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Endurance fuel & hydration sugar ratios... and fuel science and stuff
What sugar ratios have you heard are being used in fuel products you've seen on the market? Or what's the ratio of the one you use?

Some companies promote their glucose:fructose ratio in their marketing material. Since marketing copy is my absolute favorite....You might be able to help me find info faster.

Examples that come to my mind for 1:0.8 ratio are:

2:1 glucose to fructose ratio examples:
  • Powerbar isoactive is 2:1
  • Gatorade used to promote 2:1 for their original and endurance mixes.
  • Torq (they say they're 2:1 but their nutrition facts math comes out to closer to 3:2, which is better anyway)

(no affiliations)

Maybe I'll make this into a regularly updated thread like that bottle thread... no guarantees.

This is my attempt at crowdsourcing some of this info so that I can aggregate it somewhere/somehow usefully for everyone.

Startup workloads are eye-watering! Very much appreciate anyone's help here, and links are always SUPER appreciated but not mandatory at all. (actually startup workloads are eye-drying...cuz screens cause less blinks, plus long hours, you get the picture)

Dr. Alex Harrison | Founder & CEO | Sport Physiology & Performance PhD
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Last edited by: DrAlexHarrison: Apr 2, 23 12:45

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