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Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up
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Velonews just published this article with an interview of the admitted doper.


Interesting read.

His comments at the end, about cycling lending itself to obsessive compulsion which led him to doping apply equally to triathlon.

Personally, I perceive there to be a feeling amongst triathletes that "we're just out here to compete and have fun." But I'm pretty skeptical and believe there is doping in AG triathlon. Whether that be hormone "therapy" or HGH and EPO. I've heard a number of guys on rides and at races casually talking about T-replacement treatments. Not that these guys are doing it, but it's on the conscious mind.

Hilly Flats Racing

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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [JChapATX] [ In reply to ]
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I wish I could say I'm surprised at any of that. But I'm not.

Nor do I have any doubt there is doping in AG triathlon.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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TriBriGuy wrote:
I wish I could say I'm surprised at any of that. But I'm not.

Nor do I have any doubt there is doping in AG triathlon.

See, I kinda disagree, though I haven't made up my mind yet. What I took away from the article is that the prerequisites to doping are:
1) A readiness to cheat against your peers (duh)
2) $1,000 a month for illegally obtained HGH and EPO treatment
3) Extensive knowledge of how to regulate and track certain "marker" values in your blood (i think I got that right)
4) A willingness to inject EPO into your belly fat.

I've been in the sport for 5-years and honestly can't think of a single person I train or race with that fits that bill....... though I might just be ignorant.

edit* -- Grammar

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Last edited by: Muggins: Aug 1, 12 12:47
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Muggins] [ In reply to ]
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It's perfectly easily to legally obtain HGH, EPO, T. All you need is a sympathetic doctor to prescribe it and injecting it is now painless thanks to the new hypersharp and thin insulin needles. What I'm really wondering is how he was monitoring. Did he buy the equipment to run his HCT at home? If he did, that's pretty hard core. The machines are pretty readily available.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Muggins] [ In reply to ]
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Try hanging around with the crowd that pins their season on qualifying for Kona or hitting the podium at the national and world championships. I'm not talking about the weekenders out there just to get a social buzz at the local sprint or Oly race. That absolutely isn't to denigrate that end of the field. But rather, to note that there is a serious end of the field that takes triathlon every bit as serious as this guy took his cycling. The incentive is most certainly there and the financial wherewithal is on par with what thise guy described. It's a slippery slope just like this guy described. And it makes you wonder when a guy comes on the scene and maybe races well at the local level for a couple of years but then the next thing you know he's winning his AG at a KQ IM event dropping his IM time from 11:xx to 9:xx.

PEDs are out there, relatively easy, and legal to get, even if it is a bit expensive. I don't really care what someone does until they pay an entry fee and toe the line against me. Then I've got a problem with it. This guy knew it was wrong. Look at his account of his internal battle when he knew the jig was up. The ego is a damned powerful thing.
Last edited by: TriBriGuy: Aug 1, 12 12:58
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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One of the guys in our group gets T-treatments just so he can stay with the A Group on our weekly training rides.

He doesn't race, mind you. he just feels the overwhelming desire to be in the A Group at all times. And brag about it.


Getting back into the game...
Slower than you.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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The fact that some people choose Ironman over their family leads me to belive that the jump to using PED's is an easy one.

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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [JChapATX] [ In reply to ]
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Pathetic? Yes. Shocking? Hardly.
In all walks of life people will cheat if they perceive an opportunity. We see it all the time - school, sports, business, etc.
First, it's "minor" and justifiable. Then, it spirals out of control. Next, they think they won't get caught. Then they do.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Muggins] [ In reply to ]
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Muggins wrote:
TriBriGuy wrote:
3) Extensive knowledge of how to regulate and track certain "marker" values in your blood (i think I got that right)
4) A willingness to inject EPO into your belly fat.

Well, it read to me like it was the natural progression of trying to improve constantly that eventually led him to start learning about that, and eventually through learning and (unfortunately) experience he became very knowledgeable. Who here sucked at swimming...and then after countless hours on youtube, reading, total immersion, with a coach/masters, etc. is pretty knowledgeable a couple years later? Honestly, it sounds like almost every athlete I know who isn't just in it to finish.

That being said...#4 seems like the hurdle. I can't imagine ever doing that...but I never cease to be surprised when I found out about those that do/did/considering doing.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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If I was blowing a grand a month on PED's, I'd soon find I had all the training time in the world to use 'em -
cuz my wife would divorce my ass so quick it'd make my head spin. ;-)

But - given the demographics of the Tri community, that kinda $ is chump change for a lotta folks.
And when you see some older AG'ers who are jacked outta their minds, it doesn't take much to connect the dots...

Around my area, I honestly don't know of anybody of whom I'd even be suspicious. There are no miracle ascendencies, or incredible upticks after a long plateau, and it seems to be a lot of the same group of folks on the podiums, with roughly the same times.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Muggins] [ In reply to ]
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I've been in the sport for 5-years and honestly can't think of a single person I train or race with that fits that bill....... though I might just be ignorant.

Now that's pretty funny. Unless you're young and training with college kids that can't afford it, I find this shocking. Especially if you're in the M35-39 or M40-44 age groups.

"Unless you have a ... GF who might put out that night and that night only ... skip it and race." - AndyPants 3-15-2007
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [JChapATX] [ In reply to ]
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Concraps dude....you cheated to win Cat. 3 races in which nobody cares who you are.


And Cat. 3 races aren't that much harder than Cat. 4's....I'm not buying his "I was winning Cat. 4 races and getting dropped in Cat. 3's." It isn't like he made the leap to Europe, FFS.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
The fact that some people choose Ironman over their family leads me to belive that the jump to using PED's is an easy one.


amen to that.

Is that all you've got? Are you sure?
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [JChapATX] [ In reply to ]
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I read the first page then becamr disinterested in his excuses.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
If I was blowing a grand a month on PED's, I'd soon find I had all the training time in the world to use 'em -
cuz my wife would divorce my ass so quick it'd make my head spin. ;-)

But - given the demographics of the Tri community, that kinda $ is chump change for a lotta folks.
And when you see some older AG'ers who are jacked outta their minds, it doesn't take much to connect the dots...

Around my area, I honestly don't know of anybody of whom I'd even be suspicious. There are no miracle ascendencies, or incredible upticks after a long plateau, and it seems to be a lot of the same group of folks on the podiums, with roughly the same times.

clearly his being in his 40s and single is no accident.

beyond pathetic
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [meuf] [ In reply to ]
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Sleeping in an altitude tent is kind of a cockblock.

Last edited by: slimfast: Aug 1, 12 14:33
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [slimfast] [ In reply to ]
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slimfast wrote:
Sleeping in an altitude tent is kind of a cockblock.

I was thinking that when I read it - trying to imagine inviting someone over - and their asking wtf is with his bed
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [meuf] [ In reply to ]
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Last edited by: slimfast: Aug 1, 12 14:33
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [slimfast] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Muggins] [ In reply to ]
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I can think of 6 or 7 cases of masters popped for doping this year alone, which has to be a high percentage based on the number of tests administered. People thinking there isn't a problem is part of the problem.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Carl Spackler] [ In reply to ]
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and I race every weekend with two guys that just came off their "Vacation".....

It's not hard to get or that expensive, that $1000 per mo is way over blown......the true yearly cost is less then a good set of Zipp 808's.

Go race the masters in So Cal or Co if you think your fit....you'll be hanging on for dear life. It'll open your eyes.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Beachboy] [ In reply to ]
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EPO is quite legal and quite easy to get on a prescription. It's not much of a stretch to think that other well known PED's are easy to get as well. And while I do think the percentage of age groupers using PED's is low, I think the percentage is considerably higher than it is for pro's and that the numbers are climbing among those who take this sport way too seriously.
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [Beachboy] [ In reply to ]
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Beachboy wrote:
and I race every weekend with two guys that just came off their "Vacation".....

It's not hard to get or that expensive, that $1000 per mo is way over blown......the true yearly cost is less then a good set of Zipp 808's.

Go race the masters in So Cal or Co if you think your fit....you'll be hanging on for dear life. It'll open your eyes.

you do know that you are responding to a stars & stripes jersey wearer, right?

and people hang on for dear life in So Cal master's races not because it's populate by dopers. It's hard b/c you have former pros and olympians like Rogers, McCarthy and Carpenter hammering it
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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'Former pros'...what makes you think they still don't dope?
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Re: Age Group Doping - Gran Fondo NY Follow-Up [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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I wasn't address anybody directly....

But I will stand by my comment that there is A LOT of doping in the top end of masters bike racing....
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