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I'm being a Wellesley girl on Monday. Who else is running/spectating at Boston; when will you be at the expo; critique my sign ideas
I'll post pics of my sweatshirt later, but I'll be in Boston on Friday for the expo and Monday to kiss people, heckle, and cheer (in that order). Bright blue short shorts, white sweatshirt that says "Wellesley." On Friday I'm likely to have a piece of paper on it like a race bib that says "ask me for a kiss" just in case no one wants to stop for one Monday. I'm usually in Oklahoma on Patriot's Day but not this year.

Friday I'll be at the expo when it opens at 11. Please say hi if you see me. My real name is Allison. If you ask "are you Dr. Tigerchik" it may confuse my dad (who will be traveling with me, and may or may not come to the expo).

If you'll be at the expo midday Friday, tell me what you're wearing so I can look for you.

I'll get back to Boston sometime Sunday, may or may not go to the expo again.

Sign-wise for Monday, one of my neon papers will say "[last name] (2024)" bc I have a friend running who is also a geeky academic, and this will be meaningful to him and be a reminder that marathoning has miserable moments but it's better than working on a journal article or grant application. I have more neon paper and the sorts of things I am considering for signs - please add ideas or tell me what you do/don't like - are as follows. (These are the sorts of things *I* like for signs; I have a dark sense of humor. I will not make signs saying things like "you look great" and other actually motivational things, beyond #3)

1. It's a marathon, not a sprint
2. Start trying
3. You have nice legs [suggested: shorten to "nice legs"]
4. Kiss me
5. You're getting chicked
6. [suggested] you're not almost there
7. [suggested if rainy, possibly too inappropriate] kiss me, I'm already wet
8. [your ideas here...]

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 10, 24 9:13

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