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Re: Starbucks (CEO) bitch slaps gay marriage opponent. [Gurudriver10]
Gurudriver10 wrote:
AMT04 wrote:

Fourth, I can't think of a single objective argument that makes same sex marriage immoral. Only within your religions viewpoint is it immoral. This issue forces nothing on you and shouldn't impact you at all. The only way it could matter to you is if you want to force the rules of your religion on other people, which IS objectively immoral and disgusting.

It affects me when the media is saturated with homosexuality. It then affects me when my kids are sexualized at an early age in the schools, public schools teaching them that what God calls sin is okay. Eventually, this opens the door to some rather bizarre interpretations of marriage in the future. What if someone wants to marry a 10 year old boy or girl in the future because the definition of marriage has been skewed? If you are going to allow culture to incrementally change moral definitions, where are the boundaries? Who is arbiter of morality in a society? It's not "immoral and disgusting" to uphold the traditional def. of marriage but it's a crime to let a decadent culture define it arbitrarily. You haven't thought this through.

Your first comment about male/female household not being the strongest is strange. I bet you were raised that way? I came from a broken home, however, and lamented not having a firm father figure. That affected me and still affects my decisions today. Kids need both examples, male and female. A strong male/female relationship at the head of a household is the best possible scenario. Trust me. I see that in kids who grew up with that. They are complete, confident, and generally know how to deal with groups. Prisons are full of kids from broken homes and that is one of the biggest common denominators in that population. A same sex home is one where a father or mother figure is not present. A broken home is the same. A two parent home where both parents love each other is by far the strongest, safest, and happiest home.

If the biggest impact to you is that you're going to have to be a good parent, them I'm okay with it. A lot of us disagree strongly with aspects of society around us and worry about it impacting our kids, but we can't control that. I'm irritated that my son will have to be so heavily influenced by the saturation of religion in our society, but I would never dream of trying to make your religion illegal. Instead, I'm going to focus on being a good dad and help explain why some people believe in that stuff and reinforcing reliance critical thought, logic and reason.

You keep mentioning concern over changing moral values due to our "decedant" culture, but you ignore all the examples where we've done this in the past. Those changes were unquestionably the right thing to do, yet at the time, opponents to them would be saying the same thing as you. I would argue that we're changing nothing about the morality of society, only finally realizing the some of our norms are in conflict with our morals. It's absolutely critical that we incrementally change our country. Unless you want to apply the rules as they were in 1787, which come to think of it were incremental changes from the previous government...

Your last sentence is dead on. "A two parent home where both parents love each other is by far the strongest, safest, and happiest home". I agree fully with that. Which is exactly why this isn't an argument against SSM. A home with loving parents is best, regardless of the sexual orientation of those parents. A SSM home is not a broken home.

Last edited by: AMT04: Mar 27, 13 6:58

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  • Post edited by AMT04 (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 27, 13 6:58