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Re: Divorce and child custody/legal issues questions [BBB1975]
Sphere may see it as what is best for the kids, the judge may see it as a typical trick a custodial parent does to undermine the other parent.

I have to wonder how often that is used as a "trick" as opposed to being construed that way by the noncustodial parent.

In our case, her ex said she shall not sign them up for any activities that fall on "his" weekend, when she mentioned that the kids were interested in playing soccer, volleyball, and basketball. She informed him that she will sign them up, they can make every practice and every game that falls on "her" weekend, and that whether he takes them to their games, or allows them to stay home with us on those weekends so they can attend, will be up to him. She never said that they cannot go with him on those weekends or that he must take them, only that they want to participate and it's his decision. She told the kids it will be up to their father if they go to the games on that weekend and stay at his home in the area, or if he has other plans for them. That has been well documented in the emails.

If a judge is inclined to see that as a trick, so be it.

How would it look if it were not a trick but mom understands that sports and activities are healthy for kids and wants them to participate however possible, but defers to the other parent on his weekends? Pretty much the same, I would imagine.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Last edited by: sphere: Apr 18, 24 10:43

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  • Post edited by sphere (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 18, 24 10:43