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Re: Calling all Marcags: Let's talk about Zipp's new disc [Slowman]
Slowman wrote:
dkennison wrote:
However, outdoor testing shows a whole lot of conditions (road surfaces) where pressures over 5 bar is faster. As the article points out most TT and triathlons are held on normal road surfaces as opposed to chipseal or cobbles.

i'm not convinced of this. if you're talking about 28c and up. i don't think we've yet had that much testing on a 28c tire for TT applications. for Crr, that 28c tire in, for example, silca's calculator swells to 30mm when you put it on a hookless road wheel, because those wheels have such wide bead widths and silca specifies measured width. you have to get to a very smooth road before you exceed 5 bar on a 30mm measured wheel. and that's silca, which is going to yield higher pressures than what the manufacturers say their pro teams are using. i think this is one of those areas where we must agree to disagree pending some moment where those testing generate more agreement in their results.

i guess you must agree that it is likely that the companies you talk to are not 100 percent transparent as they dont want to throw their product under their bus
it sounds to me zipp told you 25 mm was fine, now it sounds they dont say this to you anymore so we cant deny that they where likely not too upfront with you or had mistakes in their protocol .
its a bit like how enve said a rear disc is not faster until they produced one and suddenly it was faster...

btw what is the accuracy of the inbuild pressure gauge , ie i see this as something potentially very useful. how easy can it be replaced and at what cost.

so i think you would be wise to take your claims a bit back until you have really solid data that backs up your claims. if you are interested in a evidence based approach and not just your gut feeling.
just to be sure i am not saying you or the companies are wrong far from it .iam saying at this stage the only solid answer is further research is needed. and till then i guess only people that have done proper research should share their experiences and a maracg does still with the cavet that this is not the conclusion yet... which is good science i would think .
Last edited by: pk: Apr 19, 24 1:37

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  • Post edited by pk (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 19, 24 1:37