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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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At 40?? Wow, I'm 49 and it's never crossed my mind. I had a conversation at work with a couple 35 y/o saying their bodies hurt these days. I think it's poor diet for most. Yeah, some days hurt, it takes longer to recover, but that's life. I don't get the drug appeal.

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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [timr] [ In reply to ]
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I'm 40, and have around 25 years of consistent training 5-6 days/week in various sports and close to 20 years of working in construction under my belt, along with 2 kids under 5 and a small business to run.

I feel like my body is akin to one of those Toyota Tacomas you see that's not too old but somehow has like 400,000 miles on it already :).

And for the record, I don't drink, smoke, and watch my diet very carefully. Weekly yoga, strength training etc. I really do try to take care of my body, but a busy, physical life with kids interrupting sleep, the stress of a young family etc will certainly wear you down!

Maybe once the kids are sleeping better and in more of a routine I'll feel a bit better, but honestly with each year I just feel like I'm slowly being dragged in the wrong direction....

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [timr] [ In reply to ]
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Definitely crossed my mind in the, "I wonder how much faster this would make me with my training" vein of thought. My assumption has always been these cheaters still have to work insanely hard/consistent and this just adds that extra 5-10%.

But the combination of the ethic of it and high potential for detrimental health affects is a huge turn off. No one, even the doctors and scientists really understand the full ramifications of this stuff down to the level of the cell and organ across our bodies and lifespans.

But I'd be a liar if I didn't ever wonder what some kind of magic pill would do. The idea of injections and injections and so on, when you get down to the nitty gritty though is definitely something I'd never want to do.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
I'm 40, and have around 25 years of consistent training 5-6 days/week in various sports and close to 20 years of working in construction under my belt, along with 2 kids under 5 and a small business to run.

I feel like my body is akin to one of those Toyota Tacomas you see that's not too old but somehow has like 400,000 miles on it already :).

And for the record, I don't drink, smoke, and watch my diet very carefully. Weekly yoga, strength training etc. I really do try to take care of my body, but a busy, physical life with kids interrupting sleep, the stress of a young family etc will certainly wear you down!

Maybe once the kids are sleeping better and in more of a routine I'll feel a bit better, but honestly with each year I just feel like I'm slowly being dragged in the wrong direction....

Been there, done that! 67 and been in the sport for over 35 years now and since retiring almost 5 years ago training 7 days a week, avg 15 hrs a week. It's really incredible how much punishment a body can take but getting out of bed in the morning is just getting harder and harder as the years pass. Good thing they haven't outlawed ibuprofen because it's a godsend at this age.

A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest, rusts :)
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [TJ56] [ In reply to ]
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Don't forget to pair that ibuprofen with some prune juice, old timer ;-).

All jokes aside that's very inspirational! I hope to still be leading an active lifestyle in another 27 years, although hopefully a less hectic one.

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
Definitely crossed my mind in the, "I wonder how much faster this would make me with my training" vein of thought. My assumption has always been these I cheaters still have to work insanely hard/consistent and this just adds that extra 5-10%.

But the combination of the ethic of it and high potential for detrimental health affects is a huge turn off. No one, even the doctors and scientists really understand the full ramifications of this stuff down to the level of the cell and organ across our bodies and lifespans.

But I'd be a liar if I didn't ever wonder what some kind of magic pill would do. The idea of injections and injections and so on, when you get down to the nitty gritty though is definitely something I'd never want to do.

I was in a race where the 60-64 age group winner openly talked about his TRT and what it has done for him. There are many guys I race against that take testosterone. It sucks that they’re cheating but I don’t really blame them for trying to get the most out of their last years of competitive racing.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [csb146] [ In reply to ]
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csb146 wrote:
Maybe this needs to be it own thread but this kinda brings up a question I've had for a while.

How many of you out there in AG categories have ever been tested? I came from primary racing bikes (crits & road racing) and over 4 years I was tested twice. I never won a race they were both random draws at an event. I've been doing triathlon for a lot longer. I race 6-8 times a year. A couple Ironman events and other USAT sanctioned events and I have never been tested or even seen someone get tested. I've podiumed races and finish near the front in short course stuff. So I'm just curious as to how often are AG athletes even tested?

You were tested twice in USAC events????
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [ThailandUltras] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [Karl.n] [ In reply to ]
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Meanwhile in the NFL among people making gazillions….

I don’t agree with people doping but I never understood why so many freak out about sports like cycling where the athletes workout 10x harder for 10x less money. But you goto some of the other main stream sports and you’ll never hear a peep about doping. Don’t mind me. I’m just a silly conspiracy theorist. Carry on. But yeah. Doping as an age grouper is pathetic. Imagine the ego on that guy!
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [Karl.n] [ In reply to ]
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Karl.n wrote:
csb146 wrote:
Maybe this needs to be it own thread but this kinda brings up a question I've had for a while.

How many of you out there in AG categories have ever been tested? I came from primary racing bikes (crits & road racing) and over 4 years I was tested twice. I never won a race they were both random draws at an event. I've been doing triathlon for a lot longer. I race 6-8 times a year. A couple Ironman events and other USAT sanctioned events and I have never been tested or even seen someone get tested. I've podiumed races and finish near the front in short course stuff. So I'm just curious as to how often are AG athletes even tested?

You were tested twice in USAC events????

Ya, Dana Point Crit and the Sea Otter Classic.

"trashlete20" for 20% off Peak NA Cocktails for Recovery
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [vonschnapps] [ In reply to ]
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I think people look for an easy button and there's not one. It's just mentally getting over it and putting in hard work. The guy in this article is in the 30-34 AG and went 9:34 in Kona. I don't think this guy needed any help getting to 9:34 at that age. All he needed to do was put in hard work and be mentally strong.

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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [timbasile] [ In reply to ]
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timbasile wrote:
FuzzyRunner wrote:
October 4, 2022. So was he tested in Kona? I'm assume they were tipped off since I don't think they'd do out-of-competition testing on an AGer without some strong evidence.

They can't do an out-of-competition test unless you've signed that you consent to their anti-doping program, as part of the Kona/Nice or 70.3 qualification. They can't just roll up to a random AG's house and demand a sample. Even for WC qualified athletes, they wouldn't test you unless there was a tip.

Just out of curiosity, I'm wondering what the worst would happen if they wanted to test an AG athlete either in or out of competition and they said no. I suspect the worst is that they'd bar you from participating in their events, no? Would they bother even referring you to WADA, and even if they did, what are they going to do? If dude knew he was glowing, I figure that the easy way out is just to say no.

They can if you are a member of a NGB. It is a condition of membership.

Assume he bought a day licence rather than being a member of Tri Brazil.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [likes_bikes] [ In reply to ]
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likes_bikes wrote:
ericlambi wrote:
likes_bikes wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
urbansombrero wrote:
“clomiphene can be used to prevent or mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid abuse such as gynaecomastia or to increase endogenous free testosterone”

Yeah, my understanding is that it's used to boost endogenous testosterone production in males.

Its mainly used for post cycle therapy after exogenous testosterone usage.

So not just taking it, taking so much he needed to manage the side effects. Insane.

My understanding is that in the process of taking these drugs the body stops producing testosterone and this is required to get off of the drug cycle and restart natural production. He was caught for this, but likely it was testosterone he was abusing.

An alternative to taking exogenous testosterone is to take drugs that boost endogenous production for testosterone replacement, which is where I've seen this drug before. Makes sense if you're taking too much T or anabolic steroids, etc. and have shut down endogenous production this drug could be used to kick start it again.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
I'm 40, and have around 25 years of consistent training 5-6 days/week in various sports and close to 20 years of working in construction under my belt, along with 2 kids under 5 and a small business to run.

I feel like my body is akin to one of those Toyota Tacomas you see that's not too old but somehow has like 400,000 miles on it already :).

And for the record, I don't drink, smoke, and watch my diet very carefully. Weekly yoga, strength training etc. I really do try to take care of my body, but a busy, physical life with kids interrupting sleep, the stress of a young family etc will certainly wear you down!

Maybe once the kids are sleeping better and in more of a routine I'll feel a bit better, but honestly with each year I just feel like I'm slowly being dragged in the wrong direction....

Just wait to you hit 50. I see the appeal. Being motivated to train but unable to because your body breaks down sucks, not to mention the constant aches and pains and generally feeling like shit.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [ThailandUltras] [ In reply to ]
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ThailandUltras wrote:
Pretty safe bet that more Age Groupers dope than Pro's............by a huge margin.
Not a gamble, as you say. Since >100,000 amateurs raced last year compared with max 200 genuine* pros.
Maths init
And for amateurs besides small chance of testing/test failure: a couple of years off like this bloke and then crack on. For Pros in a pool or not, a test failure is catastrophic, maybe career ending and a reputation sullied for life. Deterrence is high and the gamble for them not worth it if they are rational.

*Genuine pros - how many made more than $20k prizemoney? Though there'll be a lot more making a decent prize total in 2024 with the prize suckers siphoned off to T100, the next (IM-capable) cohort racing only IM Series races, leaving those who actually merit a pro license to make podia in the minor IMs, 70.3s and Challenge races.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
cholla wrote:
candyman wrote:
It's sad that AG athletes dope.

I don't get it at all. It's not ok for professionals either, but at least I can understand when championships and significant money are on the line. But when it's age group bragging rights, and you'd know that it really wasn't you - why bother?!?

I think it's generally not because they want to be better at triathlon, they just enjoy the performance enhancing aspects, the vanity, and their hobby happens to be tri.

I don't race anymore. I'm not on TRT or anything. But I'm 40 now, and with most of my hobbies being athletics related, I can totally see the appeal of taking something that would help me train, recover, and look like I'm 25 again. If I were to do so, and want to race again, I would wish there would be a way I could do so and disclose as such and just have an astrix next to my name on results or something instead of being unable to race or have to lie about it.

Not saying this guy would come clean and I'm sure a lot of people lie about it and pretend to be natural, but I can understand why AG athletes dope.

Maybe try the enhanced games then. Sport is for clean athletes & more cheats need to be caught. I think triathlon lends itself to AG doping. Wealthy/competitive people mostly in their middle ages looking for advantages wherever they can buy them.

Liked that 2014 example. Would like IM to test at 70.3/140.6 Worlds. But honestly it's probably not gonna yield too many positives. Need out of competition testing & they're not siphoning off those (seemingly limited) resources away from pro athletes. All we can do is shame the people who are caught -- not whatever this is.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [mathematics] [ In reply to ]
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I *think* if you answer the door and lie about your identity that is basically refusing on site testing and is auto ban. Once WADA testers are acknowledged (you opening the door), any funny business is auto sanction. It is then treated like any in comp test- you have to identify yourself, you have to stay in sight of testers, you have to test in front of them etc.

So I guess you can hole up in your house and hope the testers get tired and go home to “beat the system”.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Feb 10, 24 5:17
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [ In reply to ]
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I think triathlon is definitely dirty. Some of top age groupers over 50 look like bodybuilders. They have muscles popping out and don't look natural at all. I do have a close friend who's in medical(Low-T clinic for 30+ years) and he's agree with me as well. He races with me, and we are absolutely clean. No way!!
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [ThailandUltras] [ In reply to ]
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ThailandUltras wrote:
Pretty safe bet that more Age Groupers dope than Pro's............by a huge margin.

Is "more" a total number or a percent?

I would agree that there are MORE amateurs taking performance enhancing drugs because of the sheer size of the fields, particularly of older athletes. Some know they are cheating and some have prescriptions for aging-related issues (like arthritis) and might not even know (or care) that the drugs are banned.

But percent of the field that is doping has to go, easily, to the professionals. Will I get pilloried if I say that is likely close to 100%?
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [cholla] [ In reply to ]
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With the new crop of influencers who can live off the income from social media, some free pharma speed would go a long way.

Personally I've been stumped on being narrowly beaten to 1st place amateur at a famous full distance event by a pretty huge bloke.
My training was healthy, mod/low volume and strength-focused but still made me look like a weed. I couldn't fathom another age grouper also going sub 9 without losing all that muscle.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [vonschnapps] [ In reply to ]
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Given the liberal leaning makeup of ST it is only fair that we be more inclusive of women openly using T in this thread. Many claim openly that this is a right of passage in ownership of their body’s and mitigating effects of aging. In fact, I have seen post on FB about the benefits of HRT to include T.

As always many of the same folks offering speculative comments and assertions because people are faster than they are or look fitter.

Ever been at the morning swims in Kona? The woman look so…..must be doping…..
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [scca_ita] [ In reply to ]
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I’ve been a sprinter, bodybuilder, and have the requisite mesomorphic body type, I’m sure people think I’m on steroids. Here’s the truth as I told one muscular guy as I was passing him on the run…’body mass is not our friend’.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [scca_ita] [ In reply to ]
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With the sheer number of people on hrt, trt, ozempic, etc these days I'm sure there are tons of people inadvertently breaking the rules in triathlons and especially marathons, etc. I'm 51 and not on anything myself except for the legal shit like some common supplements. I hope they test and keep it somewhat fair but I don't get bogged down with what others are doing.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [DieselPete] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed. The fast upswing on times especially over L.D. / IM to 7:30's, 7:40's, etc. vs Allen/Scott/DeBoom days of 8:20's-8:30 for men, some years can't just be chalked up to aerodynamics & favorable conditions on some days. I'm not buying that 7's are that natural. First sub-8's was handed allegations of blood manipulation after a failed test--but beat it. Nina Kraft--EPO, Chartier...as Lothar Leder says in a past S.T. interview about doping in Tri HERE. Back in the day Renee Goldhirsch denied it for a long time before finally admitting it & banned for life. Katja Schumacher...as described HERE. I think more % of pros are than AG's for field size for sure are IMO.
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Re: Age Group DQ for positive test [Rocky M] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure about that. Of course it's impossible to prove something didn't happen but if you look at the run times the records aren't that different from Mark Allen and Dave Scott's 1989 run (2:40 in 1989 with poorer training, nutrition, shoes etc VS. 2:36 in 2022 by Iden) . Considering the improvements in shoes this is quite remarkable. Same goes for the swim. In fact the Kona swim record is still from 2018.

The biggest improvement by far is in the bike leg. 1989 Allen did 4:37 VS 4:02 by Laidlow in 2022.

This shows me how big a difference equipment has made and how stable the human performance has been.
Rocky M wrote:
Agreed. The fast upswing on times especially over L.D. / IM to 7:30's, 7:40's, etc. vs Allen/Scott/DeBoom days of 8:20's-8:30 for men, some years can't just be chalked up to aerodynamics & favorable conditions on some days. I'm not buying that 7's are that natural. First sub-8's was handed allegations of blood manipulation after a failed test--but beat it. Nina Kraft--EPO, Chartier...as Lothar Leder says in a past S.T. interview about doping in Tri HERE. Back in the day Renee Goldhirsch denied it for a long time before finally admitting it & banned for life. Katja Schumacher...as described HERE. I think more % of pros are than AG's for field size for sure are IMO.
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