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Re: How do I stop having to pee constantly in a race? [theyellowcarguy] [ In reply to ]
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This happened to me in two cold IMs (IMFL and IMAZ). I think it had to do with carrying a bit too much retained water into the race. I trained in high heat/humidity in the lead-up to both races and the carbo loading probably didn't help either. The peeing started the day before the race... almost like my body was dumping all the extra water after adapting to the cooler temperature during race week. It continued on race day where I peed on the swim, bike and run like a thousand times. At least I didn't have to stop... yes, I can pee on the run - it's a skill LOL

theyellowcarguy wrote:
I've read multiple threads on this and tried different solutions and still have not had success. If the race is cold and/or wet, I have to pee constantly every 15 minutes or so. Like bursting bladder after 30 minutes. How do I stop this so I can just race? And do I keep hydrating if it does happen? (yes, it makes it even worse if I continue to hydrate). It seems better if I stop racing, afterwards I may not pee for hours.
I figured it may be caffeine or my sodium levels the day prior, but just had a race over the weekend and had plenty of sodium the day before and had NO caffeine the day of or the day prior.

Here is my most recent race where I peed constantly, and pretty similar to prior experiences:
  • 45/50 degrees and rain
  • One super tiny sip of water the morning of the race
  • 800 cal of sugar doughnuts breakfast
  • No caffeine
  • During the race:

    • Liquid: Gatorade Endurance
    • Food: Maple syrup with sodium citrate - I average 220cal/48g CHO/333mg S an hour of this

This specific race I only had 2 bottles of gatorade endurance for the entire 90 mile fondo, which is significantly less than what I would do on a trainer and/or outside rides typically (I usually aim for 24oz/hr or more on hot days). I did not bonk or have dehydration effects. I immediately had to pee during the race (dispite going 4 times that morning including twice within the 10 min before the start), and it continued the entirety of the almost 6 hours every 15-30mins.

I also had significantly less fluid in my most recent Ironman which had similar conditions and worried moreso for those races, because if I back down on fluid intake then it may come back to bite me at some point. And also the performance aspect, Porto john stops are 60-90 seconds, peeing myself can sometimes be worse because I find it hard to do unless walking or stopped lol.

Has anyone had this problem and actually solved this? Do I just need to warm myself up somehow? Is it just nerves? Do I need less carbs for breakfast, I generally train on smaller meals?

What's your CdA?
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Re: How do I stop having to pee constantly in a race? [Kay9Cop] [ In reply to ]
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Kay9Cop wrote:
Our bodies store 4 grams of water for every gram of carbs. I suspect you are doing some form of carb loading leading up to the race, and thus storing more water. As you use up the carbs in the race your body releases the stored water. Less sweating in cooler climates means the stored water is released into your urine. I would try consuming more carbs during the race to help hold onto the water and use your stored carbs slower. Alternatively, you could look at your pre-race diet and make some changes.

Kay9 - Thanks for the back-up. I've posted this same info several times before but never any response, like no one really believes this is true. I had forgotten that it is 4 grams H20 per gram carb but I knew it was substantial. I swim more than most on this forum and usually the water is cool-ish, so I experience this virtually every day. :)

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: How do I stop having to pee constantly in a race? [theyellowcarguy] [ In reply to ]
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At my first IM I had to pee constantly.
I have basically solved that problem by following measures:
- stopped drinking a lot the day before
- just a coffee on race morning, no more drinking.
- powerbars instead of gels the first hour on the bike: no drinking.
- after that I drink when I'm thirsty, but no plain water: plain water is not taken well by the body and "runs through". So just electrolytes, you have to take which the organization offers you at aid stations.

Following point is also worth noting:
After an intensive training unit (especially running) the body stores water. I read once you can even measure that by measuring the diameter of the thighs. Because of this, the urge to pee is less for some (one or two) days. After regeneration (these one or two days) the water leaves the body via peeing. I experience that such that I have to pee constantly (with a light colour) during a couple of hours. What we learn from this: don't train intensively some days before a race. But: having a (smaller) intensive run the day before can work positively on the pee problem the day after.
Last edited by: longtrousers: Apr 29, 24 0:17
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