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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Started a little late in January but still alcohol-free so far which is good for me in the off-season. Easy to be alcohol-free in the summer when I'm doing long bike rides and long runs on the weekends. Much more tricky when it's cold outside, I'm sitting in my log home next to the cozy fireplace insert, a good fire going, a nice book or netflix.....and a glass of wine sounds so good at the moment. Haven't been feeling awesome lately but know I'd feel worse if I were drinking on the weekends and a glass of wine on a couple weeknights.

Death is easy....peaceful. Life is harder.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Dr_Cupcake wrote:
18 days DONE! We are just shy of 60%, thatā€™s almost a passing grade :)

Busy day out of the house. Got really good news at my echo, and sleep has remained amazing. I saw my FIRST EVER 100 GARMIN SLEEP SCORE. The week stays busy so no idle hands here.


Super strange dream of the night:

Was on a cruise ship, but one of the excursions was a "The Amazing Race" kind of thing. I had to repack and leave the ship, without a partner (the cruise was going to find someone for me). While at the dock waiting for my tender, a random guy comes out with a gallon ziploc bag full of very wet and sad cardinals of all different colors- red, brown, yellow, green, etc. I helped get them back up and flying, and had to freeze down the ones that didn't make it. I got on the tender to start the adventure race and was partnered with a german shepherd. And that's when I woke up.

Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Iā€˜m still in. This year really from the beginning of the year, since I went early to bed on 31.12.22. Yesterday I had a birthday party, but I denied the prosecco which was offered to me even with some vehemence. In the end the host presented an alcohol free beer to me.

I always have an alcohol free period from the 1st of January, until my A-race of the year.
Since a couple of years I manage to make some exceptions without getting into a bad habit again. But I did not feel like making an exception already yesterday.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [longtrousers] [ In reply to ]
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Keep forgetting to weigh myself, but gotta be down some pounds. My ring is back to that loose enough status I have to be careful with it. Pants fit nice again.

Another week I'll weigh and update the Zwift again. Lol.

I'd really like to hit 70kg again. I feel like all the late evening drinking was enough I was storing fat straight away as the liver was at work on the liquor instead of my dinners. Not to mention how many calories the tastier beers and wine has when drank in volume. I mean, easily 400 to 500 cals a night for months adds up.

Plus, craft beers at $3.50 a pop or so adds up also.

Come out of Jan I will likely go to a Fri/Sat only schedule. Then also have a weight limit. Hit weight limit, you lose Fri. Don't lose, you lose Sat.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure if this has been mentioned here yet or not.

Health Canada just recently radically changed their guidelines regarding "Safe" alcohol usage. The previous had been the usual 1 - 2 standard drinks/day for a total of 7 - 14/week - I think I little less for women.

They have RADICALLY changed that now saying what's "safe" is 1 - 2 drinks/week ( that's it), and noting that alcohol is now listed as a known carcinogen and linked to a number of the top cancers that are found in humans. And words to the effect that, abstaining from alcohol is the best approach

These are BIG changes and it has been garnering a HUGE amount of media discussion, dialog and op-ed space this week.

Personally I'm on the fence about all this - I see the need for the cautions and the cautious approach, but for the drinkers drinking moderate to heavily already I don't think it's going to change their behaviors much For those drinkers such as myself - already under the previous guidelines - what will it do? Some weeks - I have no alcohol. Other weeks I might have 5 - 6 glasses of wine or beer throughout the week! Maybe I cut down by a bit!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [burnthesheep] [ In reply to ]
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burnthesheep wrote:
Plus, craft beers at $3.50 a pop or so adds up also.

Where the heck do you live? I'm going to come visit :p

Thursday night's "Lion's Mouth" gives me free beers because I'm part of their investor program, but other than that microbrews are around $5-7 here.

Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Dr_Cupcake wrote:
burnthesheep wrote:

Plus, craft beers at $3.50 a pop or so adds up also.

Where the heck do you live? I'm going to come visit :p

Thursday night's "Lion's Mouth" gives me free beers because I'm part of their investor program, but other than that microbrews are around $5-7 here.

4-pack 16 oz can specials to-go. Not in-house pours.

Sure, some are 4 or 5 a can, but I might only get one of those per 4-pack.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Day 19 is in the books! One more day until we hit the big 2-0. Nice work everyone!

Another ā€œHead in the Lionā€™s Mouthā€ evening here, but had a great time regardless. One of my friends in this crew is a behavioral psychologist and we had a fun chat about this, especially in regards to the dreams many of us are experiencing and creating new habits out of this exercise. And I hat have convinced someone else to jump in for February. Using my powers for good is fun ;)

Today I woke up from more delicious sleep, crushed my trip up Ventop on Zwift, and stayed nice and clear headed for the rest of my day. This is the groove of this month that I LOVE being in.


Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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18 for 19. (or not)

Looks like I'll survive another 80 hr week. One more day to an actual weekend off.
Proposals... ugh.

No dreams, but I never do. I'm down about 3 lbs it seems. 25 to go.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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19/19. 12 to go.
we are stopping on February 1, right?
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Dreamt I was in on some Ocean's Eleven/Reservoir Dogs/Spy vs Spy kinda caper involving a secret rendezvous on a train, involving handing off laptops and code names and passwords

But, when our train didn't make a stop where we were supposed to meet a team-member, because of an accident or emergency of some sort on an adjacent track [there were flashing lights and personnel neon safety vests involved] we had to go to Plan B - which there was no Plan B, so we got off at the next stop, stole a car somehow and back-tracked

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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That's some high level stuff dreaming!
My dream was simple. My uncle shipped me a box. It was great running shoes, but they were fully used. We just sat there laughing.
Today will be 20/20. Smooth sailing.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Jimmy B.] [ In reply to ]
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20's always look good ;)

Besides boredom, I don't have any real challenges for our 3rd weekend.

Longer term, since 2/1 is a Wednesday, I won't stop (start?) there. I've been contemplating dry February but it's looking like Super Bowl festivities will put an end to it. I'm good with 6 weeks.

Good luck with your weekend.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Day twenty is DONE! Weā€™ve almost made it through three whole weeks!

Whatā€™s everyoneā€™s game plan for the weekend? Hopefully itā€™s lather rinse repeat at this point for you. If not, weā€™re here for you!

Yā€™all, I got FABULOUS news about my heart today. Iā€™ve been cleared to train like I want to after suffering from covid long hauler nonsense. Iā€™m glad that right now Iā€™m in such a good place to do that with some amazing sleep and mindful fueling. And maybe this means Iā€™ll be a bit less pity party (at least about THAT) this year.


Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
Last edited by: Dr_Cupcake: Jan 21, 23 4:15
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Great news on the heart!!
Train On, while abstaining from alcohol of course.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Your heart news makes mine happy. My wife is long hauler. Congrats!

I, on the other hand, got real crappy bonus news from the boss yesterday. I almost broke down and said to hell with this; I really wanted to get drunk.

Thankfully, I realized Iā€™d feel worse about not seeing this through and didnā€™t.

Iā€™ve got a long hike on tap today and hope thatā€™ll be therapeutic and tiring so that I donā€™t let the bad news demons influence me tonight.

My first real challenge this time around.
Last edited by: stillrollin: Jan 21, 23 4:21
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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Oh no, Iā€™m so sorry to hear that! Iā€™m really proud of you for finding other outlets to vent your anger and disappointment. We are here for you if you need some extra stress ball action.

Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks! Your support means more than you know.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Well done and congratulations!

Like some others who've posted in the last day or two, I've had some pretty shitty personal stuff come up in the last week. I think I've rarely wanted a drink as bad as I did on Thursday, but also knew that having "one" (because, let's be real: I'd've had more like 3 or 4) would not only break up this good thing I've got going with not drinking, but also wouldn't make me feel better. Yesterday afternoon I thought to myself, "You know, if I've made it through the past couple days without drinking then I could stop forever if I wanted to." I don't want to, but you know what I mean: I'm surprised that I don't want/need it the way I thought I did.

Had a great trainer ride and some cozy, hip-opening yoga this morning -- looking forward to tomorrow morning's long swim in preparation for a 5K OW swim this spring. Onwards, indeed!

[what Yoda said about trying]
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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Feeling good, sleeping like a baby. Sauna 5x this week post training. Deciding if I immediately return to cocktails (2 per the weekends only) or running this streak through Feb. that said, a basket of French fries and a martini sounded very good on Friday afternoon.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Nerd] [ In reply to ]
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Nerd wrote:
Feeling good, sleeping like a baby. Sauna 5x this week post training. Deciding if I immediately return to cocktails (2 per the weekends only) or running this streak through Feb. that said, a basket of French fries and a martini sounded very good on Friday afternoon.

The February question is always a philosophical conundrum. The past few years I've adopted the "at least one day" into February to not feel too eager. And when the opportunity naturally presents after that one day rather than a planned thing. This philosphy can be extended to fries and martini. Leave one fry in the basket, leave the last sip in the martini glass. There is no scientific basis here. Just symbolic moderation.
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Bastet] [ In reply to ]
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Bastet wrote:
Well done and congratulations!

Like some others who've posted in the last day or two, I've had some pretty shitty personal stuff come up in the last week. I think I've rarely wanted a drink as bad as I did on Thursday, but also knew that having "one" (because, let's be real: I'd've had more like 3 or 4) would not only break up this good thing I've got going with not drinking, but also wouldn't make me feel better. Yesterday afternoon I thought to myself, "You know, if I've made it through the past couple days without drinking then I could stop forever if I wanted to." I don't want to, but you know what I mean: I'm surprised that I don't want/need it the way I thought I did.

Had a great trainer ride and some cozy, hip-opening yoga this morning -- looking forward to tomorrow morning's long swim in preparation for a 5K OW swim this spring. Onwards, indeed!

Well done you, im really proud of how youā€™ve handled yourself in this challenging time. Hugs in solidarity as you navigate the dismal swamp.

Youā€™ve hit on something here that Iā€™d like everyone to reread:

(Drinking) would not only break up this good thingā€¦but it wouldnā€™t make me feel better.

Bingo. Youā€™ve identified a huge trigger for your relationship with alcohol. Stress and trauma can lead to self-soothing in un/healthy ways, especially if time constraints to really process are present. Alcohol is a known local anesthesia for just this kind of thing, but it leads to more than just delayed processing of all of the above.

Food for thought for everyone, and major kudos to you for sticking to your promise to yourself in this rough patch.

Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [trail] [ In reply to ]
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February is always a conundrum for the streakers, but itā€™s always a really good learning tool as well. Once the calendar turns, do you run right back to your previous relationship with alcohol, do you approach it with trepidation, or do you ignore it as long as possible and keep on streaking? What have you learned in this month, and more importantly, how do you plan to apply it moving forward? Thereā€™s no ā€œcorrectā€ answer, at least a universal one, only one that will be the best picture of ā€œhealthyā€ for you.

Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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THREE WHOLE WEEKS ARE DONE. Congrats to all who are still plugging along! We start the countdown here- there are ten more check-ins for the month after tonight, and Iā€™d start planning your ā€œre-entryā€ strategy or your ā€œstay in orbitā€ strategy for February. Hopefully you are liking and appreciating how you're feeling right now!

It wasnā€™t an easy day here- blah day, long boring run, and football on through some heavy stress at home. I had an Athletic IPA and that seemed to hit the spot. I have a tough 36 hours ahead of me including another ā€œLionā€™s Mouthā€ situation at dinner tomorrow. Vibes of patience and grit are much appreciated.


Level II USAT Coach | Level 3 USAC Coach | NASM-CPT
Team Zoot | Tailwind Trailblazer
I can tell you why you're sick, I just can't write you an Rx
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Re: No Alcohol January 2023 [Dr_Cupcake] [ In reply to ]
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I'm 20 for 21.

My trip next week got easier. The customer meetings have been cancelled, so now we are just going to do some troubleshooting on the aircraft.

So, it's been shortened from 5 days to 2, and 5 people to 2 (me and one other). My fellow traveler has Chron's disease (and a fairly bad case of it) .... Therefore, I assume he doesn't drink.

That should make it easier for dry-Jan as well as keeping the run streak going in the 100/100.
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