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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [DieselPete] [ In reply to ]
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DieselPete wrote:
windywave wrote:

Crime....it's up.

Well, no, it isn't. I appreciate that the right-wing talking heads say it is, or that it feels like it is, or that it sure seems to be, but that doesn't make it true.

The challenge for Biden's campaign is to have people understand that, in spite of a some ugly videos of people doing smash-and-grab robberies at the Apple store.


Local crime is up in my area according to local news.

Every day the headline is "City Under Siege" for DC in the local news. It's a shit show. FBI agents, congress critters, even federal security are getting jacked.


I'll do just about anything to avoid going into DC. Baltimore? Same thing. At least in Baltimore I can carry if I want to.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [sosayusall] [ In reply to ]
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sosayusall wrote:
Trump fanning flames. Telling cops you have to rough up people. Telling everyone protestors will be put down like dogs.

You don’t think a group of cops torturing people is disturbing?

WTF are you talking about with your last sentence?

Trump didn't fan anymore flames than the news media. If the news would have covered the story you mentioned, it would have been the same. No one rioted after the story you mentioned, no one burned cars, no one set up autonomous zones. If you think Trump was the reason for all the violence, riots, autonomous zones, you are beyond help.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [TricentralPA2] [ In reply to ]
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TricentralPA2 wrote:
So answer this question- what party killed the recent BIPARTISAN border legislation, and under whose direction did they kill it?

Trump and R killed it. Sure seems like it was a little late into Biden's admin. Plus, if you listen to THOM, walls are the best way to prevent illegal immigration and close the border. We saw that in action yesterday as they attempted to rush in to the country illegally. Stopped in their tracks.

Did the bill have funds to build a huge wall along the entire border with iron gates and all the support needed to man the gate? No, then lets just have an election and see who does what at the border after the election.

You seem to forget its the busses to Chicago, NYC and other places that are driving most of the angst on the border. Folks don't like to see it up close and personal. That was the point of the OP.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:

What's comical is your self own. Yes, when there is a huge border wall, you know what, it works. But unfortunately, we don't seem to have a huge border wall along the entire border. ( see videos of river crossings daily)

Are you trying to be funny now?

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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
SDG wrote:

What's comical is your self own. Yes, when there is a huge border wall, you know what, it works. But unfortunately, we don't seem to have a huge border wall along the entire border. ( see videos of river crossings daily)

Are you trying to be funny now?

It worked beautifully yesterday to stop the mob, as you pointed out. We need it to be higher and have folks manning it. Put that in the next bill.

Did you even watch the video you posted. A dude from Circ du Soleil with a ladder might be able to get over, taking his time. Sure. But its stops mobs and mobs of folks. Using that video as some type of suggestion walls don't work for stopping folks from getting is so disingenuous.
Last edited by: SDG: Mar 22, 24 10:18
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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You said people covered George Floyd because it was disturbing. This story is just as disturbing! Makes no sense that in a vacuum one would get clicks and the other one wouldn’t.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Biden dropped the ball on the border. No doubt. But when we have a bipartisan bill to get a start on securing the border, it is in the best interests of the county to get that legislation in place. Biden said he would sign.

Trump only cares about Trump. He is a cancer.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [sosayusall] [ In reply to ]
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sosayusall wrote:
You said people covered George Floyd because it was disturbing. This story is just as disturbing! Makes no sense that in a vacuum one would get clicks and the other one wouldn’t.

It makes no sense the news wouldn't cover it as much. Why didn't they? I have never heard of it, never seen it on the news. There was a distinct effort it appears to not show it as much as they did George Floyd? I wonder why?

Both are clearly terrible.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [sosayusall] [ In reply to ]
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sosayusall wrote:
Folks want to be safe and comfortable first and foremost.

I would be really interested to hear if Jharris is going to vote for Biden. I remember in 2020 he said he had to vote for Trump because of the single issue that Trump was the only one going to keep his town (kenosha?) safe. There just hasnt been the civil unrest under Biden, so you would think he is much safer under Biden.

I am confident that jharris will dream up another absurd reason to vote for Trump a third time.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
But its stops mobs and mobs of folks. Using that video as some type of suggestion walls don't work for stopping folks from getting is so disingenuous.

your certainty is absurd. most migrants come through a port of entry. Smuggling is done in many many ways and "crossing by foot" is just one of many methods of transport. The desire to enter is what drives behavior. A wall wouldn't change that fundamental fact, it would only change the method of transport.

The problem is, you seem to only understand this issue by its physical aspects. Put yourself in the mind of an immigrant. The start is, "My life will be better if I immigrate to America, even if I do it illegally." "How do I get there," comes second. "I can enter America on foot because the wall is low," is not the thought that puts illegal immigration into motion.
Last edited by: ajthomas: Mar 22, 24 10:37
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [sosayusall] [ In reply to ]
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sosayusall wrote:
You said people covered George Floyd because it was disturbing. This story is just as disturbing! Makes no sense that in a vacuum one would get clicks and the other one wouldn’t.

The police torture story is very disturbing, too. However, the news stories right now related to the police torture is about the lengthy prison terms the torturing police are receiving. Apparently the system works to punish these wrong-doers. I’ve paid attention, but I don’t need to do anything about it.

Back when George Floyd was murdered, which was very disturbing, it looked like the system wasn’t working. Instead of talking about how police would be held accountable, Trump immediately focused his attention on the protests. The vast majority of protests were peaceful, and Trump characterized them as violent. Trump’s failure to identify the root problem and his failure to identify a solution to the root problem needed America’s attention.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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I've been informed I forgot an obvious one

Because the fucking progressive bleeding heart Palestinian supporters will not vote at all because they're mad at Biden for supporting Israel. One of them in the LR even said so. Even though another Trump administration would be far worse for their cause.

I'll admit this doesn't come up much around here....the only person I talked to about this is very Liberal but also Jewish so probably not representative
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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.the only person I talked to about this is very Liberal but also Jewish so probably not representative

I think most Jewish people are very liberal.

I think a majority Hasidic/orthodox (smaller subset) jews are conservatives.

So your Jewish friend is prob really representative
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [DieselPete] [ In reply to ]
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DieselPete wrote:
windywave wrote:

Crime....it's up.

Well, no, it isn't. I appreciate that the right-wing talking heads say it is, or that it feels like it is, or that it sure seems to be, but that doesn't make it true.

The challenge for Biden's campaign is to have people understand that, in spite of a some ugly videos of people doing smash-and-grab robberies at the Apple store.


Murders are down in 2023 compared to the pandemic peak in murder rate but I believe they are not down to levels seen before the pandemic. So we have a one or two year decline which was proceeded by a much bigger jump in the several years before. Biden's campaign isn't convincing people.


They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Last edited by: spockman: Mar 22, 24 11:14
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration.... Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they're getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They've spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don't like that one bit.

Crime....it's up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender... they don't mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation....Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn't that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn't like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it's worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.

excellent post. It will be argued with as to why it's "not true" and eventually will devolve into "but but Trump" rather than addressing what Biden and the Dems can/could do with the time remaining.

Blacks hispanics soccer moms. In about 4-7 states.

Anecdotally, My house in a swing state in 2020 went 3-0 Biden (with my daughter not making it to the polls due to "being in school"). We've added a 5th since then and as of today we are solidly 3-2 Trump with the 2 being the most likely to not make it to the polls.

Anecdotally, I had a dozen 18-19 yo's at my house one night last week (spring break from school everybody getting together at home). boys/men and girls/women. All 18-19 (none voted in 2020). They started the conversation, I was listening it was 12-0 Trump all over "Biden is an old dude we need to get him out of there"

you can't win on negative the other guy alone. There was a thread recently about "are you better off". Slowman, out of most all posters did the best job of trying to verbalize why he was (while calling Biden a centrist....). If I recall correctly the things he hung his hat on were:

1) nobody is F@@@@'ing with my entitlements
2) I can get a covid booster with my flu shot
3) nobody is destroying our national parks and monuments
4) i can take advantage of some solar credits for my pool and my gated compound.

That was the best case I saw built and, while I'm sure accurate, isn't exactly a list which strikes a chord with your average Americans current concerns.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [Tylertri] [ In reply to ]
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Tylertri wrote:
windywave wrote:
I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration.... Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they're getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They've spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don't like that one bit.

Crime....it's up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender... they don't mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation....Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn't that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn't like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it's worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.

excellent post. It will be argued with as to why it's "not true" and eventually will devolve into "but but Trump" rather than addressing what Biden and the Dems can/could do with the time remaining.

Blacks hispanics soccer moms. In about 4-7 states.

Anecdotally, My house in a swing state in 2020 went 3-0 Biden (with my daughter not making it to the polls due to "being in school"). We've added a 5th since then and as of today we are solidly 3-2 Trump with the 2 being the most likely to not make it to the polls.

Anecdotally, I had a dozen 18-19 yo's at my house one night last week (spring break from school everybody getting together at home). boys/men and girls/women. All 18-19 (none voted in 2020). They started the conversation, I was listening it was 12-0 Trump all over "Biden is an old dude we need to get him out of there"

you can't win on negative the other guy alone. There was a thread recently about "are you better off". Slowman, out of most all posters did the best job of trying to verbalize why he was (while calling Biden a centrist....). If I recall correctly the things he hung his hat on were:

1) nobody is F@@@@'ing with my entitlements
2) I can get a covid booster with my flu shot
3) nobody is destroying our national parks and monuments
4) i can take advantage of some solar credits for my pool and my gated compound.

That was the best case I saw built and, while I'm sure accurate, isn't exactly a list which strikes a chord with your average Americans current concerns.

Good point on the young folks. I have a number of collage age kids and they are all also voting for Trump as are their friends. I don't know a single friend of theirs that is voting for Biden.

The complaint by most is the guy is braindead and they laugh at the silly memes of Biden stumbling around verbally, looking like a dear in headlights and walking like he has a load in his diaper. While those aren't probably the reasons someone should vote for Trump over Biden, its working with these folks.

Mainly they think the entire system is rigged and the like Vivek and want him to go into the temple and run out the money changers. But that is not going to happen so they will vote for Trump this time around.
Quote Reply
Re: Why Biden may lose the election [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Tylertri wrote:
windywave wrote:
I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration.... Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they're getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They've spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don't like that one bit.

Crime....it's up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender... they don't mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation....Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn't that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn't like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it's worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.

excellent post. It will be argued with as to why it's "not true" and eventually will devolve into "but but Trump" rather than addressing what Biden and the Dems can/could do with the time remaining.

Blacks hispanics soccer moms. In about 4-7 states.

Anecdotally, My house in a swing state in 2020 went 3-0 Biden (with my daughter not making it to the polls due to "being in school"). We've added a 5th since then and as of today we are solidly 3-2 Trump with the 2 being the most likely to not make it to the polls.

Anecdotally, I had a dozen 18-19 yo's at my house one night last week (spring break from school everybody getting together at home). boys/men and girls/women. All 18-19 (none voted in 2020). They started the conversation, I was listening it was 12-0 Trump all over "Biden is an old dude we need to get him out of there"

you can't win on negative the other guy alone. There was a thread recently about "are you better off". Slowman, out of most all posters did the best job of trying to verbalize why he was (while calling Biden a centrist....). If I recall correctly the things he hung his hat on were:

1) nobody is F@@@@'ing with my entitlements
2) I can get a covid booster with my flu shot
3) nobody is destroying our national parks and monuments
4) i can take advantage of some solar credits for my pool and my gated compound.

That was the best case I saw built and, while I'm sure accurate, isn't exactly a list which strikes a chord with your average Americans current concerns.

Good point on the young folks. I have a number of collage age kids and they are all also voting for Trump as are their friends. I don't know a single friend of theirs that is voting for Biden.

The complaint by most is the guy is braindead and they laugh at the silly memes of Biden stumbling around verbally, looking like a dear in headlights and walking like he has a load in his diaper. While those aren't probably the reasons someone should vote for Trump over Biden, its working with these folks.

Mainly they think the entire system is rigged and the like Vivek and want him to go into the temple and run out the money changers. But that is not going to happen so they will vote for Trump this time around.

the consensus in my living room (not sure if it's right or not) was " average life span of US male is 77. Dude is 81 and looks half dead, we gotta get him out of there". I would note:

1) no mention of Harris in the conversation
2) they may be overlooking Trump's age as well, but the point is they ARE overlooking Trump's age relative to Biden's "age".

I like to listen to young people/young voters. while many don't end up actually voting it does give us LR'rs insight into where they are at. I found this significantly different posiiton vs. my 2 older ones in 2020 and their friends
Quote Reply
Re: Why Biden may lose the election [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Tylertri wrote:
windywave wrote:
I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration.... Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they're getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They've spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don't like that one bit.

Crime....it's up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender... they don't mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation....Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn't that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn't like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it's worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.

excellent post. It will be argued with as to why it's "not true" and eventually will devolve into "but but Trump" rather than addressing what Biden and the Dems can/could do with the time remaining.

Blacks hispanics soccer moms. In about 4-7 states.

Anecdotally, My house in a swing state in 2020 went 3-0 Biden (with my daughter not making it to the polls due to "being in school"). We've added a 5th since then and as of today we are solidly 3-2 Trump with the 2 being the most likely to not make it to the polls.

Anecdotally, I had a dozen 18-19 yo's at my house one night last week (spring break from school everybody getting together at home). boys/men and girls/women. All 18-19 (none voted in 2020). They started the conversation, I was listening it was 12-0 Trump all over "Biden is an old dude we need to get him out of there"

you can't win on negative the other guy alone. There was a thread recently about "are you better off". Slowman, out of most all posters did the best job of trying to verbalize why he was (while calling Biden a centrist....). If I recall correctly the things he hung his hat on were:

1) nobody is F@@@@'ing with my entitlements
2) I can get a covid booster with my flu shot
3) nobody is destroying our national parks and monuments
4) i can take advantage of some solar credits for my pool and my gated compound.

That was the best case I saw built and, while I'm sure accurate, isn't exactly a list which strikes a chord with your average Americans current concerns.

Good point on the young folks. I have a number of collage age kids and they are all also voting for Trump as are their friends. I don't know a single friend of theirs that is voting for Biden.

The complaint by most is the guy is braindead and they laugh at the silly memes of Biden stumbling around verbally, looking like a dear in headlights and walking like he has a load in his diaper. While those aren't probably the reasons someone should vote for Trump over Biden, its working with these folks.

Mainly they think the entire system is rigged and the like Vivek and want him to go into the temple and run out the money changers. But that is not going to happen so they will vote for Trump this time around.

my oldest is 24. Voted Biden in last election. Is now trying to figure out how to pay rent/car/food etc etc.

He sent me a meme last week. Picture of Biden; sons comment was "political ads have started". Caption of meme was "I'm Joe Biden, and I forgot this message".
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
gofigure wrote:
I agree. Lose soccer moms --lose election and that currently the soccer moms have issues. I'm guessing though that you did not follow up with the key question. Could they in good conscience pull the lever for the other guy? I'm further guessing that they admit to that being a very tough call. I will further guess that the moms in the swing states are also savvy enough to know withholding their vote could result in electing the worser guy and even the almighty is not going to solve some of those issues they feel now.

Do you ask people who they vote for? That's uncouth. I stridently avoid talking politics money or religion.

Like I said I don't know if they would vote for Trump but they may not put forth great effort to get to the polls. I could be wrong but it also could be a canary in the coal mine.

I'm sorry I should have said rhetorical question. But still you chose not to bring it up here and I thought the flip side to your question equally as important: why he will win because of those moms. The other guy served to motivate movement to the polls in 2020. My two cents worth of opinion on your Chicago moms is that abortion rights will play big time and the other guys performance up to and on Jan 6 will motivate them to vote in 2024.
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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Biden/Harris got 81 million votes, nore than anyone ever.

Trump has done nothing of consequence since that day except supposedly incite an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the government

All the things you laid out in your OP are not true because something something propaganda

And yet we are sitting here 7 months out having a serious discussion about the fact the Biden MIGHT lose re-election (with many of his supporters here grasping at reasoning that at least current polling doesn't bear out).

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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [Tylertri] [ In reply to ]
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Its really interesting that "kids" now are talking about politics 7-8 months before an election not only with their friends but with their parents.

I really cant remember a time talking about politics while I was in UG with either my parents (who worked for the GOP) or my friends.

I remember my parents always wanting me to watch the SOU with them/the sunday shows - but I generally think politics are a waste a time.

The only thing political I remember was during Katrina Kayne West saying "Bush doesnt care about black people" and Mike Myers face.

probably pretty good that more young adults are getting interested/discussing politics in their day to day lives.
Last edited by: sosayusall: Mar 22, 24 11:55
Quote Reply
Re: Why Biden may lose the election [Tylertri] [ In reply to ]
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Tylertri wrote:

Biden/Harris got 81 million votes, nore than anyone ever.

Trump has done nothing of consequence since that day except supposedly incite an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the government

All the things you laid out in your OP are not true because something something propaganda

And yet we are sitting here 7 months out having a serious discussion about the fact the Biden MIGHT lose re-election (with many of his supporters here grasping at reasoning that at least current polling doesn't bear out).


These polls?

Quote Reply
Re: Why Biden may lose the election [sosayusall] [ In reply to ]
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sosayusall wrote:
Its really interesting that "kids" now are talking about politics 7-8 months before an election not only with their friends but with their parents.

I really cant remember a time talking about politics while I was in UG with either my parents (who worked for the GOP) or my friends.

I remember my parents always wanting me to watch the SOU with them/the sunday shows - but I generally think politics are a waste a time.

The only thing political I remember was during Katrina Kayne West saying "Bush doesnt care about black people" and Mike Myers face.

probably pretty good that more young adults are getting interested/discussing politics in their day to day lives.

agree. In my case it wasn't with me active it was just amongst themselves but I agree with your position.

My wife is/was a dyed in the wool teachers union card carrying Dem and until now did most of the talking in our house and "thought" she had all 3 squared away until recently. The boys may be backsliding but not via any thumb on the scale by me (I know better than that....)
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Re: Why Biden may lose the election [geetee] [ In reply to ]
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geetee wrote:
Tylertri wrote:

Biden/Harris got 81 million votes, nore than anyone ever.

Trump has done nothing of consequence since that day except supposedly incite an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the government

All the things you laid out in your OP are not true because something something propaganda

And yet we are sitting here 7 months out having a serious discussion about the fact the Biden MIGHT lose re-election (with many of his supporters here grasping at reasoning that at least current polling doesn't bear out).


These polls?

yeah you're right. Nothing to see here. You got nothing to worry about. Biden is up comfortably as one would expect with his 3+ year track record going up against a racist rapist insurrectionist like Trump.

carry on being right.
Quote Reply
Re: Why Biden may lose the election [Tylertri] [ In reply to ]
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Tylertri wrote:
geetee wrote:
Tylertri wrote:

Biden/Harris got 81 million votes, nore than anyone ever.

Trump has done nothing of consequence since that day except supposedly incite an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the government

All the things you laid out in your OP are not true because something something propaganda

And yet we are sitting here 7 months out having a serious discussion about the fact the Biden MIGHT lose re-election (with many of his supporters here grasping at reasoning that at least current polling doesn't bear out).


These polls?

yeah you're right. Nothing to see here. You got nothing to worry about. Biden is up comfortably as one would expect with his 3+ year track record going up against a racist rapist insurrectionist like Trump.

carry on being right.

Thanks...I will! In the meantime, carry on inappropriately fondling your Trumpy Bear.
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