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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Interesting idea, but big gamble on GJ’s swim. Knob and Spivey would have to swim easy to let GJ stay on their feet, and would come out down on the front pack. If that front pack pushes hard and works well together (Coldwell, GTB, Duffy?) then it’s a very tough ask for Knibb + Spivey to tow GJ up to bridge.
Worst case, all three Americans exit T2 well back from the front pack and none even crack the top 10.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
I hate to say this, but if I were the dictator of US triathlon, I would do something drastic in the womens team as it stands at the moment. Of course this will never happen, they dont have the foresight or the money to make it happen, but I believe this is our best shot at a medal, perhaps gold even.

You already have Knibb on the team, and yes, she will be challenged to get on the podium, but a solid lock for top 6 probably. Then you have Spivey and Katie, both proven top 6 finishers too. But in my dictator role, I would designate Knibb and Spivey to domestic for Gwen, doing everything in their bike power to get her to the lead group. This is going to be Gwen's big challenge going forward, starting at best in 2nd bike pack. But if all the best cyclists are also lead pack swimmers, then good chance that group never catches, and runners like Cassandra and Potter fight it out with one other for the medal spots. Dont see Knibb or Spivey getting there on an even run start out of T2, they will need a small break with a good gap for any hope, which is possible, just not probable. But that would be a break from the break, dont see those too often.

But by pulling Gwen up to the leaders, that could be our best bet, she would be the only one who could possibly run with those two. Crapshoot who gets it, but past performance suggests this as the best tactic to get an overall medal.

But this sport doesnt usually work that way, and you would have to pay Knibb and Spivey a lot of money to forgo their chances. Maybe you could talk Spivey into it if the actual discretionary pick is on the line, but Knibb is already there and will want her shot. Maybe if she had a running injury it would be possible, but dont think she sees herself as a domestic.

Anyway my thought experiment for the US to medal, feelings and fairness aside..

i think i would agree if we were having this conversation some years ago. in 2016 it was absolutely money in the bank to drag gwen to the start of the run with relatively fresh legs. in 2024, it feels really risky to bank on that run. on the other hand, maybe taking the long gamble on gold is better than taking even chances on one of the other girls finishing, say, 6th or 7th?


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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [stevej] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, what breaking news, the highest ranked short course American women want to qualify for the Olympics! Spivey & Rappaport won't want Zaferas, Kasper, Ackerlund, or Sereno to finish top-3 either. The qualifying system doesn't reward the consistency of the 3 highest ranked athletes. Gwen is in good form right now. Of course they want to beat her/keep her out of the top-3.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
So if the olympics were next weekend, then no she cannot hang with the top ladies. But it is still a long ways off, and I have no doubt that in a years time, Gwen may once again be the best runner in the field, at worst top 3.

But isn't her Olympics really this weekend? She needs to be top 3 to auto qualify or place high enough (top 10?) in the gf so she can get on start lists for next year or be in a realistic place for a discretionary pick.

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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [stevej] [ In reply to ]
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stevej wrote:
Has Gwen shown she can outrun the field in any of the WTS races she’s done this year?

Idk about out run but she's had the 1st/2nd/3rd fastest run split in every race she's been in this year & that's trending up. Fastest run in her back to back World Cup wins. Healthy margin of victory in Valencia. 2nd fastest run to Beaugrand in Sunderland. This weekend will be interesting. Her form has been getting better all season.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [dcpinsonn] [ In reply to ]
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dcpinsonn wrote:
stevej wrote:
Has Gwen shown she can outrun the field in any of the WTS races she’s done this year?

Idk about out run but she's had the 1st/2nd/3rd fastest run split in every race she's been in this year & that's trending up. Fastest run in her back to back World Cup wins. Healthy margin of victory in Valencia. 2nd fastest run to Beaugrand in Sunderland. This weekend will be interesting. Her form has been getting better all season.

on the one hand, i agree. the trend is good, and she's got a year to sharpen the knife.

on the other hand, since gwen currently swims and bikes slower than beaugrand, running slower than her isn't any good. the absence of flora and gtb opens things up a lot, but i think beth potter probably likes her chances in a drag race against gwen too . . .


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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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Beth Potter and every non front pack athlete want USAT to go all in on the GJ train so they can get a free pull to T2 and a second chance.

I think team GB may even pay USAT to implore that strategy that ensures every top runner comes out of T2 together....who again is the idiots in this scenario?

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Sep 20, 23 5:34
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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iron_mike wrote:
dcpinsonn wrote:
stevej wrote:
Has Gwen shown she can outrun the field in any of the WTS races she’s done this year?

Idk about out run but she's had the 1st/2nd/3rd fastest run split in every race she's been in this year & that's trending up. Fastest run in her back to back World Cup wins. Healthy margin of victory in Valencia. 2nd fastest run to Beaugrand in Sunderland. This weekend will be interesting. Her form has been getting better all season.

on the one hand, i agree. the trend is good, and she's got a year to sharpen the knife.

on the other hand, since gwen currently swims and bikes slower than beaugrand, running slower than her isn't any good. the absence of flora and gtb opens things up a lot, but i think beth potter probably likes her chances in a drag race against gwen too . . .

She’ll also be another year older (38) next year, and for someone her age that’s not inconsequential. There’s a decent chance her run will decline between now and then. It would be a helluva story for her just to make the team, and I for one am pulling for her.

Let food be thy medicine...
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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B_Doughtie wrote:
You don't actually take his post serious do you? Like no duh none of the US women want her to qualifty because it means they didn't qualify. So pretty much all of them with the exception of EA and GS are front pack athletes, so no duh they'll going to "ride hard" to not help her catch.

That post came out more as satire than real, lol. Especially from TC who on every PTN podcast when they talk about anything ITU related gives the "i'm bored" comment and/or is relieved of staying on the podcast. Love what he does, but this post is fake news.

I took the post to mean the usa girls are going to work together to make sure Gwen doesn’t auto qualify at the expense of their own races and chances to auto qualify.

This is Gwen’s one big shot. They can eliminate it by working together, then can duke it out amongst themselves next year while Gwen struggles to make World Series start lists.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
I hate to say this, but if I were the dictator of US triathlon, I would do something drastic in the womens team as it stands at the moment. Of course this will never happen, they dont have the foresight or the money to make it happen, but I believe this is our best shot at a medal, perhaps gold even.

You already have Knibb on the team, and yes, she will be challenged to get on the podium, but a solid lock for top 6 probably. Then you have Spivey and Katie, both proven top 6 finishers too. But in my dictator role, I would designate Knibb and Spivey to domestic for Gwen, doing everything in their bike power to get her to the lead group. This is going to be Gwen's big challenge going forward, starting at best in 2nd bike pack. But if all the best cyclists are also lead pack swimmers, then good chance that group never catches, and runners like Cassandra and Potter fight it out with one other for the medal spots. Dont see Knibb or Spivey getting there on an even run start out of T2, they will need a small break with a good gap for any hope, which is possible, just not probable. But that would be a break from the break, dont see those too often.

But by pulling Gwen up to the leaders, that could be our best bet, she would be the only one who could possibly run with those two. Crapshoot who gets it, but past performance suggests this as the best tactic to get an overall medal.

But this sport doesnt usually work that way, and you would have to pay Knibb and Spivey a lot of money to forgo their chances. Maybe you could talk Spivey into it if the actual discretionary pick is on the line, but Knibb is already there and will want her shot. Maybe if she had a running injury it would be possible, but dont think she sees herself as a domestic.

Anyway my thought experiment for the US to medal, feelings and fairness aside..

That's a preposterously ridiculous hot take. You expect a legitimate gold medal contender to domestique for someone who at best will get bronze (she's never outrunning a fit potter and beaugrand in Paris next year)? Thank god you are not on the HP staff. This feels like a paid puff piece for Gwen.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [mag900] [ In reply to ]
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Everyone needs to chill a bit here, this is not what I would do, or even advocate. It was just a thought experiment as to the best chance at a medal. I would never deprive any of the potential women their shot at the biggest stage and race of their lives. That is not how it works, at least in our country. I would however like to see USAT take a more aggressive role in the team selections, and actually pay for things like racing for points in a no win situation for someone. I would also like to see money paid if and when a domestic role arose. Not necessarily a preplanned one, but one that just popped up late in the game and presented itself.

Like someone gets a running niggle and will knowingly have a bad run no matter what who is already on the team. You then change the mindset and work out a plan to help the other two in any way possible. I still thing Gwen is a super long shot to make the team, guess we will know how long after next weekend. But kudos for her to even get this far in the journey, she actually has a shot, albeit a very long one..
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
Everyone needs to chill a bit here, this is not what I would do, or even advocate. It was just a thought experiment as to the best chance at a medal. I would never deprive any of the potential women their shot at the biggest stage and race of their lives. That is not how it works, at least in our country. I would however like to see USAT take a more aggressive role in the team selections, and actually pay for things like racing for points in a no win situation for someone. I would also like to see money paid if and when a domestic role arose. Not necessarily a preplanned one, but one that just popped up late in the game and presented itself.

Like someone gets a running niggle and will knowingly have a bad run no matter what who is already on the team. You then change the mindset and work out a plan to help the other two in any way possible. I still thing Gwen is a super long shot to make the team, guess we will know how long after next weekend. But kudos for her to even get this far in the journey, she actually has a shot, albeit a very long one..

knibb is the best chance at a medal and at gold. if you want an alternative path to a medal, summer is the next best bet because she can run as fast as gwen but is a superior swimmer (i think they might be about even now on the bike). the domestique thing almost never works in A races (it has been tried countless times and failed). it almost certainly would fail in paris because the best swimmers/bikers will be in the front pack so who do you think would bridge that gap up for gwen? there is no such person unless someone like duffy has a mechanical or off swim.

i disagree that gwen is a super long shot to make the team. all she has to do is podium this weekend on a flat course that will be missing most of the front fire power on the bike. assuming a big group comes into t2 together, she will be very much in the mix to take the bronze because, despite being a B level swimmer and biker, she still has one of the fastest runs (albeit it hasn't been tested yet off a hard bike against top women). her presence definitely adds a new level of intrigue to the race.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
if I were the dictator of US triathlon, I would do something drastic in the women's team as it stands at the moment.
monty wrote:
Everyone needs to chill a bit here, this is not what I would do, or even advocate. It was just a thought experiment as to the best chance at a medal. I would never deprive any of the potential women their shot at the biggest stage and race of their lives.
Like someone gets a running niggle and will knowingly have a bad run no matter what who is already on the team. You then change the mindset and work out a plan to help the other two in any way possible.
@monty you are a man of straw, sharing a strawman itself founded on straw, grasping at straws.
Paris will be a running race between those who can be in the large front pack on account of their strong swim/bike combo. Knibb, Spivey and Zaferes all meet that criterion but all lack the foot speed to gain top 5. Jorgensen doesn't meet the 'entry' criterion so can run as hard as she likes, for fun. As for her chances on a straight run after a cancelled swim, her recorded 5km PB is over 30 seconds slower than Potter: Beaugrand will be jousting with Potter ftw.
I'm looking forward to Freddy's mum astonishing us all in 2024: don't sleep on Jess.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [Ajax Bay] [ In reply to ]
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Was wondering who Freddie's mum was for a minute there !
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [stevej] [ In reply to ]
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stevej wrote:

a side note, but why does talbot do stuff like this? what's in it for him?


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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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He loves the sport and acts as a sort of hype man. Stirring the pot like this gets people talking and gets the race more attention.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [Lagoon] [ In reply to ]
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Here's me hoping that the discussion on Gwen making it is over and we can focus on the athletes that have a real shot.

Kasper 15th
Spivery 16th
Zafares 19th

Jorgensen 43rd.

This race didn't even have an A level field and was missing Knibb, Rappaport, Ackerlund. Would Sereno be considered higher? She is in the rankings obviously.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
stevej wrote:

This thread got locked a few months ago. Not exactly sure why.

Anyway, I would put her chances at less than 1%. She’s yet to show she can compete at the top level. She won a World Cup recently but that doesn’t have the same level of competition.

You need to update your odds. She is in the grand final. She has shown a huge improvement since May. The grand final will not include the top 2 cyclists in the sport so a big bike group coming out if T2 is likely. This weekend she showed she has the chops to ride with a strong bike pack and she did take her pulls on the front.

She is at worst a dark horse to auto qualify at the grand final. It requires a Top 3 finish. She is the most likely American to auto qualify. I’d give her 20%.

This is did not age well.

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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
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TheStroBro wrote:
This race didn't even have an A level field and was missing Knibb, Rappaport, Ackerlund. Would Sereno be considered higher? She is in the rankings obviously.

LOL, this was literally the most stacked field of the season. Rappaport and Ackerlund did race, did you not watch it?

I do agree it would be good if we did away with the "Gwen is the U.S.' best chance for a medal" nonsense. Her return is admirable. Even Slowtwitch posters noticed that short course triathlon exists after she came back. Nonetheless, the game has changed.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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Her swim was good today. But her positioning on the bike was awful, last into the dead turn every lap which meant she had to come almost to a stop each time before sprinting to get back on the group. Getting shelled was inevitable
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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kajet wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
This race didn't even have an A level field and was missing Knibb, Rappaport, Ackerlund. Would Sereno be considered higher? She is in the rankings obviously.

LOL, this was literally the most stacked field of the season. Rappaport and Ackerlund did race, did you not watch it?

I do agree it would be good if we did away with the "Gwen is the U.S.' best chance for a medal" nonsense. Her return is admirable. Even Slowtwitch posters noticed that short course triathlon exists after she came back. Nonetheless, the game has changed.

I would not quite agree with that of all the athletes she has likely done the most around the world travelling and it's hard to improve with that amount of travelling .
I think it would be good to leave her where she is IE not the worst triathle and not the biggest potential for the USA for a medal . She is somewhere in the middle but can still improve a bit.
I am not a Gwen fan but I have been impressed with all the travelling she did.
World cup is not world series but still she is improving. I guess she will do a few world cups in the fall, and then she might be able to do a proper training block in.
I don't think she will qualify and at the end of the day IAM for clear rules the first highest ranked atheltes get to race but I would like to see her in Yokohama.
And like Gwen I think Katie will also get stronger
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [pk] [ In reply to ]
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She did completely standard World Triathlon travel.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
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TheStroBro wrote:
Here's me hoping that the discussion on Gwen making it is over and we can focus on the athletes that have a real shot.

Kasper 15th
Spivery 16th
Zafares 19th

Jorgensen 43rd.

This race didn't even have an A level field and was missing Knibb, Rappaport, Ackerlund. Would Sereno be considered higher? She is in the rankings obviously.

She isn’t that far off. Yokohama will be a big race next year for all of them. Her swim keeps improving, and she recently beat some of the girls who finished top-10 today. I don’t know how much better she needs to get to hang with the second pack today, but I wish we could have seen it.

Do these points move her any closer to getting starts?

If I’m Gwen, I see no reason not to keep plugging away.

Aaron Bales
Lansing Triathlon Team
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [oprfcc] [ In reply to ]
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oprfcc wrote:
She did completely standard World Triathlon travel.
Yes and no she did completely standart triathlon traveling for people that chase the one slot for a country etc . But I could not think of a top performer that travelled as much to race back and forth continents.
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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [MI_Mumps] [ In reply to ]
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MI_Mumps wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
Here's me hoping that the discussion on Gwen making it is over and we can focus on the athletes that have a real shot.

Kasper 15th
Spivery 16th
Zafares 19th

Jorgensen 43rd.

This race didn't even have an A level field and was missing Knibb, Rappaport, Ackerlund. Would Sereno be considered higher? She is in the rankings obviously.

She isn’t that far off. Yokohama will be a big race next year for all of them. Her swim keeps improving, and she recently beat some of the girls who finished top-10 today. I don’t know how much better she needs to get to hang with the second pack today, but I wish we could have seen it.

Do these points move her any closer to getting starts?

If I’m Gwen, I see no reason not to keep plugging away.

A nation gets six slots? She moved up from 79th to 72nd with that performance. So if the first six sign up no starts. Sereno is 46th and she's the 7th tanked US athlete. So I'd say no and she'll need to go chase some points with World Cup races or continue with her hope strategy of other people being scratches.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
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