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Re: What to eat on the bike? [ohanapecosh]
One of my favorite parts of long rides is I get to (happily) eat the same garbage food my kids eat

There are ways to really “optimize” - like a perfect mix of different sugar types, drinks vs food, isotonic ratios, etc. And yes, over time you should worry about that

I used to be really anal about drinking the perfect amount of calories when I first got started, and that is probably fine if you want to go that way.

But at the simplest level, especially if you’re just getting started - just fill your jersey pockets with whatever calorie / carb dense food you want to eat. It can be all gu’s if you want ($$$ and kinda gross over time), but I’d go w poptarts, oatmeal crème pies, honeybuns, gummy bears, nutrigrain bars. Whatever you like. I’ve packed sandwiches, sweet potatoes, figs, rice cakes too when I feel like it. At a rest stop, Drink a Coke, eat a payday or a snickers. You’re fueling the engine for more riding with carbs (aka sugar), so you don’t want to skimp

I’d start with a rough guess on # of carbs you need / hour (super variable based on your size and effort …. But maybe start w 60-80?), pack that food and then adjust up or down as you get more experience
Last edited by: mvenneta: Apr 24, 24 13:09

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  • Post edited by mvenneta (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 24, 24 13:07
  • Post edited by mvenneta (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 24, 24 13:09