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4th Annual Holiday Speedo Run - This Saturday!
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For those of you in SoCal...

What is the 4th Annual Speedo Run? Exactly what it sounds like. A run. In your speedos. Except since it's the holidays, we sing holiday songs as we're running - X-mas, Hannukah, Festivus, whatever your fancy. And this will be the 4th time that we're doing it. Thus, the 4th Annual (it happens every year) Holiday Speedo Run. You may have seen us in the December issue of Competitor magazine or on Fox News last year.

Plus, it's for the kids. Seriously. We do this to benefit Cherie Gruenfeld's Exceeding Expectations program - Cherie is a superstud triathlete, having won her age group in Kona multiple times. And her programs helps at-risk youth get involved in the sport of triathlon, which no doubt helps them with their fitness and to develop discipline and confidence. See http://www.cheriegruenfeld.com for more info. We ask people to either make a donation in person or on the speedo run website (see below) or bring some old tri-related gear that you want to donate to the kids (who range from elementary school to high school in age).

As for the Speedo Run, here's the info:

Date/Time: Saturday December 16. The run goes off at 2pm but we usually meet up after 12:30pm to get our courage up (translation: have a beer or two) and to get excited for the revelry.

Where: We'll be meeting at Ye Olde King's Head Bar. 116 Santa Monica Blvd in Santa Monica (b/w Ocean and 2nd Street).

Where we're running: From Ye Olde King's Head, down the 3rd St. Promenade, thru the SM Place and back again. To be clear, we run VERY slowly - it's amazing how tired you get running and singing. Plus, we like to maximize our exposure.

What to wear: A Speedo. Duh. Plus, many of us like to dress in some sort of costume/holiday attire.

Why: Just like for the Ironman, "Those who have to ask why will never understand."

For more info, see http://www.holidayspeedorun.com

As one of my friends likes to say, "Dozens will run, thousands will say they did. Don't be forced to lie to your grandkids. Show up, sport the speedo, and enter the annals of history. Hehehe. Annals."


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