Think of catching a football with mittens vs bare hands. Bare hands are always better for connection. With built up modern shoes we're always running with mittens and with western lifestyles, don't actively use feet enough. Minimally i try to make sure I spend time walking around the house bare foot often.

Having said that, I got some Brooks Hyperion Elite carbon plated "spring shoes" which are one of the few I could find with decent stability (that don't feel too tippy) and they have been really helpful literally giving me back a few vertebrae of "spring" back in my spine, because its not there anymore!!!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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44 runs since Nov 15, single short 30min runs of just over 5k for me. The highlight has been 31/31 in December which took a lot of willpower between work travel with a couple of night shifts and long days but I made the effort to get out and run before starting the next of hitting up the treadmill. I feel much stronger physically, but also and to me more importantly mentally as well. Getting up early and out the door to get a run in early has been key to getting it done.

I hit a fatigue wall a little later than expected, at the end of week 2 of daily running that extended through week 4. I’ve been feeling better again this week but the last two were rough. Every other year that I’ve started this challenge, injury or travel has come quickly, so trying my best to avoid illness and injury in January.

Happy new year all, happy miles.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Oh man. That sucks. We made it 3 years before getting it last Christmas.

Take you time getting back to it. I took paxlovid, which does help to reduce the severity. It still took 7 days before I could manage to run for 15 minutes. It was two more weeks before I was back to normal durations and paces. Ymmv.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [flychris] [ In reply to ]
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I'm at 53/48 for Eric's and 32/32 for ST. It's been my strongest start since 2019, I think.
I'm mostly just trying to follow my training plan, and occasionally throw in a double.

I did come down with some weird bi-phasic (initial cold wasn't bad, lasted for a couple days... Second phase a week later was full-on) cold that took me out for a couple days. But, I made those up with some short doubles (and triples on Eric's challenge) as I eased back into normal training.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I was doing so well and then.........
my treadmill broke : ((((
I have ordered a way too expensive new one, but I'm guessing 7-10 days until it arrives. I'm a cold wimp, so already behind by 2 runs now.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Diana] [ In reply to ]
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Buy some thick ski mittens and a ski hat! You just gotta hold out for 20 minutes.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I restarted 12/31 - just HAD TO get that Last Mile of 2023 - then did yesterday morning & this afternoon

So, after being +3, I think I'm -4?

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Glad youre back at it. Happy new year!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tried this challenge last year and made it about 20 days, achilles problem, had to stop. After a successful 2023 season, and much improved fitness, I was excited to sign up and give it a shot this year. Low and behold I woke up December 1 with some sort of flu. Managed a couple of runs that weekend and only missed two days. I doubled up and made up one of them. I'm at 32 of 33 days on the ST challenge and have continued to bike and swim. Every bike workout is a brick now. At 51 years old, I recorded my highest run volume month ever! My coach says he isn't a fan of long streaks with no breaks, but the 20 minute minimum makes it manageable. Confident that I'll find time to double up a run day. Really enjoying the process of getting out there daily and then logging the run on the website and am surprised how the body is holding up. Feeling stronger than ever actually. As long as I hold myself to easy days and only 20 minutes when I need to recover, I should make it!

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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on track for the ST version, 12 behind on the Jensen log, not helped by his log going down
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry about that :) it's fixed.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [EricTheBiking] [ In reply to ]
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I made it through the holiday season only one run down. I expected to lose at least a day for travel, but while my Christmas Eve flight was delayed, I took the shuttle out to long term parking and jogged it back in.

Both the Eric Jensen site and the Run Signup site are working fine for me as far as logging, though I am at least a week behind on both.

Just keep running :)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [EricTheBiking] [ In reply to ]
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sorry did not intend to be critical (though I was), need to keep logging those runs. Had solid couple of weeks and woke up today with a head cold, bah.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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Oh it didn't come off that way. I did an oops as I'm upgrading the site and didn't check it very carefully :-P so it was my bad for sure.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [EricTheBiking] [ In reply to ]
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EricTheBiking wrote:
Oh it didn't come off that way. I did an oops as I'm upgrading the site and didn't check it very carefully :-P so it was my bad for sure.


The import from Strava is gold. 0 logging. Press Garmin start, stop, goes to Garmin, goes to Strava, goes to your site with 1 click of the mouse.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [EricTheBiking] [ In reply to ]
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I do like the ease of syncing, functional, simple and elegant and the same time from a user POV. Just got to get through today and keep on running
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [stevie g] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you. And I hope your cold ends up not being too obnoxious.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Looking at the leaderboard on Eric's website got me thinking.
Which of:
Count / Duration / Distance / Pace
Do you think would actually correlate closest to race speed?

I would be include to think total duration, as it is least effect by other factors such as elevation & terrain.
Of course duration, distance and speed are all linked and you cant have 1 without the other 2.

Full-time Engineer / Part-time Pro Triathlete
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/benwgoodfellow/
Strava - https://www.strava.com/athletes/3085032
Website - https://benwgoodfellow.wixsite.com/bengoodfellow
Last edited by: BenwGoodfellow: Jan 10, 24 4:21
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [BenwGoodfellow] [ In reply to ]
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I thought the answer to that was pretty well understood. I thought race results correlate with (in order of significance):

1. Total weekly duration.
2. Run Frequency.
3. Longest run duration.

Ie, the person who runs the most probably wins. The person who runs every day has an advantage over the person who does monster runs 3x. But, the person who has longer long runs has an advantage or lots of short runs.

I mean, that's the entire basis of my run program...run lots, run often, run long sometimes.

I agree they are all inter-related. In those situations, I consider the degenerate cases. Does 100x1mile runs give you the same results as 10x10mile runs, or 1x100mile run, or a mix of short/med/long runs like 10/20/10/20/10/30 give the best results?
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Jan 11, 24 11:06
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, always been my understanding of the order of importance.

Without wanting to sound cocky. I was just surprised how far down the Average pace column I am for a 70min (ish) HM runner.

The Average pace put me around the 1/3 of the table. Admittedly I do some offroad and elevation but still lots of peaple doing lots of fast training.

For reference Duration and Distance are second highest at the moment.

Full-time Engineer / Part-time Pro Triathlete
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/benwgoodfellow/
Strava - https://www.strava.com/athletes/3085032
Website - https://benwgoodfellow.wixsite.com/bengoodfellow
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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haha, I am literally in the 100x1 mile run camp.

Often I swim, get on the rowing machine or gym bike adn then run 15 min during my lunch workout and then at night I get on the bike (if I don't at lunch time) for a real bike workout and either before bike do a 10-15 min job on treadmil or after. I end up trying to get 30 min jogging per day, but its a ton of tiny doubles around a workout that is mainly swimming or mainly biking. The running is just there so I don't completely ignore it, but I am not "going for a run". I am "going for a swim or going for a ride" most of the time....unless I am on biz travel in which case, I often don't have the first two and I go for a 50-75 min actual run
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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After I did my usual Sunday morning run, a brief patch of snow came through later in the afternoon

'I haven't gone out when it was snowing (even a little bit) in a while' I reminded myself, so just for fun, I threw on my running shoes and went out for a little trot - the snow was nothing of consequence, and not sticking at all; just fluffy flakes drifting past, but it was a fun moment

Not long afterwards, when I'd returned and gotten back into "street clothes", one of my cats was fussing to go out into the back yard; to either chase some little birds flitting around the bushes or to harass a flock of geese who were taking a paddle break in our retention pond behind the fence

"You can't got out" I told her "It's cold and windy and there's snow blowing around"

She gave me a look that said 'You went out. Why can't I?!!!'

"Yeah," I replied to her nonverbal question, "But I'm an idiot, and you're smarter than that'

She looked out the the window again, with a certain smugness this time, 'You are right about that; both things'


By my count, I'm at 36/45 on ST, 55/62 on EJ, with a (5K minimum) streak of 15 days

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
one of my cats was fussing to go out into the back yard; to either chase some little birds flitting around the bushes or to harass a flock of geese who were taking a paddle break in our retention pond behind the fence

"You can't got out" I told her "It's cold and windy and there's snow blowing around"

She gave me a look that said 'You went out. Why can't I?!!!'

"Yeah," I replied to her nonverbal question, "But I'm an idiot, and you're smarter than that'

She looked out the the window again, with a certain smugness this time, 'You are right about that; both things'

This feels like a scene with any of my 3 cats >^.^<

We finally got some snow here..

Unfortunately the big initial dump on Friday turned to rain partway through, and it was mild through Saturday afternoon so there were some surprises under the snow on the trails

It got colder Saturday night, but since I was going out to a small trail tract by myself at 10pm, I decided to play it safe with some extra floatation

I did 3 loops of about a mile each, and it started dumping again partway through the first - by the time I'd get back to the exposed section where the snow was deepest and loosest, my tracks from the prior loop would be completely obscured by the falling and blowing snow.

It turned cold yesterday - high of -9c/16f with a brutal wind making it feel like -19c/-2f - but at least I finally got to see some sun! It was only the second sunny day since Dec 14th, and I'd worked through the daylight on the other one (Jan 4th)

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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Well after making it through the holiday season/travel without missing a run, I wound up getting a cold or something last week and missed a couple. So now I’m at 57 out of 60 (or something close to that).
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Bummer! I had a nasty bunch of grunge between Thanksgiving and Xmas. Came back twice! Hope yours isn't as bad.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
Still working on being able to configure that view for public consumption.

*I* can see it on the admin side, though.

Any update on this? Sort order on the public view still seems to be total miles, as best I can tell, without literally counting everyone's individual details. I checked one ahead of me on the results page...they are one run behind me, but 2 miles, and 3 minutes more.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Working on it with RunSignUp.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Yesterday's Run Report w/pix is on IG


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Yesterday's Run Report w/pix is on IG


I always love seeing pics from peoples runs on here. Thanks for sharing. Its been kinda quiet on here this year. I've had to go to IG for my MistressK, snowy canada fix.

Ugh...I've come down with some cold, again. That makes two so far in this challenge (just after US thanksgiving), and now. I missed yesterday for the first time since Christmas. Hopefully, I can eek out a slow 2miles tonight.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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D'Wife left home in today's beginning of the snow without her phone, so I quickly hopped in the car to take it to her at work, because I didn't want her driving around without it later today when conditions will surely deteriorate

Now, if I'd been smart, I would've taken a beat and packed up my gym bag, to do the treadmill at Planet Fitness* while roads were rather decent

However - I am NOT smart

So, I ran an easy, navigable, but non-photogenic route around the boro

* Feel free to judge me LOL

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Jan 19, 24 8:25
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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No judgement here! In fact, I'd probably run on the treadmill today...if I could get to one. As it stands, I might either try and run through 6 inches of snow in the woods around the house or just do a 20-minute run in place in the basement...still a few hours here to figure it out. I really wish I could try one of those snowshoe runs, because the conditions here are probably perfect for that, but I don't have any equipment.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, that's why I took it outside while I could still see something of the road

I've got a streak to maintain, now up to 20 days

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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501chorusecho wrote:
I really wish I could try one of those snowshoe runs, because the conditions here are probably perfect for that, but I don't have any equipment.

Order yourself a set of Dions and get after it!

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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MistressK is a Queen of Snowshoes!!!

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Indeed she is!

Whelp Ive spent the last 10 days down with covid. Sigh. At least I'm clear of it today.

Managed a 20m / 2mi run tonight. Time to start stringing a few together, and get back in the game!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Monday evening, after she came home from her gym, D'Wife asked "so did you run today? Or did you take Monday off, like you do?"

"No, I ran today," I answered "I had a break in my calendar after some meetings got moved around, so I took advantage and went out"
"When was your last day off?"
"Um ..." 🤔 LOL

As of yesterday, according to my calcs, I'm 6 behind on Eric's and -9 on Slowtwitch, with a 31-day streak going; almost all of them outside

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Good job RandMart. This is my first time doing this challenge. I was a little confused in November then realized there were 2 challenges. I started December 1 but had some runs late November. I'm 1 behind on the ST challenge and only 11 behind on Eric's. I plan on being 100/100 March 15. Really enjoying the process and seeing some improvements is nice... for an old guy. lol

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Runjmanrun] [ In reply to ]
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I started with the other challenge back in November. I'm 77 runs in, haven't missed one day yet, not even when I got a bit sick at the end of the year.

I started with just the bare minimum by just doing the 20 minutes daily, but I've worked myself up to six 30 minute runs from M-Sat, and on Sunday I do a 1 hour long run.

Having said that, I am so ready for this thing to be done. I need a day off (or two).
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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There's been heck-all for snow this year, though - I have a "snowshoe" race tomorrow, but it looks like it may just be muddy.

One of my only really snowy runs this winter was a "25k" (actually more like 28) trail race on Jan 20th - there was about 4" of fresh snow and it was -10c/11f, so it wasn't packing down even with multiple loops. Took me bloody forever and messed my back up when my foot slipped twice - the first time being only about 200m in, so fun day! - but it was so beautiful out there.

Traditional Friday rest day today will put me 1 behind (currently 79 for Eric's & 63 for ST), but I'll do an extra run 'round the course tomorrow to make it up.

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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I doubled on Friday (street in the AM, TM in the PM), to cut my deficit by 1, and maintained my streak through the weekend - now sitting at 36 with today's run forthcoming

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Doubled again yesterday

It was 48* and sunny here in the afternoon and my calendar was free of meetings for a bit, so I threw on the shorts and went out for a trot around the developments

Later, when I finished work, I packed up a bag and went to the gym. I did a nice 5K to warm up before visiting the strength training area

That brought my deficits down by another 1 each, and extended my streak to 39

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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It's taken over a week to return to something looking like normal from COVID. Since it is advised to keep bouts of exercise short and easy while recovering, I did doubles every day while incrementally increasing total duration each day. As a result, from a count point of view I'm basically back to where I was pre-COVID.

93/86 on Eric's
71/69 on ST Official

Weekly mileage is still about 10 mpw and 0:15 s / mile pace off from my last pre-COVID week. That will take another week or two to rebuild, which will mean total COVID impact was right at 1 full month. <Sigh>
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ]
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Great job everybody! I can hardly believe there are less than 10 DAYS to go! I agree about being ready for a break. I don't really mind the running every day part, but updating the websites has gotten old and I had fallen about two weeks behind on one and probably twice that on the other. It wasn't too bad to catch up on Eric's, since I could synch it all through Strava. But...does anyone know if there is a way to do a similar batch upload/synch to the RunSignUp.Com website? I thought there was, but now I can't find it.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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501chorusecho wrote:
Great job everybody! I can hardly believe there are less than 10 DAYS to go! I agree about being ready for a break. I don't really mind the running every day part, but updating the websites has gotten old and I had fallen about two weeks behind on one and probably twice that on the other. It wasn't too bad to catch up on Eric's, since I could synch it all through Strava. But...does anyone know if there is a way to do a similar batch upload/synch to the RunSignUp.Com website? I thought there was, but now I can't find it.

There's a "Import activities from CSV file" on the Log Activities page, just above the "Submit" button. I haven't tried it, though...so, I can't say how it works.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry I have not participated that much, but have been running. I just caught up inputing 3 weeks of runs, but can't seem to find my total runs for the challenge. If we started on Dec 1, we end on 31+31+29 = March 9 ? So 22 days to go?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I think that's all correct. You can find your total at the very bottom of the data input form.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Feb 17, 24 18:23
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yep Feb 22 and Mar 9 are the end dates as far as I know.

I hit 100 yesterday evening, so I'll finish with 101 for Eric's challenge - will probably be about the same for the ST challenge, but holy heck am I ever behind in logging..

Only one snowshoe run so far this winter - all the snow has melted again, but we did get one quick xc ski in on the weekend

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
tom_hampton wrote:
rrheisler wrote:
Still working on being able to configure that view for public consumption.

*I* can see it on the admin side, though.

Any update on this? Sort order on the public view still seems to be total miles, as best I can tell, without literally counting everyone's individual details. I checked one ahead of me on the results page...they are one run behind me, but 2 miles, and 3 minutes more.

Working on it with RunSignUp.

we've got 14 days left or so.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't get in enough doubles to erase my COVID deficit, but finished with an All-Time PB of 98/100 for Eric's Challenge; my 5K/day streak remains intact at 56 days after completing this morning's 4-mile loop around town

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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OK I see I ended up at 83 on Eric's. I need to catch up logging on the Dec 1 start date version.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ]
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I came up just a few short at 97/100. One day I was on travel and just couldn't get it together, and then I was sick two days. But great job everybody, and let's do it again in 2024-2025!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [501chorusecho] [ In reply to ]
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Why wait?

I do my own, off-the-grid, totally non-official, DIY 100/100 every Summer between Memorial Day and Labor Day

Anyone can start their own 100/100 whenever they feel like it, in my experience

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ] [ In reply to ]
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I don't see why not! I do other much less elaborate personal challenges as well that do not involve a website or GPS tracker or anything...maybe a clock/watch/timer.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Did this thread get unpinned prematurely? I think we still have 4 days to go... And this usually stays pinned for a week or so after closing.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [ In reply to ]
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Hey ST,

Checking-in here as the 100/100 is about to wrap up in 2024. Unless someone throws down a mid-week 100-miler, I'm going to finish 4th place in terms of distance. Congrats to Shogan, Sebe, and Stephane on the "podium".

I'm currently tracked at 80 runs in 95 days for ~640mi.

I was on a run streak for the first 50 days; the longest of my life. However, a left quad issue led to some pretty sad treadmill runs where I was hobbling along day-after-day only trying to achieve a minimal 5k to appease the streak. Finally abandoned the streak and took a couple days off. The occasional off-day, combined with frequent wearing of super shoes to minimize impact -- has gotten the quad in a much better place as I wean myself back on a more modest shoe rotation.

Thanks for the imaginary Internet motivation, to all who participated. -A
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [westandrew] [ In reply to ]
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You're safe from me. I was behind on my logging, which I've fixed now... which puts me at 607. Im still not going to throw down 100mi in the next 4 days.

I finished Eric's at 108 runs, 630 miles, 96 hours.

I'm +4 at 99/95, 91 hours, and 607mi for ST. I should end around 660mi on the 9th. My average daily run pace has increased by a little over 1 minute per mile since these challenges started.

This has been my best year since 2019 (I think?)
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Way behind on logging but deffo won't see that much mileage - I've been working absolutely stupid hours, barely sleeping, dealing with a sick kitty and my mum recovering from hip surgery, while playing hockey and goalball as well. I should finish with either 100 or 101 (depending on whether I can convince myself to do a double on Saturday), but as for when I'll have time to update my results in RSU ÂŻ\_(ă„)_/ÂŻ

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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mistressk wrote:
Way behind on logging but deffo won't see that much mileage - I've been working absolutely stupid hours, barely sleeping, dealing with a sick kitty and my mum recovering from hip surgery, while playing hockey and goalball as well. I should finish with either 100 or 101 (depending on whether I can convince myself to do a double on Saturday), but as for when I'll have time to update my results in RSU ÂŻ\_(ă„)_/ÂŻ

Wow! Sounds like things have been busy and stressful.

I hope your kitty and mom are recovering. Those stressors always put other things into a certain perspective.

I've watched a few of your hockey vids. Looks like fun. My wife would be jealous. She loves hockey (to watch), but can't skate for nuthin. đź‚🏒. She's always trying to convince our daughters to let our grandsons play hockey.
To be fair to the moms, I don't think the grandsons have any interest, either. So, it's just a hypothetical debate.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
Did this thread get unpinned prematurely? I think we still have 4 days to go... And this usually stays pinned for a week or so after closing.

I just caught up on logging. At 81 runs now!!!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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One thing for this edition of the 100/100 challenge that I can say for sure is that the ST version was much much worse than other years... For next year, even a simple google docs sheet is better than the current logging solution. One thing, there was a promise in the first post about random prizes that never happened right?

For me, I'm gonna finish with 95+ runs and as usual I'm using this as a base building for my winter (in Brazil) June marathon. During this 100 days I was able to up my mileage from 25 to 50-55 in the last weeks, hoping to peak at 60-70 in April and May, aiming a golden goal of going sub 2h50 in the marathon. Let's see how that goes!

Congrats and thank you all!
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, everyone should learn to skate! It's great for your balance and coordination - especially for kids! Hockey is an amazing sport, and I don't know of many people who try it and don't enjoy it, but I will admit there's a high barrier to entry with equipment costs, ice availability, etc.

Asking for clarification here: the RSU page says results accepted up til Mar 10th, but that's 101 days (Dec 1-Mar 9 = 100). Does this just mean we have to have everything logged by the 10th, or you'll accept runs on the 10th as part of the challenge?

One other thing - why is my "tally" 3.39mi different from my run miles?

ill advised racing inc.
Last edited by: mistressk: Mar 8, 24 19:36
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [westandrew] [ In reply to ]
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Hello Andrew, sorry to hear about your injury, we were toe-to-toe on mileage for a good period of time. I was able to stay sick/injury free, I also did a lot of (stupid?) double/triples for the (childish?) competition on the other log.

I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone, and thank you for the challenge, the motivation (& the competition !).

I am a first timer on this, and I can testify the challenge has overdelivered on its promises, I had an amazing time.
Volume works...
  • I never ran so often / so much in my entire life. Careful ramp-up in additional short runs before increasing volume has allowed me to stay out of injuries. Swim & bike are suffering but you can't have it all.
  • Volume also helps sustaining speed training : I never did so much interval sessions since a long time. Again, no injury (knock on wood)
  • The best part : I am getting FASTER ! :-)
  • I have been racing a lot of local 10K during the challenge, a half last weekend, and I have seen my times steadily dropping. I am currently in territory unseen since... 2016. I was 49 then, and it was the year of all my run PBs. (OK, no magic carbon shoes in 2016)
  • I planned to use the challenge as a prep for a spring marathon, for which the goal, ambitious at the time, was to see if I could still run sub-3 at 56 yo. Goal has now moved to a marathon PB.
  • Message to the 55+ crew : it seems it is not over, folks ! (unless of course your best times are 30yo....).

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Jonny89] [ In reply to ]
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Jonny89 wrote:
One thing for this edition of the 100/100 challenge that I can say for sure is that the ST version was much much worse than other years... For next year, even a simple google docs sheet is better than the current logging solution. One thing, there was a promise in the first post about random prizes that never happened right?

For me, I'm gonna finish with 95+ runs and as usual I'm using this as a base building for my winter (in Brazil) June marathon. During this 100 days I was able to up my mileage from 25 to 50-55 in the last weeks, hoping to peak at 60-70 in April and May, aiming a golden goal of going sub 2h50 in the marathon. Let's see how that goes!

Congrats and thank you all!

I originlly did google spreadsheet and the nice thing is people could leave comments in a cell beside their name, so there was also some interaction via that channel. I found this year, there was limited banter on the forum about the various activities. The idea behind the challenge originally is it was supposed to a type of community 100 day long camp where we are training together. When I was on my high school track team back in the 80's the coach had a giant poster with with all our names on it with 100 boxes beside our names with 100 days. In each box you put an X if you did an EXTRA 1 mile run before, or after practice or on weekends. The coach expecially wanted the sprinters to do extra jogging daily because at a big meet, we end up doing a lot more running than we thought, because of all the warmups and cooldowns between prelims, finals and relays, so coach wanted us to be well conditioned.

In any case, at practice, you physically took a marker and put an X beside your name and if you missed today, you could do an extra two miles another day and "catch up". There would be a lot of banter about who is going to "make" 100 mile club and get the Tshirt at the end of the 100 days. We had a lot of interaction and banter about it. For the distance guys and girls it was easy. If they had to leave after practice and not do the extra "optional mile" jog after practice, they could catch up easily on weekend.

The extra 1 mile jog became a social thing.

Now in the case of the challenge this year, I think the social element was subdued. I think the logging not making the "number of runs" explicit took out some of the social momentum. Getting out for that "run today" was always the key value. The distance was not important as long as we did minimum distance (formerly 30 min/3 miles, now 20 min/2miles).

I am guilty of not participating in creating content from time to time on this thread about the running. I think I will end up at 80 something runs, 62 hrs, and around 640km. That's OK. 700km would have been nicer. It looks like I averaged around 36 minutes per day inclusive of no run days and days that I did 4km only (which was my minimum if I got out).

Mainly no explicit view of number of runs took away from the idea of frequency which was core to the values of this challenge. There were only around 65 people crossing 100 miles total (if they did 2 miles per day, that is 50 runs), so I think basically the engagement on this died down this year. I know I did not get people from my social networks to come over here and register (I got kind of busy and was too swamped to market it) and I am not sure how many others did, so we would have been depended on the forum only. When I was more active, I would have recruited 200+ in my own sport community locally to play along. You just need a few people regionally to recruit 10, 50, 100 and suddenly we are at the big numbers and in turn they may stay on the forum
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Doing Doubles on my Fridays helped to burn down my deficit from getting COVID around Xmas-time, but I still ended up being 97/100 for this challenge vs. 98/100 from Eric's

More importantly for me, though; my 5K/day streak has reached 70 days

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Doing Doubles on my Fridays helped to burn down my deficit from getting COVID around Xmas-time, but I still ended up being 97/100 for this challenge vs. 98/100 from Eric's

More importantly for me, though; my 5K/day streak has reached 70 days

Is tomorrow the last day? If you do a triple tomorrow can you hit 100? Or can you add a run today and do two more tomorrow?
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I thought today was the 100th day.

1 Jan = day 32
1 Feb = day 63
1 Mar = day 92 (leap year so +29)
9 Mar = day 100

Am I missing something?

Also Eric allowed triples... ST is limited to doubles.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Mar 9, 24 14:26
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Rtl, totally agree, I think the main problem was the Run Sign Up website that they used for tracking was pretty bad. Maybe it’s fine for managing race registration (as the name suggests), but for this it is horrible. Next time hopefully just use the Eric Jensen one, which worked fine and had features that appeal to the group (e.g., the big one here is that it actually shows the total number of runs).
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:
I thought today was the 100th day.

1 Jan = day 32
1 Feb = day 63
1 Mar = day 92 (leap year so +29)
9 Mar = day 100

Am I missing something?

Also Eric allowed triples... ST is limited to doubles.

Yes you are correct, today is the last day. I think on the logging function it says it will accept inputs to March 10 so that caused my confusion.

Regardless year 18 of the madness comes to an end.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:

Yes you are correct, today is the last day. I think on the logging function it says it will accept inputs to March 10 so that caused my confusion.

Regardless year 18 of the madness comes to an end.

Whew! I could use a day off. But, I need to get rid of the carrot to mentally be able to do that.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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This is where Endorphin Addiction rears its head

"I could take today off. I could break my streak. It would be fine"

"I'll just go for a short run today. I'll take a rest day tomorrow"


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here - NEW [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Did it. That was fun. First time participating. 100 runs. 869 Km. Learned a lot. Stayed injury free. Built a pretty good base. Thanks so much for providing a space to log. Built a routine of run, log, analyze haha. Wishing everyone a good racing season. Go get it….whatever it is. Cheers

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
Working on it with RunSignUp.

So, nothing? Ye Great ST 100/100 ends without participants ever being able to even see how the field did?

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Sign Ups are Live [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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It's not about "the field" --- it's all YOU, girl!!!

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:
Replying to you, because I finally got this done.

1.) Sign ups are here. https://runsignup.com/...ch100100RunChallenge. It's free. Hooray!
2.) Logging - unfortunately, it's manual. I'm sorry. You don't have to log in multiple times to submit results, though. IDEALLY: no more than two runs per day, people. 2 mile / 20 minute minimums.
3.) The table sorting should be able to show you completion of runs, not just total distance.
4.) We will have random giveaways. To be eligible for them, you need to hit a minimum number of runs during the 100/100. How many is that? We haven't decided yet. But it will be under the goal of 100 runs in 100 days.

I'll be writing up the front page story on this shortly which should answer any additional questions.

Is there anyway of going back to the people who manage run sign ups and just ask them to from their internal system to do a sort by, and show number of runs that were done at end of challenge. Or can you dump it into an csv as an owner, sort it and post a screen capture?

It really is a thorn in my side because frequent runs was the idea behind the challenge and not being able to see that took away some of the engagement factor and positive reinforcement people see by doing a run and see their tally go up that day. The entire idea has always been to just get people out the door and the motivator has really been something along the lines of "today I will get from 49 to 50 with this run....now I am only 3 runs behind the pace and only need three doubles" (or whatever the person cares about.

While I understand you didn't want to use the EricJ platform, I think you killed a key engagement angle of the challenge along the way by not having run tally visible. Just seeing your own run tally in a data entry screen was insufficient.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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It really is a thorn in my side because frequent runs was the idea behind the challenge and not being able to see that took away some of the engagement factor and positive reinforcement people see by doing a run and see their tally go up that day.


It is disappointing.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Mar 14, 24 11:10
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Honestly after logging my first few runs I gave up. It was much easier to sync the info on Eric's platform. I did his challenge again this year. It was never my intension to shoot for the 100/100, more as a way to track/boost my frequency through the winter months. If I was gunning for the full 100 I suspect I might have stuck it out with the logging.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Stelvio] [ In reply to ]
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I had good totals (mileage and runs) but I didn’t bother signing up for either. Nobody wants to go offsite and manually log their activities.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Stelvio] [ In reply to ]
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Stelvio wrote:
Honestly after logging my first few runs I gave up. It was much easier to sync the info on Eric's platform. I did his challenge again this year. It was never my intension to shoot for the 100/100, more as a way to track/boost my frequency through the winter months. If I was gunning for the full 100 I suspect I might have stuck it out with the logging.

That's all that really matters. I hope that you accomplished what you wanted. The engagement here has always been about helping each other get that "one extra run" each week, or whatever.

Strava sync is certainly better than the RSU data form. But, RSU wasn't all that big of a deal as long as you kept up with it. However, the inability to see the standings per the challenge rules was a bummer. It was frustrating the ST leadership made several commitments, and then didn't follow-through....and, ultimately stopped communicating any sort of status, or a revised plan, or even a "we tried and failed, sorry" response.

I have always enjoyed the banter with those around me in the standings, encouraging new comers and giving them tips, and reading other peoples adventures....and mistressK photos, always mistressK snowy pix. I think all these different forms of engagement and the consequent consistent stream of traffic have always helped everyone to stay with it for 100 days, and maybe get those few extra runs in. We lost a lot of that this year for various reasons.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Tom_hampton wrote:

It really is a thorn in my side because frequent runs was the idea behind the challenge and not being able to see that took away some of the engagement factor and positive reinforcement people see by doing a run and see their tally go up that day.


It is disappointing.

I agree. I don't think I logged my last month-worth of runs, and I have no idea how many runs I did over the 100 days.
Did I run more than I would have without the challenge? Probably. So in that sense, mission accomplished. But the tracking and leaderboard situation took a lot away from it this year.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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Just a general reply here. I don't think Ryan has ever done the 100/100 so he likely does not fully grasp how engagement works on the challenge.

Inside my own tech company, I ask managers and directors to be users and testers of our own product, because that makes them feel the user experience and the pain of features and functionality that are not up to the end user premium experience. I think Ryan can't appreciate the end user experience, because he has not been an end user. On the flip side, I lived the end user experience of the challenge over 18 years.

So Ryan if you are reading it, firstly next year, you better get your ass out of excuse making mode and get the start line of the 20 minutes daily (since you flipped it to 20 from 30 after an extensice debate in the fall of 2022). Secondly, you'll really live the user experience. Thirdly, you need to participate in this thread actively, encourage people to run, give them a push, answer questions. Its just gonna make it better if you are an active.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm gonna reply to you, but it's really more for the purposes of the thread. It's probably my first time opening this thread since January. And that's a whole other can of worms.

Here's the short version: I fucked this up, and we're going to do better next year.

The longer version: There were a couple of major failure points for this year's 100/100. Dev, to your point -- yes, I've registered, yes, I've run, no I've never been particularly good at logging, because I suck at logging (you can ask people for whom I've had to do billable hours; you can ask any one of my coaches for me logging workouts; etc. I'm very good at doing the damn thing. I am not good at logging it.)

Now, for the fuckups.

1.) The choice of RSU as the platform. We used RunSignUp for this year primarily because it's free, and I'm familiar with using it for virtual challenge results -- it's what we use for my race directing work. I was under the false impression that, because tally counts are available as a data field, that you'd be able to use that tally field for results.

You're not. And it's not a priority for their devs.

2.) Slowtwitch's content needs took priority over the 100/100. Not to get into the sausage making too much around these parts, but the editorial side of the house is what pays the bills and keeps the lights on around here. Every single piece of content that we publish goes through my hands. I actually post roughly 80% of our stories on behalf of our writers. And we had to do a lot of looking for writers. And, well, I also had to write a lot. It's not an excuse -- it's just a fact -- I spent almost all my ST time on that work. It's one of the reasons why the podcast took a hiatus -- Eric and I just have not had time to connect at times that work.

3.) I prioritized other things. Winter is very busy for us. Kelly worked almost 3500 hours last year (do that math, it's not pretty), spent 91 nights in Marriott properties, and went from zero to gold status on Delta without really using any "tricks" to get there beyond flight segments and MQDs. So I made sure that we took time to do stuff as a family. We went to Utah in January to ski. Ivy ski races and so I'm doing two hours of driving every Saturday and Sunday to bring her to practice. I've been SkiMo'ing (I'm probably better at that than I am at triathlon, if we're honest). I'm building scaffolding to repair multiple logs on the house. And ST is only one of the things I do to make a living.

It's a very long way of saying that I completely checked out on 100/100.

What my plan for 2024-2025 looks like is as follows:
  • Hire someone to our team to be focused on the 100/100 community management side. That might even be you, Dev.
  • We're going to likely host this on Strava or Wahoo's platform.
  • Find a run brand to partner with on prizes / raffles.

I'm sorry that we fucked this up this year. All we can do is try to be better.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Ryan, firstly I totally get the priority of focusing on what pays the bills.I literally have endless points of conflict with staff at my own company when they lose sight of what is getting us to revenue versus what people my THINK is important. The most important thing is keeping the lights on and for this we are all thankful that you are keeping the lights on in this place. Thanks for coming in and explaining. Transitioning an existing organization to a new era is very very hard. It is why most company acquisitions don't work out in the long term. I think many of us are here to help in our small way to enable the transition from Dan theme and culture to Eric theme and culture, as we have vested interest in the platform being healthy as much as we all like to complain :-)

Let me see if I can contribute for the community engagement side. My hands are somewhat full with my company repsonsibilities and just getting to start lines of workouts are a challenge (last night I got home at 8 pm and chatted wiht my wife on daily catch up till 9 pm and then I bagged my night workout which I really should have sucked up and done as Oceanside 70.3 is weeks away). Having said that, I believe I ran 83 times in both the Eric "early 100/100" and the Ryan "late 100" so I advanced my running somewhat and now feel that I should not have to break into a walk at Oceanside so at the tiny of scale of this one participant the imperfect version was better than sitting on my ass. The irony is with the challenge complete last night I skipped my workout. If the challenge was on, I would have likely sucked it up
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I know I can be, and have been a bit of an ass... But... I echo Devs sentiments. I appreciate the transparency, now. I do wish we could have had it during the challenge; even just to know that it wasn't changing this year... But, would be better next.

But, I've been managing large projects for a very long time. I get that sometimes priorities are a thing...and, something gets starved by all priority queues. That's just life in the real world of limited time, money, and people. If you arent in AI like Dev (where they just print more money, or create a new chat bot when they need something done), then eventually something runs out.

Thank you for coming on now and telling us the back story. It does make a difference

I'm a big fan of this challenge since I first joined it 5 or 6 years ago. I have always tried to act as some kind of informal ambassador, and am willing to do what I can to keep this alive, make it better, etc, in the future.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I would nominate Tom as 2024/2025 challenge head instigator/coach/motivator.

And I sympathize with Ryan on all the donkey work to keep things running. Interestingly when you are under the hood trying to operationalize anything AI all the software engineering, IT work and data wrangling and data base headaches is what bogs down from any AI magic work like it is "supposed" to work in labs.

In any case I had one of my best 45 min runs since last fall after swimming today and the challenge with all the imperfections adds up to making running enjoyable on days that things work.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
And I sympathize with Ryan on all the donkey work to keep things running. Interestingly when you are under the hood trying to operationalize anything AI all the software engineering, IT work and data wrangling and data base headaches is what bogs down from any AI magic work like it is "supposed" to work in labs.

Yeah---I design military aircraft for a living. I can trounce anyone's donkey work that bogs down real work, many times over with all the crap that goes into making metal magically float in the air.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [Tom_hampton] [ In reply to ]
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I work for one of those airplane companies, and I thought everything up in the air is carbon fiber now? I guess there's still a lot of metal on the inside?

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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  Most of what we do are military commercial derived aircraft modifications. Gulfstream G550, Bombardier global express 6500 / 7500, dassault falcon 2000, Boeing 707s, 737s...also countless turboprops: beechcraft ka 350s, Lockheed p-3s, c130s, and many more. Plenty of metal craft out there, still.

Composite mods are a whole 'nuther thing.
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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As a lowly 2.5-year participant, I have few cares about the logging format. I'll continue to play along as long as its not too arduous.

I don't really do social media. I log my runs with no expectation of interaction (here, or anywhere). Nonetheless, I quietly observe the ongoings of my "competitors" and try to internalize: their pace, their mileage. My mileage doesn't always come easy. I am sure theirs doesn't either. It's a weird sense of community for an introspective person. I did appreciate the one year the "top" runners were profiled on a main page article. How are folks grinding it out? What amazing places are they doing it in? Or miserable situations? What are the challenges they are overcoming to get it done? That really humanized the whole thing for me. It's scored like a race on the current platform, which provides some motivation I suppose. But if there was a way we could focus on the gains of this endeavor, I think that would be a big win. -AGW
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [westandrew] [ In reply to ]
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How do you figure the ".5" part? Did you drop out halfway through? Start late? Achieve only half of your goal? I don't think this is a thing you can DNF, really; you just stop and that equals "finished"

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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First off, appreciate the post with detailed explanations, a bit of the underrated mea culpa, and a whole lot of very relatable
"life is extraordinarily busy and I missed a few things" stuff.

Definitely missed the total numbers of runs feature this year. And the medal rankings. I take my motivation, incremental as it may be, where I can get it, and definitely enjoyed those features. Glad y'all are performing your post hoc analusis, and thinking through improvements/changes for next year.

Lastly, glad it was available for this year, and thanks for the work that was put it by the multitude responsible. See you next year.

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Re: The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: Airing of the Grievances Season is Here [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Although the 100/100s are long past now, my 5K (minimum)-per-day streak which started 12/31/2023 (New Years Eve, morning) has reached the 100-day milestone

Honestly, one of the biggest reasons I'm still going is because the math is so easy LOL

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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