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training on disc wheel
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Does anyone train on a disc wheel? I was thinking it would be better to train on the disc to know how the bike will handle, since the bike will handle differently with the disc. I usually go out once a week on my TT bike.
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Re: training on disc wheel [John3] [ In reply to ]
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Three thoughts:

1. It is a good idea to get out on the wheel enough to have a good understanding of how it affects your bike ahndling in various weather conditions. Probably a good idea to go out on a slightly gusty day to see how that feels. So, yes, your logic is sound but...
2. The darn things are expensive. It would be tragic to hit a hole in the road and do some real damage to it. That would butt-ass suck.
3. Hey, if you are a triathlete (I don't know that you are, so excuse the supposition if I am in error)how come you are only riding your TT bike once a week? Doesn't Armstrong (not a triathlete) ride his more than that? I dunno. I am 50/50 road and tri bike. More during race season on the tri bike.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: training on disc wheel [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I have usually only gone out once a week on the TT bike in the past. I am currently building up a new TT bike, so I am sure that I will be going out on it more often this year. I am more of a road racer than a triathlete, so I have always spent more time on my road bike than the TT bike.
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Re: training on disc wheel [John3] [ In reply to ]
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assuming you are set up correctly on your tri bike, meaning your position replicates that of your road position, only roating that position in space, there is no difference between riding the tri bike versus the road bike performance-wise. the only difference i can see is comfort, as a tri bike will stress the taint in a different way than the road bike, but once again, position should be the same, so ride that road bike like it's your job.

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