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Zwift Updates 1.28 August
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I can’t imagine having my zwift setup getting axed/outmoded for this lackluster update. I feel sorry for those running old systems.

Last edited by: Ohio_Roadie: Aug 12, 22 8:56
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Ohio_Roadie] [ In reply to ]
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not sure what you mean, but ever since zwift added makuri islands I never got a chance to ride in them. Zwift support told me I do not have enough RAM. That being said when the days of coldness and darkness approach, I likely will subscribe to rouvy, rather than seeing the same cartoons all the time
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Ohio_Roadie] [ In reply to ]
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They had to draw the line *somewhere*. And my guess is that they're picking to do it on a relatively minor update before something else down the road that will actually require the upgrade.

At least, that's the way I'd roll it out.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Ohio_Roadie] [ In reply to ]
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Excuse me while I setup my Computrainer with an RS232 cable.
What... no computer has an RS232 output anymore? RAGE.
Stupid computer people always progressing.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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They told me the same. If I want to ride that map now I use my iPhone and screenshare to my older Apple TV
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Tribike53] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone else find Zwift is sometimes ridiculously slow to load? It has sometimes taken 20 minutes plus for it to load to the point where I can actually start riding - in the mornings this has sometimes meant I don't have time to get my workout in. I have never experienced anything like this with other programmes I have used. It seems to be quite random too.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [fulla] [ In reply to ]
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Yup, I have this same problem. Both loading the program initially and also when I try to load my ride/map. The ride definitely loads faster but combining that with the initial load makes for a lengthy start up.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [FuzzyRunner] [ In reply to ]
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FuzzyRunner wrote:
Yup, I have this same problem. Both loading the program initially and also when I try to load my ride/map. The ride definitely loads faster but combining that with the initial load makes for a lengthy start up.

iPhone app loads nearly instantly and runs better in general. I only use laptop to make custom workouts at this point
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Tribike53] [ In reply to ]
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Yea I use my laptop (Windows). Wonder if it's the Windows program that is slower. Unfortunately, I'm one of the people that will lose the companion app with my phone but should still have the regular program on my laptop.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [FuzzyRunner] [ In reply to ]
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I was amazed at how slowly it loaded on a friend's PC laptop the other day. It's very quick on our older iPad, which we use for actual Zwifting, and my MacBook Pro, which I use for setting up custom workouts.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [fulla] [ In reply to ]
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I have a descent PC. Zwift loads in less than 30 sec.

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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [BrzilianTri] [ In reply to ]
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BrzilianTri wrote:
I have a descent PC. Zwift loads in less than 30 sec.

It doesn't seem related to PC quality or internet connection quality. I use a high-end gaming machine with hard-wired high speed internet, and I get the hang. I'm guessing some weird quirk that hangs some part of the loading process occassionally.

I'm pretty sure there's an AI that determines how important the Zwift Event is for you. If it's just regular training, it loads right away. If it's a big race for you, with lots of teammates depending on you, it'll toy with you by hanging.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [trail] [ In reply to ]
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Zwift loads great on a 2.5 year old iPad, does not work on a new PC. I checked the requirements and should be good but it stalls and then disconnects. Frustrating since there are times when someone else might want the iPad. I just make them wait now!
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [trail] [ In reply to ]
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I have found over the years that the Mac version is infinitely more reliable than the PC one.


Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Ohio_Roadie] [ In reply to ]
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What are the new requirements for a Zwift computer?
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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I have two computers. One Zwift required me to update the card, the other computer I used for Zwift won't run it anymore. I'm getting through Kona then I'm done with it. It's an update everyday now.

I tried Rouvy. It's füçking horrible. I'll back to Trainerroad.

Last edited by: timr: Aug 12, 22 5:11
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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I agree, Mac has been great for me.

I didn't really appreciate the talk coming out of their ceo or whoever interviewed the other day. Talking out of their ass about doubling down on the future being AR/VR combo. Fuck that. Honestly I don't want to be wearing a freaking headset while doing a tough workout. I highly prefer a screen.

With their lingering ongoing issues listening to users and lingering known code issues, it was just a stupid stupid tone deaf statement made. How can you double down on product innovation while going back to basics while striving for AR and VR?

These statements directly contradict each other and current reality with their issues listening to customers:

“I can tell you that we are doubling down on product innovation,”

“We’ve kind of gone back to basics. I’m super excited about what we what we are today, but more importantly what we can be going forward.”

“It’s going to be a blend of VR and AR. But the concept of like, having one of these lightweight headsets, you just jump on a bike and off you go…there’s something to that.

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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [jaretj] [ In reply to ]
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You can find that here: https://support.zwift.com/...-run-zwift-H1Cj9QbeB

But it's significantly gone up on the graphics requirements. They announced those changes in late spring, with this week being the drop dead date for older computers.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Ohio_Roadie] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, I haven't been on Zwift in quite a while but may go back when convenient.

The computer I put together in 2016 is a 6700 I7 with a Nvidia 960 and ran very well. I don't think I was ever under 90 fps on ultra.

The 970 came out in 2014 and the tech has advanced quite a bit since then but I understand it'll suck for those that have been using a cheap laptop all these years.

Has the graphics gotten any better in the last year?
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [jaretj] [ In reply to ]
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It looks really good on my MacBook Air with Retina. Certainly better than the prior machine I was using. Whether or not that's up to Zwift itself or the computer I was using is another story.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [timr] [ In reply to ]
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timr wrote:
I have two computers. One Zwift required me to update the card, the other computer I used for Zwift won't run it anymore. I'm getting through Kona then I'm done with it. It's an update everyday now.

I tried Rouvy. It's füçking horrible. I'll back to Trainerroad.
Why is rouvy horrible? I find it more real world like than zwift. Only problem sometimes people upload bad videos
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [Tribike53] [ In reply to ]
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Tribike53 wrote:
FuzzyRunner wrote:
Yup, I have this same problem. Both loading the program initially and also when I try to load my ride/map. The ride definitely loads faster but combining that with the initial load makes for a lengthy start up.

iPhone app loads nearly instantly and runs better in general. I only use laptop to make custom workouts at this point

AppleTV is not fancy by any means but it's inexpensive ($179) and loads quickly.

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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [jmkizer] [ In reply to ]
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jmkizer wrote:
Tribike53 wrote:
FuzzyRunner wrote:
Yup, I have this same problem. Both loading the program initially and also when I try to load my ride/map. The ride definitely loads faster but combining that with the initial load makes for a lengthy start up.

iPhone app loads nearly instantly and runs better in general. I only use laptop to make custom workouts at this point

AppleTV is not fancy by any means but it's inexpensive ($179) and loads quickly.

Exactly, or my solution above which is use an old Apple TV (<$100) with my iPhone (that I upgrade every 5 years) to screenshare.

My old iPhone 10 still handles zwift like a champ. I actually use my wife’s old 10 to run zwift and mine to use companion app/run podcasts or music.
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Re: Depressing Zwift Updates 1.28 August [FuzzyRunner] [ In reply to ]
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Regarding the slow loads, I had them quite a bit on my old Windows box. After upgrading a couple a years ago I've never had any issues. No slow loads, no drop outs, and no crashes. It just works. So with my N=1 I would assume hardware, or possibly something with bit rot in an old Windows install. The one exception is when there is an update, then it sometimes seems to hang forever (or at least longer than I'm prepared to wait). If I restart the app I'm all good. For a while I used the old computer for running and it was still slow most of the times. Now I just move the monitor cable.
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