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Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview
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We also made the decision to publish the original Spanish answers as well --> in an ideal world, we'll be able to offer that as a language switch in the future.

Thoughts? Comments? Insults?

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I like the alternate history with the controversy over his alleged statement directed at Lange. It's perfect now. He gets to have made the statement in public, and completely deny it at the same time with the language and exhaustion barrier.
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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What can I say. Good interview - Kristin extracted a nice race report. I wonder how a young Mexican coming to America and announcing he’s there to win (and not, say, to landscape) sounds to the Texan ear 😉

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: May 17, 24 12:18
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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kajet wrote:
What can I say. Good interview - Kristin extracted a nice race report. I wonder how a young Mexican coming to America and announcing he’s there to win (and not, say, to landscape) sounds to the Texan ear 😉

Errr, you could also add in some jokes about making tacos and outrunning border patrol. But it's kinda tacky. Still, no hard feelings as I think the media definitely doesn't do us any favors in how it frames the issues that most people digest.

The assumption of broad racism against Mexicans in Texas is wildly over played. Many Texans are of Mexican descent. Many Texans (or Arizonans, etc) of Mexican descent are deeply concerned about the border issues, precisely because they know some of the issues so well. I have several family members who are 1st and 2nd gen Mexican-American and travel regularly to Mexico and have close connections there still (only mentioned to point out they aren't estranged from their culture) who are upset with many of the border issues. The racism element of that gets invoked and exacerbated to score points and shut down debate usually.

To the extent there are racist Texans, they are usually also jerks to white cyclists in spandex. And to plenty of other white people of various types they don't like. The racism becomes a proxy for them just being dicks in most cases.

But in general back to Ironman across the southwest, it's very common to see a lot of very good Latino athletes coming up to the States. Close travel to a lot of quality races brings a lot of great competitors here.
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
I like the alternate history with the controversy over his alleged statement directed at Lange. It's perfect now. He gets to have made the statement in public, and completely deny it at the same time with the language and exhaustion barrier.

Huh? Why do you say this? You don't believe him that it was an error in translation? And if so why not? He seemed pretty sincere in the interview.
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [Pat0] [ In reply to ]
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Why wouldn't I believe him? I have no reason not to.

In a hypothetical imaginary world of an athlete stirring the pot by taking shots at the expected favorite who just got dunked on by a no name, and then saying, "Oh I'm sorry I just made a mistake with my English." That's got some balls and at the end of the day it's nothing underhanded, just some smack talk.
Last edited by: Lurker4: May 17, 24 14:02
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds a lot like Sam Long about 3 or 4 years ago..Good stuff..

I would have liked a follow up question when he declared he is the best pool swimmer in triathlon. What does that look like, some times please..Maybe lost in translation too, fastest Mexican pool swimmer?? Because that would have to be really fast to make that claim..

And weird that he thinks he is better in a tailwind with his small size and profile, it should be the opposite. Guy like him should be attacking a headwind up a climb as his best case scenario. But hey, he is one strong(and confident) dude, so probably thinks everywhere is best for him...
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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rrheisler wrote:

We also made the decision to publish the original Spanish answers as well --> in an ideal world, we'll be able to offer that as a language switch in the future.

Thoughts? Comments? Insults?

It's a nice read and good of you to do this.

I don't really have much constructive feedback - I'd like to see more details on the race itself from his POV, but that's not something everyone wants. So I think you struck a nice balance.

Thumbs 👍
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
Sounds a lot like Sam Long about 3 or 4 years ago..Good stuff..

I would have liked a follow up question when he declared he is the best pool swimmer in triathlon. What does that look like, some times please..Maybe lost in translation too, fastest Mexican pool swimmer?? Because that would have to be really fast to make that claim..

And weird that he thinks he is better in a tailwind with his small size and profile, it should be the opposite. Guy like him should be attacking a headwind up a climb as his best case scenario. But hey, he is one strong(and confident) dude, so probably thinks everywhere is best for him...

Noted that too he must have made a mixup. I was also thinking smaller frame good in headwind
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the comments. My jab at Texans was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek (I know a couple and they’re fantastic people). And Tomas does have a way of making himself sound a bit cocky, as in “I went there to win”, etc., which could sometimes push the wrong button 😉

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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I'd be a little bit cocky too if I could run 2:27 marathon pace off the bike for 20 miles in the heat. It's okay to be confident, this is Ironman Texas not Kona... plenty of noobs won IMTX on debut, including Lange, Skipper etc...

kajet wrote:
Thanks for the comments. My jab at Texans was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek (I know a couple and they’re fantastic people). And Tomas does have a way of making himself sound a bit cocky, as in “I went there to win”, etc., which could sometimes push the wrong button 😉

What's your CdA?
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [G. Belson] [ In reply to ]
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It sure is ok!

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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kajet wrote:
What can I say. Good interview - Kristin extracted a nice race report. I wonder how a young Mexican coming to America and announcing he’s there to win (and not, say, to landscape) sounds to the Texan ear 😉

Probably no different than any-one from any county that is here legally.
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
Why wouldn't I believe him? I have no reason not to.

In a hypothetical imaginary world of an athlete stirring the pot by taking shots at the expected favorite who just got dunked on by a no name, and then saying, "Oh I'm sorry I just made a mistake with my English." That's got some balls and at the end of the day it's nothing underhanded, just some smack talk.

I really don't see it. "f your tired body" with a thick Spanish accent can be easily confused with "f your titles boy". It really does not make a ton of sense for him to say something like the latter. He is a bit cocky, but not disrespectful like that.
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Re: Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez - Front Page Interview [Engner66] [ In reply to ]
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He says "a la mierda tu cuerpo cansado" - which freely translates better in "to hell with the your tired body"

Engner66 wrote:
Lurker4 wrote:
Why wouldn't I believe him? I have no reason not to.

In a hypothetical imaginary world of an athlete stirring the pot by taking shots at the expected favorite who just got dunked on by a no name, and then saying, "Oh I'm sorry I just made a mistake with my English." That's got some balls and at the end of the day it's nothing underhanded, just some smack talk.

I really don't see it. "f your tired body" with a thick Spanish accent can be easily confused with "f your titles boy". It really does not make a ton of sense for him to say something like the latter. He is a bit cocky, but not disrespectful like that.

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