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Re: Ironman Pro Series 70.3 St. George [dcpinsonn]
Very well done - especially the astute quick takes. These articles offer more insight than the usual “they raced, they won, they came second, hot day, tough course, slots, etc.” but are a quick and easy read.

Style wise, something to consider in general: you only ever refer to athletes by their names (never: “the Canadian”, “the reigning 70.3 world champion”, etc.), which gets repetitive and - for lack of a better word - dry. It’s probably something you do on purpose to achieve clarity, but if there were a vote, I’d vote for referring to athletes in more varied ways when they are mentioned in the text multiple times.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: May 4, 24 15:01

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  • Post edited by kajet (Dawson Saddle) on May 4, 24 15:01