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Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes.
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So recently someone posted a thread about “Ironman and Spouses/SO” and let me say some of the responses have left me shaking my head and more than a little pissed for these men whose wives are complete bitches when it comes to triathlon (http://forum.slowtwitch.com/...;;page=unread#unread ).....

SUPPORT your goddam spouse and don’t have a piss poor attitude doing it! What, so you think the minute you say “I do” the dynamic changes?? You got what you wanted, a wedding to show off to the world someone to call your husband and some security? Now, you can be the ultimate bitch and dictate the marriage? Ahhhh, no that is NOT how it works, but some of you men have allowed this to happen which makes you the ultimate pussy. Grow a sac and stop putting up with this bullshit.

Let me tell you something I was involved with someone who was a competitive big mountain skier, I would prance my ass to these competitions that would take places I had no business skiing, freezing my ass off and overall pretty miserable. WHY??? Because I L-O-V-E-D him and when he was finished I would say “good job, babe!” followed by a big hug and a kiss! It’s called being supportive. Same went for his motocross. I cannot tell you how much I dislike the sport, but I was there, I would go with him when he raced, I would be engaged and on occasion I would just go out to the desert with him when he did it with his friends. WHY? Because I L-O-V-E-D him!

Here’s the deal ladies, don’t support your husband because you think you’ll get something from it, like a new purse or shoes or expect him to vacuum or do the dishes because you begrudgingly went to his race. Marriage and relationships are about compromise, and not the kind of compromise that consists of “I’ll do this but you have to buy me this or do that”, that is complete bullshit! It is FAR from showing you truly support your husband and his passions, it’s called bribery and you are basically telling him you really don’t support him so might as well just tell him to “fuck-off”.

DO NOT make your husband pay a price for having a hobby outside the marriage/family, because let me tell you what is guaranteed to eventually happen, he will meet some cute tri-chick, who will innocently give him the support and encouragement he needs, you refuse to give him and he will begin to resent you with as much passion as he has for triathlon.

Get out there! I can GUARANTEE if you go into this with a positive and fun attitude you will meet some AMAZING people out there at the events. Triathlon is full of down-to-earth, very nice people, whether it be the athletes, SO/spouses of athletes, volunteers, RD’s, the entire gamut .

What if you both do Tri and have kids?
Come on people it’s not that difficult. At the end of every tri season you sit down and discuss the upcoming year, who is doing what race, etc. Are you both going to try for a Full or maybe one does a Full one does Half/Oly/Sprint distances. But you come up with a manageable plan.

What if your SO/Spouse says this is just the way it’s going to be?
I’d set that person straight. I would sit them down and have a very stern conversation about what will be happening the next year and how they left me no choice other than this, how they had every opportunity. They will come around. If they choose to continue to make you “pay” for your decision to follow your passion, I’d ask for a divorce, it’s really that simple. Because do you really want to spend the rest of my life with a person who is going to dictate the rest of my life, what you can and can’t do, FTS!!! That is not living, that is HELL!

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" ~Shakespeare | Powered by HD Coaching | 2014 Wattie Ink Triathlon Team | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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You are my favourite Slowtwitch girl of the month!!

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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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I... um, you... uh... there's that...

I got nothing...

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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Let's not get off topic.

If I read her post correctly, and I read it 143 times, she used to prance her ass off.

Think about that.
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [NJSteve] [ In reply to ]
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NJSteve wrote:
Let's not get off topic.

If I read her post correctly, and I read it 143 times, she used to prance her ass off.

Think about that.


Why do you think she is my favourite?...There should be more ass prancing among the female triathlete population.

Last edited by: Ultra-tri-guy: Sep 14, 12 11:07
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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Something tells me KyraMorgan = "some cute tri-chick"
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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KyraMorgan wrote:
Grow a sac...

Is there ANYTHING like a woman telling a man this? I think not.

Love the passion Kyra.

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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [LSUfan4444] [ In reply to ]
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Last edited by: haole: Sep 14, 12 11:25
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [haole] [ In reply to ]
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What does this have to do with wives who bitch???

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" ~Shakespeare | Powered by HD Coaching | 2014 Wattie Ink Triathlon Team | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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in 2 pages this thread will have nothing to do with wives who bitch...it gonna be all about you!!!

so sit tight, get some popcorn and enjoy :)
Last edited by: haole: Sep 14, 12 11:05
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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Someones trolling for a boyfriend....... :0)

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [NJSteve] [ In reply to ]
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I 100% wholeheartedly agree with you.
I will add though, that as you get to a point when your children are starting to do things like run cross country, play basketball for school, etc. and so on that requires someone to BE there, driving them to and fro, driving to meets, picking up from practices...you get my drift.. the children have 2 parents, not 1. It isn't fair of a parent to expect someone to agree cheerfully to being a single parent to middle school children while they pursue their mid life hobby without thought to who it might impact.

NOW. That being said, my husband has never once come to me at the beginning of a base season, nor I him, and said "this is what I am going to do, now be supportive because you love me". Nor have we made the assumption that because it wasn't a declared "hey you good with this?" it was an implied WOO, you go for it honey!
It has always been a thoughtful conversation where we laid out our thoughts on the upcoming race season, looked at what was realistic for what we had coming down the road ahead and planned accordingly. Sometimes that meant dialing it back, other times it meant that if I didn't have any huge endurance stuff that year that I would pick up slack and vice versa for him.

It is a team effort and I have to wonder how considerate these guys are of their wives on a regular basis. Most women won't say anything at all until it is "my lawyer says sign there" and it is too late to repair years of self centered behavior.

Don't get me wrong. I am 100% on the Kyra team of "support your spouse!" bandwagon because I do and he does me. However, I don't get butthurt that he doesn't drag 2 middle schoolers and a 6 year old to my races because I sure as heck wouldn't (total pain in the butt AND expensive).

I also am woman enough to look him in the eye and say 'hey, I love you and love that you train and race, but I need your help and I need some time with my husband' when I feel like things are getting out of hand. He does the same with me....

and for the record, I sashayed to bike races :)
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with most of what you wrote. True giving that which expects nothing in return. With that said however, it doesn't mean the support of a S/O should be taken advantage of.

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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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As a female triathlete, I agree with this post. Nice message!

Overall, ladies don't make hubby feel guilty for tri-ing, anything.
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
You are my favourite Slowtwitch girl of the month!!



Don't post as much as I used to, but some of Kyra's posts, comments, etc. have made for some really entertaining threads.

I think most spouses are generally supportive, but there is a limit to how many long runs, bike rides, etc. I can do without going over the threshold of being reasonable. I still enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter (12), and want to make sure I don't miss that time with them before my daughter grows up. Weekends don't revolve completely around me, and I have to take their activities and interests into consideration as well.

My racing is definitely in a different state than 20 years ago, but that's ok. When my daughter gets a little older and is busy with her friends, then maybe I'll go back to longer distance stuff where I can get in consistent long rides on the weekend and a more aggressive training schedule. Until then, I'll make due with racing 2-3 tris a year, a couple of trail runs, maybe a swim meet or open water swim, and try to keep improving.

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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [haole] [ In reply to ]
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It's Friday and this is ST. :)
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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When a man and woman get married they look at each other and think:

1) Man thinks "Just stay this way forever, don't change". But she does!

2) Woman thinks "He'll be so wonderfull when he changes all those annoying things". But he doesn't change.

So, the moral is, guys, she is going to age and look like her mother. Girls, he peed in the shower and did the sniff test on clothes for cleanliness before the marriage, he's gonna keep doing it.

BC Don
Pain is temporary, not giving it your all lasts all Winter.
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [Allie] [ In reply to ]
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Allie wrote:
I 100% wholeheartedly agree with you.
I will add though, that as you get to a point when your children are starting to do things like run cross country, play basketball for school, etc. and so on that requires someone to BE there, driving them to and fro, driving to meets, picking up from practices...you get my drift.. the children have 2 parents, not 1. It isn't fair of a parent to expect someone to agree cheerfully to being a single parent to middle school children while they pursue their mid life hobby without thought to who it might impact.

NOW. That being said, my husband has never once come to me at the beginning of a base season, nor I him, and said "this is what I am going to do, now be supportive because you love me". Nor have we made the assumption that because it wasn't a declared "hey you good with this?" it was an implied WOO, you go for it honey!
It has always been a thoughtful conversation where we laid out our thoughts on the upcoming race season, looked at what was realistic for what we had coming down the road ahead and planned accordingly. Sometimes that meant dialing it back, other times it meant that if I didn't have any huge endurance stuff that year that I would pick up slack and vice versa for him.

It is a team effort and I have to wonder how considerate these guys are of their wives on a regular basis. Most women won't say anything at all until it is "my lawyer says sign there" and it is too late to repair years of self centered behavior.

Don't get me wrong. I am 100% on the Kyra team of "support your spouse!" bandwagon because I do and he does me. However, I don't get butthurt that he doesn't drag 2 middle schoolers and a 6 year old to my races because I sure as heck wouldn't (total pain in the butt AND expensive).

I also am woman enough to look him in the eye and say 'hey, I love you and love that you train and race, but I need your help and I need some time with my husband' when I feel like things are getting out of hand. He does the same with me....

and for the record, I sashayed to bike races :)
I totally get where you are coming from and having kids come into play is HUGE and also family does take priority. But, the complete lack of support and no willingness to try, rather outright punishment from some of the wives just baffles my mind. I'm not saying the the family life needs to revolve around the husbands training either, but there needs to be some give. At the end of the day it comes down to compromise and I just don't see it or I rarely see it, and it's sad and definitely not healthy for a relationship.

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" ~Shakespeare | Powered by HD Coaching | 2014 Wattie Ink Triathlon Team | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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KyraMorgan wrote:
So recently someone posted a thread about “Ironman and Spouses/SO” and let me say some of the responses have left me shaking my head and more than a little pissed for these men whose wives are complete bitches when it comes to triathlon (http://forum.slowtwitch.com/...;;page=unread#unread ).....

SUPPORT your goddam spouse and don’t have a piss poor attitude doing it! What, so you think the minute you say “I do” the dynamic changes?? You got what you wanted, a wedding to show off to the world someone to call your husband and some security? Now, you can be the ultimate bitch and dictate the marriage? Ahhhh, no that is NOT how it works, but some of you men have allowed this to happen which makes you the ultimate pussy. Grow a sac and stop putting up with this bullshit.

Let me tell you something I was involved with someone who was a competitive big mountain skier, I would prance my ass to these competitions that would take places I had no business skiing, freezing my ass off and overall pretty miserable. WHY??? Because I L-O-V-E-D him and when he was finished I would say “good job, babe!” followed by a big hug and a kiss! It’s called being supportive. Same went for his motocross. I cannot tell you how much I dislike the sport, but I was there, I would go with him when he raced, I would be engaged and on occasion I would just go out to the desert with him when he did it with his friends. WHY? Because I L-O-V-E-D him!

Here’s the deal ladies, don’t support your husband because you think you’ll get something from it, like a new purse or shoes or expect him to vacuum or do the dishes because you begrudgingly went to his race. Marriage and relationships are about compromise, and not the kind of compromise that consists of “I’ll do this but you have to buy me this or do that”, that is complete bullshit! It is FAR from showing you truly support your husband and his passions, it’s called bribery and you are basically telling him you really don’t support him so might as well just tell him to “fuck-off”.

DO NOT make your husband pay a price for having a hobby outside the marriage/family, because let me tell you what is guaranteed to eventually happen, he will meet some cute tri-chick, who will innocently give him the support and encouragement he needs, you refuse to give him and he will begin to resent you with as much passion as he has for triathlon.

Get out there! I can GUARANTEE if you go into this with a positive and fun attitude you will meet some AMAZING people out there at the events. Triathlon is full of down-to-earth, very nice people, whether it be the athletes, SO/spouses of athletes, volunteers, RD’s, the entire gamut .

What if you both do Tri and have kids?
Come on people it’s not that difficult. At the end of every tri season you sit down and discuss the upcoming year, who is doing what race, etc. Are you both going to try for a Full or maybe one does a Full one does Half/Oly/Sprint distances. But you come up with a manageable plan.

What if your SO/Spouse says this is just the way it’s going to be?
I’d set that person straight. I would sit them down and have a very stern conversation about what will be happening the next year and how they left me no choice other than this, how they had every opportunity. They will come around. If they choose to continue to make you “pay” for your decision to follow your passion, I’d ask for a divorce, it’s really that simple. Because do you really want to spend the rest of my life with a person who is going to dictate the rest of my life, what you can and can’t do, FTS!!! That is not living, that is HELL!

Unsupportive women don't love their men it's as simple as that. However, us men don't understand/can't comprehend it because we would never be with anyone that we did not love. A woman IN LOVE will gladly support her man in ANYTHING he does, including BANK ROBBERY. Do I have to give examples? Naggers hate their men and are only with them out of convienience and will wait for decades, if neccesary, until the replacement comes around. Sadly most men don't understand this until they have experienced it first hand. I'd dump Angelina Jolie if she wasn't up at 4am and taking pictures of me at my races.

I actually went back and read the link you referenced. Now arguing vacations and traveling is not necessarily the same as being unsupportive. That should be give and take. You only have so much vacation time and money, so you need to pick races in exotic locals that she would want to visit. Local or near local races shouldn't impact the family much other than training time.

However, a guy needs this first and foremost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WzyxybYEGM

Stay or go, I'm still going to be getting laid and I'm cool with whatever! (unless you have a contract. in that case, you're screwed.) lol
Last edited by: ImNoMDot: Sep 14, 12 11:38
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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You seem to try to make it more simplified than it really is. A lot of times there is conflict because of work schedules, kids schedules and other things that can be last second. I would love for my wife to be out there cheering me on during every race, but on the other hand I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to stand there for hours only to see me for a split second X amount of times a year. Not every guy needs his ego stroked by his wife and friends telling him how awesome he is for completing X distance or having to brag about a particular race over and over to their wife..I'd stare back at me blankly if I was her, too. You said that it takes compromise, but the guy has to be available to do things that the his wife likes also. And if that is shopping, so be it.
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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"What if you both do Tri and have kids? "
Come on people it’s not that difficult.

Alex, I'll take "Things people who don't have kids say" for $1000.

Planning the races is the simple part.

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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [ImNoMDot] [ In reply to ]
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ImNoMDot wrote:

Unsupportive women don't love their men it's as simple as that. However, us men don't understand/can't comprehend it because we would never be with anyone that we did not love. A woman IN LOVE will gladly support her man in ANYTHING he does, including BANK ROBBERY. Do I have to give examples? Naggers hate their men and are only with them out of convienience and will wait for decades, if neccesary, until the replacement comes around. Sadly most men, don't understand this until they have experienced it first hand. I'd dump Angelina Jolie if she wasn't up at 4am and taking pictures of me at my races.

This is awesome.

I love this. So true, but yet so hard to hear. Have you been married and divorced?
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [LSUfan4444] [ In reply to ]
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LSUfan4444 wrote:

Something tells me KyraMorgan = "some cute tri-chick"

Or maybe KyraMorgan is a dude
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Re: Open Letter to Unsupportive SO of Triathletes. [KyraMorgan] [ In reply to ]
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KyraMorgan wrote:
What does this have to do with wives who bitch???

She is almost the female version of old me!
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