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Is Trump losing steam?
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My Trump rally going relative could not stop talking about Kennedy today. He seems to really have the ear of the “wolves in a land of sheep” who avoided the poison vaccine.

Is Trump’s shine wearing off?
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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My circle is small, but painted with red. It’s not desperate yet, but most would like to vote for someone else if given the opportunity. I’m a driver and a 5-iron from MTG’s district and the fatigue is real. Best case for the Dems is they sit out because they will never vote blue.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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Funnily enough, my wife and I had dinner with some friends this week who are very wealthy. Alcohol was involved, my wife made the mistake of bringing up politics LOL, and it turns out that he is a huge Trump supporter and that she likes Trump a lot but likes Kennedy even more. Go figure.

blog thing - strava thing
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I don't understand the thinking that he's a threat to Biden. If you typically support the Dems why in the hell would you vote for this freak, who represents basically none of what you typically support?

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe to early to say that, but it does seem he needs a true win somewhere. Or something new to stump on.

Biden has an ad running now, that says something about not being negative and attacking people, and getting stuff done. I feel it hits pretty close on.

Trump is not campaigning on anything new, nor anything of substance just name calling rants that are very old and tired.

And now inside his camp there is word they are not happy with MTG.

Gonna be a fun few months in the run up to the election.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I think any concerns of him pulling from Biden, died when he named his running mate. Like many of these folks, they shoot themselves in the foot when picking a VP. Still feel bad for that retired general or whatever that Ross Perot picked, he was completely lost in the debate.. Hmm he probably could have fit right in with Biden and Trump though come to think of it.. See Ross was a visionary.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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Why do you care about him losing steam?

You should be worried about the wet blanket in the White House who is now shriveling up as he dries. And his DEI VP who is a PIA.

- This Tyler thought of the day, brought to you by concerned citizens near WannaB

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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I don't understand the thinking that he's a threat to Biden. If you typically support the Dems why in the hell would you vote for this freak, who represents basically none of what you typically support?

He's a Kennedy, and thus Dem Royalty and Biden is too old. Or I think that is the logic.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [WannaB] [ In reply to ]
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WannaB wrote:
Why do you care about him losing steam?

You should be worried about the wet blanket in the White House who is now shriveling up as he dries. And his DEI VP who is a PIA.

Not sure the OP really care's but is looking to see if others read what's happening the same way.

As for the dried up prune in the oval office, his campaign seems to be picking up steam. I don't do broadcast tv, so i don't see ads often, but Biden is pushing out a lot of ad's on streaming services and they seem to be point on.

The only worry, I think these days for the Dem's is Biden having a medical issue and dropping out. Oh and who his running mate will be.

I think losing all these lawsuits and at best delaying them, are wearing Trump out and draining his funds way to fast. He has not had anything that looks like a win in a while. He doesn't have a platform or any plans of substance, a month or so ago they tried to go on an offensive of fixing healthcare, but that seems to have fizzled out, probably somewhat cause folks started saying why didn't you get that done in the 4 yrs you were in office and controlled both houses.

But this election is so bad, one little thing one way or another, could change the outlook quickly.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [WannaB] [ In reply to ]
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WannaB wrote:
Why do you care about him losing steam?

You should be worried about the wet blanket in the White House who is now shriveling up as he dries. And his DEI VP who is a PIA.

- This Tyler thought of the day, brought to you by concerned citizens near WannaB

some posts are important to quote for future reference in my opinion,,,,,,
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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I only know one person who say they will for RFK, he is a Republican who is tired of Trump. He has fully bought into the "Invasion!" "Sleepy Joe!" "Socialism!" stuff but is open to voting for Kennedy......logic is not his thing.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [LacticacidMCB] [ In reply to ]
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LacticacidMCB wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I don't understand the thinking that he's a threat to Biden. If you typically support the Dems why in the hell would you vote for this freak, who represents basically none of what you typically support?

He's a Kennedy, and thus Dem Royalty and Biden is too old. Or I think that is the logic.

He does have a couple of positions that would normally be considered much more far left. I think he's against big agriculture, big pharma, and has a general anti big business bent? Or a general we should do better protecting people against corporations that are only interested in making money. At least that's the impression I've got, but it can be hard to separate out from his nonsense.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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This explains so much, so well…

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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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renorider wrote:
Funnily enough, my wife and I had dinner with some friends this week who are very wealthy. Alcohol was involved, my wife made the mistake of bringing up politics LOL, and it turns out that he is a huge Trump supporter and that she likes Trump a lot but likes Kennedy even more. Go figure.

I had quick coffee meeting with a prospective business partner who brought his wife along. We discussed the day's events in Isreal and she slipped into a MAGA-style anti-Biden rant. I smiled and nodded in congenial "I hear you," acknowledgment, but after about 30 seconds I think she clearly sensed that despite my passive agreement I wasn't an enthusiastic fellow traveler, so turned kind of sheepish and trailed off. Her husband notably did not back her up - maybe even gave her a look.

Her complaint was odd...she had opened by praising how well the Iron Dome was doing. Then she started bashing Biden for "not helping Israel prepare." If she'd been in the Lavender Room I would have reminded her that Biden had requested an additional $1B in Iron Dome funding in 2022, and is trying to push through another $14.3B in military and other aid now - despite a lot of progressive pushback.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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Moonrocket wrote:
Is Trump’s shine wearing off?


It does appear that he's not pulling in his 2020 numbers.

But when Trump picks his VP, and/or gets covicted of something major, l think we'll all know a lot more. It will either send him into a tailspin, or give him a significant boost.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
renorider wrote:
Funnily enough, my wife and I had dinner with some friends this week who are very wealthy. Alcohol was involved, my wife made the mistake of bringing up politics LOL, and it turns out that he is a huge Trump supporter and that she likes Trump a lot but likes Kennedy even more. Go figure.

I had quick coffee meeting with a prospective business partner who brought his wife along. We discussed the day's events in Isreal and she slipped into a MAGA-style anti-Biden rant. I smiled and nodded in congenial "I hear you," acknowledgment, but after about 30 seconds I think she clearly sensed that despite my passive agreement I wasn't an enthusiastic fellow traveler, so turned kind of sheepish and trailed off. Her husband notably did not back her up - maybe even gave her a look.

Her complaint was odd...she had opened by praising how well the Iron Dome was doing. Then she started bashing Biden for "not helping Israel prepare." If she'd been in the Lavender Room I would have reminded her that Biden had requested an additional $1B in Iron Dome funding in 2022, and is trying to push through another $14.3B in military and other aid now - despite a lot of progressive pushback.

Was she from Vegas by chance?
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Such an apt description —> A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

Nashville, TN
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Moonrocket wrote:

Is Trump’s shine wearing off?


It does appear that he's not pulling in his 2020 numbers.

But when Trump picks his VP, and/or gets covicted of something major, l think we'll all know a lot more. It will either send him into a tailspin, or give him a significant boost.

Well he has been found guilty twice of slander, and he or Trump Corp. has been found guilty of Fraud in NY. It is odd, how even when he is found guilty people forget, or don't think so cause he is appealing.

I know he can't afford financially to lose all these cases, but is his appealing kicking the can down the road, helping or hurting. As you say, will it rally his supporters? If he keeps kicking the can, and folks ignore the results of his trials could this backfire, as nothing is resolved by the election, and everyone is just tired of him and his schtick? Lacking the bump of from finality of any of his cases, could be a killer in that its just status quo.

Just a Sunday morning thought. But it does make me wonder. Most seem to think the Stormy case will be quick and the conclusion easy, but then he appeals, how long can he drag that out? Is that the one, to lose, since it doesn't cost money, and will they really lock up a candidate for President? It would get him out of the debates, keep campaign costs down as he could not travel. Rally the supporters look crooked joe, locked up honest don to keep him from winning. Not sure how long of a sentence he would get if he loses that case, but its an interesting strategy.

EDIT -- just another thought, if he loses the Stormy case, do they lock him up while he appeals?

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
Last edited by: DavHamm: Apr 14, 24 5:38
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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It is really hard to predict what people who don't have much interest in politics do on election day. I would think they would be the ones who might vote for the Kennedy guy. Apparently he has appeal among younger voters maybe bad for Biden but also does he carry the day with Anti vaxers, bad for Trump.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [LacticacidMCB] [ In reply to ]
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LacticacidMCB wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I don't understand the thinking that he's a threat to Biden. If you typically support the Dems why in the hell would you vote for this freak, who represents basically none of what you typically support?

He's a Kennedy, and thus Dem Royalty and Biden is too old. Or I think that is the logic.

My Trump voting Aunt is voting for RFK too. She was a democrat when the Kennedy name was powerful. She’s long since become a republican. I think that’s what is the media is misunderstanding. If you voted for a Kennedy in a national election 50 yrs ago, you aren’t necessarily a democrat l
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
LacticacidMCB wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I don't understand the thinking that he's a threat to Biden. If you typically support the Dems why in the hell would you vote for this freak, who represents basically none of what you typically support?

He's a Kennedy, and thus Dem Royalty and Biden is too old. Or I think that is the logic.

My Trump voting Aunt is voting for RFK too. She was a democrat when the Kennedy name was powerful. She’s long since become a republican. I think that’s what is the media is misunderstanding. If you voted for a Kennedy in a national election 50 yrs ago, you aren’t necessarily a democrat l

And most people voting today, don't really associate the Kennedy name to anything..

Kennedy hit the Trump wacko's when he picked his VP who is wacko and anti vaccinations.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]
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DavHamm wrote:
ajthomas wrote:
LacticacidMCB wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:

…and yet I keep hearing that RFK is more of a threat to Biden than to Trump. How is that true if he’s siphoning off Trump votes?

I don't understand the thinking that he's a threat to Biden. If you typically support the Dems why in the hell would you vote for this freak, who represents basically none of what you typically support?

He's a Kennedy, and thus Dem Royalty and Biden is too old. Or I think that is the logic.

My Trump voting Aunt is voting for RFK too. She was a democrat when the Kennedy name was powerful. She’s long since become a republican. I think that’s what is the media is misunderstanding. If you voted for a Kennedy in a national election 50 yrs ago, you aren’t necessarily a democrat l

And most people voting today, don't really associate the Kennedy name to anything..

Kennedy hit the Trump wacko's when he picked his VP who is wacko and anti vaccinations.

Or associate the Kennedy political name primarily with negative events. RFK Jr has been associated with antvaxxer wackiness for a while. His uncle and brothers killed people in alcohol fueled car crashes. RFK Jr kept a journal with his affairs which probably led to his wife killing her self.
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [LacticacidMCB] [ In reply to ]
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The Kennedy Brand died with John-John ... oh wait, the QAnon idiots think he's still alive

Anyway, RFK, Jr is more closely compared with his aunt's family; the wacky Bouviers from Grey Gardens

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Is Trump losing steam? [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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Trump still has tremendous support because people look back with rose colored glasses and think everything he did made the economy better. They don't acknowledge that much of what they think Trump did was actually the work of Obama, who handed a booming economy to Trump. They also blame Biden for many things not caused by Biden. Lots of the inflation issue is due to the massively screwed up global economy from the pandemic. Trump doesn't have any real policies other than telling people he'll return the country to the economy of his first term.

The hush money trial could be a big boost as well if he is not found guilty. The prosecution is playing with fire and if they don't get a conviction it could propel Trump into winning the election.


Tri-ing to have fun. Anything else is just a bonus!
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