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Re: Why is the Chinese swimmers and WADA coverup and fight with USADA not being discussed? [Bdaghisallo]
The jurisdictional arguments around which organization knew what when are very confusing to me. I don't really understand if it's WADA's responsibility to take action regardless of what CHINADA or USADA do? Also, I believe the international organizations (example: FINA) are empowered to take their own action as well, is that true?

Setting the above aside:
1. I believe it's extremely unlikely that 23 elite athletes just happened to all have been contaminated by the powerful performance enhancer TMZ just before testing. I personally don't buy it.
2. Regardless, other similar cases involving TMZ have resulted in suspension even after inadvertant contamination had been proven. Example: Madisyn Cox.
3. This might be an obvious "mild take", but I believe that the only sports that take doping at least somewhat seriously (swimming, cycling and track) are the only ones with doping positives. These sports are far (FAR) from perfect in doping control but at least they've done something. As a result, ironically these sports are seen as "dirty" by the general public. Meanwhile, I believe the big money sports like soccer (football), football (American football), basketball, hockey, tennis etc couldn't care less about doping, don't really test and are very willing to cover up any potential issue. There's too much money involved and there's no benefit to a "tough on doping" policy in these sports.I believe these sports are RIFE with doping.
Last edited by: hiro11: Apr 29, 24 5:08

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  • Post edited by hiro11 (Lightning Ridge) on Apr 29, 24 5:07
  • Post edited by hiro11 (Lightning Ridge) on Apr 29, 24 5:08