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Re: New Zipp 858 NSW and 808 [Slowman]

On the aero side of things, I found what you wrote interesting

"However, as I read the notes on the test the one notable item is that 25mm tires were used throughout in the wind tunnel tests. (Not in rolling resistance, but wind tunnel.) I don’t have any wind data using a 28mm tire on either of these new wheels. While it would have made some sense to test this wheel with a 28mm tire, Zipp chose the 25mm size – in fact they used Zipp Tangente tires for their aero testing – because of all the historical data they have in the tunnel that used this tire."

I had a flash back to this

joshatsilca wrote:

I can't share the data, but I attended a tunnel test at Silverstone last week with one of our world tour teams and won myself a bottle of wine in a bet about this exact topic. The wheel sponsor delivered a new wheel designed around a 28mm tire that could achieve ~102% of tire width (tubeless setup), the wheel they had previously was only at 99% with a 26mm tubeless tire and the new setup with 28 was indeed faster.. everybody was thrilled about this new faster 28mm setup, so I bet them that the new wheel would be even faster still with the 26mm tire.. and of course, it was.

I wonder if we have hit the peak of aero on wheels
Last edited by: marcag: Aug 21, 22 14:11

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  • Post edited by marcag (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 21, 22 14:11