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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Old article in here about Kieren Perkins. A good one. https://mastersswimming.org.au/...ching-Newsletter.pdf
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
is "base" the same as interval?

I don’t think that’s necessarily so. I’d always say, on 2:00 cycle or 1:45 cycle per 100 instead of base. Happy to debate the finer points of the nomenclature lol

It’s absolutely bucketting around here at the moment, getting drenched riding to and from the pool a lot at the moment

1k mix of free and back 500 worth of IM broken up 100 float
2x800 2x400 2x300 2x200 2x100 just a hair faster than comfortable effort swimming - 5-10 seconds rest then go
500 worth of kick 200 easy
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Good job Monty!

10 x 100 on 1:50 today, no pain during. Shoulder feels a little worked now… just did Pt exercises. I also types for four hours yesterday which was new and stresses shoulder

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Allison, just fun to be back on the blocks..

SO of course today the pool cooled down, as close to 82 as we ever get. But I will take it, really helps me to keep whatever speed I have to the end of workout, instead of just trying to cool my cooked lobster body anyway I can..

2x(500buoy or pull@7;30/7;00/200frog@4;00) buoy(7;01)pull(6;18) frogs(3;40/3;37)
2x(5x100buoy or pull@1;30/1;25/200frog@4;00)buoys(1;21/22/21/20/18)pulls(1;13/13/13/13/10)frogs(3;36/3;32)
2x(3x50buoy or pull@1;00/50back@1;00)buoys(40 to 38's)pulls(37/34/31) back(41/41)200frog@4;00(3;38)
200 easy pull SD(2;41)
3600SCY in 60 minutes
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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We are doing a trip to the states later this year, New York, big southern cities and finishing in San Francisco. I’m doing some itinerary stuff but I’m trying to get the handle on the pool situation up there too

Questions for those in this thread

Are Ys usually warm water?
Do you need to book lap swimming sessions or have we moved past that?
Do most pools have weird opening hours?
Do I need to wear a cap? Is gear usually not allowed?
Is sharing a lane not a done thing for you guys? Because you put your 50m pools into 25y? So too many lanes to need to share?
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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waverider101 wrote:
We are doing a trip to the states later this year, New York, big southern cities and finishing in San Francisco. I’m doing some itinerary stuff but I’m trying to get the handle on the pool situation up there too

Questions for those in this thread

Are Ys usually warm water?
Do you need to book lap swimming sessions or have we moved past that?
Do most pools have weird opening hours?
Do I need to wear a cap? Is gear usually not allowed?
Is sharing a lane not a done thing for you guys? Because you put your 50m pools into 25y? So too many lanes to need to share?

1. Yes
2.moved past
3. Not mine.
4. Summary of previous months is there may be a Big Cap industry convincing short haired men they need caps. I wear one but am girl. All gear should be fine
5. Lots of sharing happens, 50m pool at a y is rare, they are usually 25y

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Mon May 13- 1200 yd swim, 1 mi run
Run not totally perfect but lots better than last week

6 x 200 on 330

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Tiger pretty much gave the the norms around here. but it can be different in different places for sure. Where I swim there are very limited hours, a couple around lunchtime. But anything goes, and everyone gets their own lane, dont believe I have share a lane in 15 years there. The pool I swam in today is 50M, but it was set up as yards and I did have to share a lane, side by side. Usually folks dont want to circle, it is too confusing for the average lap swimmer, so they wait on deck for a side by side to open up. I got lucky today and was next to a 76 year old masters woman, so she knew how to swim, and to hold to her side of the lane. But it does nix any IM or fly sets, that's just rude with lane mates who are of slower abilities.

main thing is, if and when you get to LA area, make sure and give a shout out and I will personally hook you up with a lane somewhere, and a nice trail run or gravel ride if you like.

So happy today to be in the 82 degree pool at sea level, blasted off from the fist stroke of warm up and just felt great. Didnt even push anything hard physically, but times were much faster than normal, Fitting in what I can between two birthday celebrations for my twins this week..

2x(3x200buoy or pull@3;10/3;00/200frog@4;00)buoys(2;49/44/40)pulls(2;32/27/23+)frogs(3;38/3;31)
2x(3x100buoy or pull@1;50/100frog@2;30)buoys(1;19/15/13)pulls(1;11/07/05+)frogs(1;451;41)
12x50@1;00--4buoy(42 to 38)4frgo(53 to 51)pulls(37 to 34) 50 back
3050 in 56 minutes
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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A very fishy swim for me this morning. I love getting back to Sydney.

2.5km swim soon after sunrise. Calm ocean and good visibility. Had to swim though massive schools of yellowtail whiting shimmering in the sun, blue groper, so many beautifully patterned and colourful smaller fish....

I ran about 10km of trail around North Head afterwards, taking in all the lookouts with views along the coast and the expanse of the harbour to the city.

When I returned to my car, I had a message that my 11am appointment had been postponed an hour. That meant I had time to swim another 1.5km. 😀

I came across a giant cuttlefish, an early arrival for the breeding season, and followed it for a while, watching it change shape, texture and colour as it swam over the kelp and rocks.

Nearing the beach, I discovered an exquisitely patterned fiddler ray resting in a deep gutter among the rock platforms. I dived down a couple of times to admire it more closely.

Sometimes the effort to swim that extra km or so is so richly rewarded.
Last edited by: satanellus: May 13, 24 23:10
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [satanellus] [ In reply to ]
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Tu May 14- 1200 yd swim, 2 mi walk

Hip hurt after run yesterday so body not ready for that again :(

Happy to get two days in a row w things feeling ok! Set was 6 x 200 on 3:30

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: May 14, 24 4:28
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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thanks for that offer - wouldn't be able to say no to that.

for this trip (our first to USA) we have decided we are only going to San Fran in cal (for our last stop for our flight back) and another trip will be a road trip in cal. Wouldn't mind timing that trip for getting out of the winter here and doing one of the OW surf events too. I bet and hope you guys would sledge hard any aussies who show up on your beaches ;)

1 hour 45 today, pool dropping down to 76 degrees (24 highs)

1200 or so warm up 100 100 200 2x100 300 3x100 400 4x100 alternate 120 and 130
300 easy
1500 steady (130-140 heart rate) 1200 faster (15:45)
300 easy
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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back at it. after taking the bubble off all week last week i only got in once.

but today was perfect here, save for the clouds of pollen floating around;


4 sets of 5 x 100 on 1:30 (scy)
with a 50 easy between

Rnd 1: 108s and 107s
Rnd 2: 106s
Rnd 3: 105s and 104s
Rnd 4: 102s and 103s

Pleasantly surprised by the feel and power today. Alt breathing the whole thing and only a cramp on the last turn in my hammy stopped me from going 1:00. (I think... haha)


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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [daved] [ In reply to ]
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Wed May 15- 1800 yd swim, 2.8 mi walk

9 x 200 on 330

Shoulder muscles a little achy but not painful! Normal muscle ache level. PT had said last week 1k-2k so glad to be getting to the 2k . I see him again tues :)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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You guys should have a great trip, and sure you will find all the swimming you want on the way too. We have pools everywhere, and if you just list when and where, probably get an ST invite to the local hammer fest.

SO speaking of cold pools, my sea level one was 81 today, felt like I was at a meet!! So did my pushed warm up and went for a 1k pull TT. New PR for me in past year or so as an older man....

1000p for time@13;30(12;32--6;18/6;14) new PR for this year, been a long time since I was motoring 1;15's non stop
6x100, odds dolphin@2;30/evens back@2;00--Backs(1;33/31/27)dolphin(66/63/61)
3x200p easy@3;00(2;42/41/40)100SD
3700SCY in 65 minutes

It really is different in a cold pool with O2 a plenty, wish I had this all the time...
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Th May 16- 2000 yds

20 x 100 on 1:50

Might actually have been 2200-2300 as I miscounted and did a 50 and was in the pool for about 42 min. But I am calling it 2000… it is 2000 yards or meters just not sure what the right unit is!! Hee hee

Had tiny sore spot in lat but am pretty sure it is from the PT stuff which I do every other day (and did yesterday).

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Back to the high hot pool, but with new found fitness it appears. I decided today I'm going to begin doing those sets that mimic OW swim starts and buoy turns, so today's was a very fast 50 swim straight into a 150 buoy to recover and get my breath back actively.

3x(100p@2;00/50swim hard into 150 buoy@3;00)pulls(1;14/15/14) 200's(2;39--33+2;06/2;36+--32+/2;04/2;33--32+2;01)
4x(100frog@2;20/50strokeIM order@1;10)frogs(1;49/48/47/46)fly(34)back(39)breast(40)free(31)
3200SCY in 59 minutes

Very happy with my spadework today, but man the hot is back and killing me!!
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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The OW season wont be far off for you guys

Was hoping my friend was joining for a hard IM set today but he is smarter than that and gave it a miss

Long warm up as 111 222 333 444 as free/back/FRIM easy
800 400 400 300 300 200 200 200 - steady efforts

Some swim down
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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In the ocean before sunrise this morning.

Another 4km for me.....and another giant cuttlefish to ogle. And probably 100000s of fish, including a couple of wobbegongs (bottom-dwelling, ambush-feeding sharks) resting on a rock on the sea floor. Dived down numerous times to check them out more closely.

No idea about times, heart rate, etc. Just not important to me.
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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2nd swim today as 500 loosen then 12344321 off 1:20 cycle. actually off 1:25 on the first one then on repeats properly from there. Coming back down as 510,509,353,231,112
200 easy

feels weird swimming of an afternoon. i used to prefer swimming in the afternoon now i am all about the mornings.
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Like yesterday I tried to do 20 x 100 on 1:50 and miscounted something so calling it 2000 and it is actually probably 2150 or so

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Miscounting always the way… Do you just swim off the clock or do you wear a watch?

1k worth of free and back gentle
3x400 back d 1-3 4x400 as free IM free IM d 1-4
200 easy

First 400 IMs in ages. Not swimming regularly as fast I was last year on medley but base fitness is higher so feel a race time would be about the same
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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clock! Yet somehow I still manage to forget if I've done a 50 or a 100. It's embarassing.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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First 400 IMs in ages. Not swimming regularly as fast I was last year on medley but base fitness is higher so feel a race time would be about the same //

With as fast as your strokes are, and since you do a bunch of backstroke even when not doing IM, probably safe bet you got good IM's in you for a race with the added overall fitness..But going out too fast in the 100 fly could get you in trouble quick, but that is always the case, ya??

I got another rare 81 degree day at the sea level pool today, so even feeling blah, my times are faster and easier than normal..Just a get through it swim before a big pool birthday party for one of my twins today...

300/200/100buoy@1;30 base(4;16/2;45/1;19)
4x(200/100/50) as back@2;00base(3;05/1;29/41)frog@2;00 base(3;42/1;45/50)buoy@1;30base(2;45/1;20/38)frog@2;00base(3;34/1;45/49)
3700SCY in 65 minutes
Last edited by: monty: May 18, 24 21:31
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Yesterday 5.4 mi walk
Today 1.5 mi walk, 2500 yd free and 300 kick
Counted successfully!

25 x 100 on 1:50
300 kick

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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In the last 2 years, off the blocks in a race, Ive done two 200ims and a 100IM. Also a fast 300 IM (no free, no dive) at just about a race level of effort one daty I was feeling good.

I did my faster time in the 2 when I just took it out much harder in the fly and tried to hang on, so I don't know what the go is with pacing. I can only really blow up the legs in backstroke, the way I swim , so I will have to find a few medleys later this year and go out 96% and see what happens

2k easy as 10x100 backstroke / free then 2x200 2x150 2x100 2x50 as BACK-IMS (back not fly but IM)
2 rounds of 6x50 desc 1-3 600 steady (first round 50s back second round 50s breast)
2x300 hard free 6x50 desc 1-3

1.2-1.3 worth of easy slow cool down
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