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Re: Why is the Chinese swimmers and WADA coverup and fight with USADA not being discussed? [DrAlexHarrison]
DrAlexHarrison wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
DrAlexHarrison wrote:
AchillesHeal wrote:
I am pleasantly surprised however to see USADA confronting WADA. It gives me a glimmer of hope that there are forces in the world fighting for justice.
Don't be too swayed by USADA as the anti-corruption good guy. They're still 50% funded by the same organization that makes money by producing entertaining competition, which is absolutely enhanced by athletes being... enhanced.

***climbs up on soapbox***

If you're talking about the UFC Partnership, that partnership is over. Ended in October when McGregor re-entered the testing pool, it was gonna get killed off by Christmas I'm sure as the UFC wanted to move to a more NFL like sanction model (be a lot softer) and USADA didn't want to be a part of that. They now contract out to Drug Free Sport International.

Nah. The USOPC which has an ARR of half a billion dollars mostly from media deals provides roughly 50% of USADA's $30-40M annual operating budget.

Confused about your nah....you meant the organization that makes money by producing entertaining competition wasn't a reference to UFC, but OSOPC? I believe TheStroBro's account of the USADA-UFC relationship is accurate.

All elite - and amateur - sport is about producing entertaining competition so I could understand the confusion.
Last edited by: trail: Apr 28, 24 8:35

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  • Post edited by trail (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 28, 24 8:35